
First Responders Summit

1:00 pm - 8:00 pm EDT
FCC Headquarters

Public Notice  |  Revised Agenda
Webcast:  Event Video

The Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau (PSHSB) hosted the First Responders Summit: Focus on Public Safety Communications on Friday, April 20, 2007, in the Commission Meeting Room.

The summit included expert panel discussions led by representatives from the public safety community, the communications industry and government. It closed with an open roundtable forum for participants to raise key issues related to emergency preparedness and response.


  • EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS - DISASTER RESPONSE AND RESTORATION Tony Cira, Chief Information Officer, Federal Emergency Management Agency, US Department of Homeland Security | Powerpoint
  • COMMUNITY ORIENTED POLICING SERVICES (COPS) Michael Dame, Assistant Director of Grants Administration, US Department of Justice | Powerpoint