
July 2016 Open Commission Meeting

10:30 am - 12:30 pm EDT
Room TW-C305, 445 12th Street S.W., Washington, DC

The FCC held an Open Meeting on the subjects listed below:

  • Spectrum Frontiers
    The Commission considered a Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that would make spectrum in bands above 24 GHz available for flexible use wireless services, including for next-generation, or 5G, networks and technologies. (GN Docket No. 14-177; IB Docket No. 15-256; RM-11664; WT Docket No. 10-112; IB Docket No. 97-95).
  • Advancing Technology Transitions
    The Commission considered a Declaratory Ruling, Second Report and Order, and Order on Reconsideration that adopts a framework to guide transitions to next-generation communications technologies while protecting the interests of consumers and competition. (GN Docket No. 13-5; WC Docket No. 13-3; RM-11358).

The Consent Agenda scheduled for consideration at the Open Meeting, as listed in the initial Public Notice has been deleted.

Meeting Documents

FCC Adopts Rules to Facilitate Next Generation Wireless Technologies

FCC Updates Tech Transitions Review to Benefit Consumers, Innovation

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