On August 20, 2015 a host of small-minority and women-owned businesses converged on the FCC for its 4th Annual Supplier Diversity Conference and Workshop.  The FCC’s Office of Communications Business Opportunities (OCBO) hosted the event which focused on private sector business opportunities for small-minority and women-owned businesses.  OCBO invited representatives from private industry, specifically telecommunications and technology firms from across the country, to discuss their organizations’ contracting procedures and to provide insight on how small businesses should navigate the procurement process. 

Procurement and diversity executives from Cox Communications, Frontier Communications, Verizon, Sprint, AT&T, and Microsoft, as well as some of the more successful suppliers to these companies like A Unity System, The IT Architect, gathered to discuss how small businesses can distinguish themselves in the market for lucrative opportunities. 

The videos placed on the FCC/OCBO blog page are designed to introduce viewers to the kinds of businesses that attended the Supplier Diversity Conference.  Any opinions or ideas expressed in the videos do not necessarily reflect the views of the FCC, and the videos are not in any way an endorsement by the FCC of any company or individual that appears therein.

Conference and Fast-Pitching Video Participants