Docket Number:
MB Docket 02-70

This page provides information on applications for consent to the transfer of control of licenses and authorizations held by AT&T Corp. and its subsidiaries and affiliates and by Comcast Corporation and its subsidiaries and affiliates to AT&T Comcast Corporation, a Pennsylvania corporation.

These applications have been consolidated under MB Docket No. 02-70, and most of the record in the proceeding is accessible through the Electronic Comment Filing System. Copies of documents in the record may also be obtained for a fee from FCC's duplicating contractor Qualex International, or may be viewed and/or copied at the FCC Reference Center. The Media Bureau’s AT&T/Comcast web page will also contain electronic versions of selected key documents.


Day 188 - November 13, 2002

Public NoticePublic Comment PeriodPublic Comment PeriodPublic Comment PeriodPublic Comment PeriodPublic Comment PeriodReply PeriodReply PeriodReply PeriodReply PeriodReply PeriodReply PeriodPublic ForumPublic ForumPublic ForumCompleteness ReviewCompleteness ReviewCompleteness ReviewCompleteness ReviewCompleteness ReviewCompleteness ReviewCompleteness ReviewApplicants Submission of Major RevisionsApplicants Submission of Major RevisionsApplicants Submission of Major RevisionsApplicants Submission of Major RevisionsEn banc or public forum on revised applicationEn banc or public forum on revised applicationEn banc or public forum on revised applicationEn banc or public forum on revised applicationEn banc or public forum on revised applicationEn banc or public forum on revised applicationEn banc or public forum on revised applicationEn banc or public forum on revised applicationEn banc or public forum on revised applicationEn banc or public forum

Record Documents

Below is a list of record documents in reverse chronological order.

NOTICE, Filed on behalf of Comcast Corporation, Consent to the transfer of Control of Licenses from Comcast.

NOTICE, Filed on behalf of Comcast Corporation, Consent to the transfer of Control of Licenses from Comcast.
[ 1 | 2 | 3 ]

LETTER, Filed on behalf of Comcast Corporation, Consent to the transfer of Control of Licenses from Comcast.

LETTER, Filed on behalf of Stargate. net, Inc., Total Technology Solutions.

LETTER, Filed on behalf of Comcast Corporation, Consent to the transfer of Control of Licenses from Comcast.

Order Granting Request for Extension of Time, DA 03-173, MB

Reply of James J. Clancy to the Opposition to Reconsideration"

Reply to "Opposition to Petition for Reconsideration" filed by Marietta Petitioners

Request for Extension of Time to Comply with the Cable/SMATV Cross Ownership Rule filed by Comcast Corporation

Notice Concerning Compliance with the Safeguards filed by Comcast Corporation

Reply of James J. Clancy to the Opposition to Reconsideration, filed by Comcast Corporation and AT&T Corporation

Opposition to Petitions for Reconsideration filed by Comcast Corporation and AT&T Corp.

Certificate of Service | Certificate of Service

Certificate of Service filed by James J. Clancy

Certificate of Service, Letter to Chairman Michael J. Powell, Letter to Commissioner Kevin J. Martin, Letter to Commissioner Michael J. Copps, Letter to Commissioner Jonathan S. Adelstein, and Letter to Commissioner Kathleen Q. Abernathy filed by James J. Clancy

Notices to Consummate Agreement filed by Comcast Corporation et al. Acrobat | Acrobat

Certificate of Service filed by James J. Clancy

Petition For Reconsideration filed by James J. Clancy Acrobat | Acrobat | Acrobat | Acrobat | Acrobat | Acrobat | Acrobat | Acrobat

Letter filed by James J. Clancy

Petition for Reconsideration filed by Twelve Citizens of Marietta, Georgia

Notification of Consummation filed by Comcast Corporation

Certificate of Service filed by James J. Clancy

Letter, Petition Of James J. Clancy For Reconsideration, and Exhibit A filed by James J. Clancy

Petition Of James J. Clancy For Reconsideration, Declaration of Carol Clancy In Support, Declaration of James J. Clancy In Support, and Letter

Letter/Opposition filed by RCN Telecom Services, Inc.

Certificates of Trust for TWE Holdings I Trust and TWE Holdings III Trust

Notification of Consummation filed by Comcast Corporation, et al.

Notification of Consummation filed by Comcast Corporation

Certification of Compliance filed by AOL Time Warner Inc.

Final Executed Agreements and Declarations of Trust for Trusts I and III Acrobat | Acrobat | Acrobat | Acrobat

Notice of filing of CD (stored off-line) filed by James J. Clancy

Notification that Comcast Corporation and AT&T Corp. consummated their agreement and Press Release, "Comcast Completes AT&T Broadband Transaction," filed by Comcast Corporation

Revised Certification Letter filed by AT&T Corp. et al.

Memorandum Opinion and Order, FCC 02-310 Text | Word | Acrobat

Letter to Applicants from W. Kenneth Ferree, Chief, Media Bureau

FCC Grants Conditioned Approval of AT&T-Comcast Merger
News Release: Text | Word | Acrobat
Powell Statement: Text | Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Text | Word | Acrobat
Kenneth Ferree's Press Conference.

Notice Of Operating Trustee filed by Lawler Metzger & Milkman

Response to the Qwest/Eschelon OP-5 Data Reconciliation Report prepared by Cap Gemini Ernst & Young filed by Qwest Communications International Inc.

Notice of Lodging Exhibits In Support Of The Ex Parte Petition Of James J. Clancy To Deny Applications And Revoke Licenses, And (2) Additional Contentions

Revised Notification of filing confidential material under seal filed by AT&T Corp.

Notification of filing confidential material under seal filed by AT&T Corp.

Response to Emergency Motion For Suspension Of Proceeding filed by Comcast Corporation and AT&T Corp.

Emergency Motion For Suspension Of Proceeding filed by Consumer Federation of America

Commission Denies Request for Production of Documents in AT&T-Comcast Merger Proceeding, FCC 02-301 Acrobat | Text | Word

Response to CFA's Request to Inspect Confidential Documents filed by Comcast Corporation

Letter, Press Release announcing AT&T's latest third-party ISP agreement, and Wall Street Journal article filed by Comcast Corporation and AT&T Corp.

Notification of filing confidential material under seal filed by Comcast Corporation et al.

href="…">Response to CFA's Request to Inspect Confidential Documents filed by Comcast Corporation

Letter to FCC and attached Request to Applicants to Inspect Confidential Documents and Acknowledgment of Confidentiality filed by Consumer Federation of America

Ex Parte Petition of James J. Clancy to Deny Applications and Revoke Licenses and Exhibit in Support filed by James J. Clancy

Response to Request for Additional Information filed by Comcast Corporation and AT&T Corp.

RCN Telecom Services, Inc., Written Ex Parte Presentation in Reponse to Comcast and AT&T, re Media Bureau Staff Research Papers, and in Support Of RCN Petition To Deny Applications or Condition Consent

Letter transmitting TWE Trust II and TWE Trust III filed by Comcast Corporation and AT&T Corp.

Request to Inspect the confidential, unredacted versions of all material submitted pertaining to the TWE Trust and the TWE Restructuring Agreement filed by Consumer Federation of America, et al. Acrobat| Acrobat | Acknowledgment of Confidentiality

Reply to Applicants October 30 Response to CFA's Memorandum filed by Consumer Federation of America, et al.

Response to CFA's Memorandum in Response to Questions Propounded by Office of General Counsel and Earthlink's October 29 Letter filed by AT&T Corp.

Response to Applicants October 28 Letter filed by EarthLink, Inc.

Response to Applicants October 24 and October 25 Letters filed by EarthLink, Inc.

Response to an Information Request by Commissioner Martin filed by Media Access Project


Memorandum In Response To Questions Propounded By The Office Of General Counsel filed by Consumer Federation of America, et al.

Letter concerning ISP Agreement filed by Comcast Corporation and AT&T Corp.

Final Agreement and Declaration of Trust filed by Comcast Corporation and AT&T Corp.

Letter concerning status of pending franchise filed by Comcast Corporation and AT&T Corp.

Response to October 16 filing by Consumer Federation of America, et al., filed by Comcast Corporation

Response to October 11 filing by Consumer Federation of America, et al., filed by National Cable & Telecommunications Association

Agreement and Declaration of Trust filed by AT&T Corp. and Comcast Corporation

Supplement to Comments filed by Braintree Electric Light Department

Supplement Reply Comments filed by American Cable Association

Written Ex Parte Submission filed by Consumer Federation of America, et al.

Response to an Ex Parte Presentation filed by Broadband Service Providers Association on September 19 filed by Comcast Corporation and AT&T Corp.

Revised Safeguards Reflecting Clarafications Requested by FCC filed by Comcast Corporation and AT&T Corp.

Letter certifying that AT&T Comcast will, at closing of merger, hold a non-attributable, insulated limited partnership interest in Time Warner Entertainment Company, L.P. filed by Comcast Corporation and AT&T Corp.

Media Bureau Releases Two Staff Research Papers Relevant To The Cable Ownership Rulemaking and The AT&T-Comcast Proceedings.
News Release: Text | Word | Acrobat
Public Notice: Text | Word | Acrobat
"Asymmetric Bargaining Power and Pivotal Buyers," by Nodir Adilov and Peter J. Alexander: Text | Acrobat
"Most-Favored Customers in the Cable Industry," by Nodir Adilov and Peter J. Alexander: Text | Acrobat

Response to Information Request filed by AT&T Comcast Corp.

Modified Agreement and Declaration of Trust filed by Comcast Corporation and AT&T Corp.

Response to Information Request filed by Comcast Corporation and AT&T Corp.

Response to Inspect Confidential Materials filed by Comcast Corporation

Letter to Supplement Record filed by Comcast Corporation and AT&T Corp.

Further Response to Information Request filed by Comcast Corporation and AT&T Corp.

Response to Supplement to Petition To Deny and attached excerpts from a RCN Power Point Presentation Opportunity in the Residential Communications Market filed by Comcast Corporation and AT&T Corp.

Request to Inspect Documents and Acknowledgment of Confidentiality filed by Earthlink, Inc.

Letter regarding placing AT&T's interest in Time Warner Entertainment, Company in an irrevocable disposition trust filed by Comcast Corporation and AT&T Corp.

Letter to supplement the record regarding AT&T Broadband's non-attributable interest in Cablevision Systems Corp. filed by AT&T Corp.

Supplement to Petition To Deny filed by Consumers Union, Consumer Federation of America, and Media Access Project

Notice of Confidential Material Filed Under Seal filed by Comcast Corporation and AT&T Corp.

Letter from W. Kenneth Ferree Stopping the 180-Day Clock

Letter from New Jersey Board of Public Utilities

Petitioners' Reply To Joint Opposition of Comcast and AT&T Corp. To Motion To Provide Additional Information filed by CFA, et al.

Reply of Earthlink, Inc. to Joint Opposition of Comcast Corporation and AT&T Corp. filed by Earthlink, Inc.

Letter regarding divestiture of TWE Interest filed by Comcast Corporation and AT&T Corp.

Letter/Amendment to Applications providing appendices that list Comcast and AT&T Broadband cable systems, their ownership structures, and total number of subscribers filed by Comcast Corporation and AT&T Corp.

Letter regarding "Safeguards Relating to Video Programming" in AT&T Media One Merger Order filed by Comcast Corporation and AT&T Corp.

Response to Information Request filed by Comcast Corporation and AT&T Corp.

Redacted--Exhibits and other agreements related to the TWE Restructuring Agreement filed by Comcast Corporation and AT&T Corp.

Joint Opposition of Comcast Corporation and AT&T Corp.

Response to Comments submitted in Response to Public Notice Inviting Comment on Trust Terms and copy of the proposed "Agreement and Declaration of Trust" filed by AT&T Corp. and Comcast Corporation

Response to Submissions by RCN Corporation filed by AT&T Corp. and Comcast Corporation

Comments of Petitioners Consumer Federation of America, Consumer Union, Center for Digital Democracy, and Media Access Project on Proposed Time Warner Entertainment L.P. Trust

Motion of Petitioners Consumer Federation of America, Consumer Union, Center for Digital Democracy, and Media Access Project to Require Applicants AT&T Broadband and Comcast to Provide Information Material to Consideration of Application to Transfer Control of Licenses

Motion of EarthLink, Inc. for an Order Requiring Submission of Additional Information, Providing for Supplemental Comment, and Suspending the 180 Day Review Period filed by EarthLink, Inc.

Supplemental Comments Of EarthLink, Inc. filed by EarthLink, Inc.

Note and Written Ex Parte Comments in Response to Comcast filed by RCN Telecom Services, Inc.

Motion Of Petitioners Consumer Federation Of America, Consumer Union, Center For Digital Democracy, and Media Access Project To Require Applicants AT&T And Comcast To Provide Information Material To Consideration Of Application To Transfer Of Control Of Licenses

Written Ex Parte Comments filed by RCN Telecom Services, Inc.

Public Notice, Media Bureau Announces Receipt of Supplemental Information from Applicants in AT&T-Comcast Proceeding; Establishes Comment Deadline for MB Docket 02-70, DA 02-2090 Acrobat | Word
Supplemental Information

Public Notice, Media Bureau Announces Extension of Comment Period in AT&T-Comcast Proceeding, DA 02-2079 Acrobat | Word | Text

Corrected Notice of Ex Parte Presentation, Letter requesting the FCC stop-the-clock, and attached Prime Communications v. AT&T - An Economic Analysis by Michael A. Turner, Ph.D by filed by Prime Communications

AT&T and Comcast Press Release "AOL Time Warner, AT&T and Comcast Agree to Restructure Time Warner Entertainment Partnership" filed by Comcast Corporation

Letter and Restructuring Agreement filed by Comcast Corporation

Response to Information Request filed by AT&T Corp.

Letter/Consent to Review Documents filed by RCN Telecom Services, Inc. and RCN Telecom Letter to the Department of Justice

Response to Document and Information Request filed by Comcast Corporation

Response to Prime Communications, Inc.'s Letter filed by AT&T Corp.

Acknowledgments of Confidentiality filed by Prime Communication, Inc.

Acknowledgments of Confidentiality filed by Verizon Telephone Companies et al.

Response to Prime Communications, Inc.'s Letter filed by AT&T Corp.

Response to SBC Communications Inc.'s Letter filed by AT&T Corp.

Response to the Verizon Request to inspect documents filed by Comcast Corporation and AT&T Corp.

Public Notice stopping clock to accommodate pleading cycle.
Media Bureau Seeks Comment on Proposed Insulation and Divestiture of AT&T’s Interest in Time Warner Entertainment, L.P. Public Notice | Applicants' Letter

Proposed Material Terms and Conditions to Govern Establishment of Trusts to Hold AT&T's Limited Partnership Interests in TWE filed by Comcast Corporation and AT&T Corp.

Order Ruling On Joint Objections, Media Bureau, DA 02-1952

Letter in Response to Request to Inspect Confidential Documents filed by Comcast Corporation and AT&T Corp.

Press Release, "Comcast Announces Additional Details For Voice Service Plans" filed by Comcast Corporation

Response to Request for Additional Information filed by Comcast Corporation

Acknowledgments of Confidentiality filed by RCN Telecom Services, Inc.

Joint Response of Comcast Corporation and AT&T Corp. to Opposition of Verizon to Joint Objection of Comcast and AT&T to Disclosure of Confidential Information

Opposition of Verizon Telephone Companies and Verizon Internet Solutions D/B/A to Joint Objection of Comcast Corporation and AT&T Corp. to Disclosure of Confidential Information

Cover Letter and Further Document and Information Request by the Chief, Industry Analysis Division, Media Bureau

Letter in Response to Request to Inspect Confidential Documents filed by Comcast Corporation and AT&T Corp.

Due 7/18/02
Responses to OPP Working Paper

Joint Objection of Comcast Corporation and AT&T Corp. to Disclosure of Confidential Information

Reply Letter filed by SBC Communications Inc.

Response to the AOL Time Warner Inc. Request to inspect documents filed by Comcast Corporation and AT&T Corp.

Request to inspect the unredacted, confidential versions of all responses and documents submitted by Comcast and AT&T in connection with the FCC's First Information Request filed by AOL Time Warner Inc.

Response to Document and Information Request filed by AT&T Corp.

Response to Document and Information Request filed by AT&T Corp.

Response to Document and Information Request filed by Comcast Corporation Acrobat | Acrobat | Acrobat

Response to Document and Information Request filed by Comcast Corporation Acrobat | Acrobat | Acrobat | Acrobat | Acrobat

Response to Document and Information Request filed by Comcast Corporation

Response to Document and Information Request filed by Comcast Corporation

Response to Document and Information Request filed by Comcast Corporation

Cover Letter and Document and Information Request by the Chief, Industry Analysis Division, Media Bureau

Due 6/05/02
Reply to Oppositions

Public Notice, Media Bureau Seeks Comment On Experimental Economics Study Examining Horizontal Concentration In The Cable Industry, DA 02-1304 Acrobat | Word | Text and Attachment | Attachment | Attachment

OPP Working Paper 35, Horizontal Concentration In The Cable Industry: An Experiemental Analysis

Acknowledgment of Confidentiality Letter filed by Lawler, Metzger & Milkman, counsel to Comcast Corporation

Redacted Letter submitted in support of the Petition to Deny Applications or Condition Consent filed by RCN Telecom Services, Inc.

Order Granting Motion for Extension of Time of Joint Consumer Petitioners (DA 02-1254) Acrobat | Word | Text

Motion for Extenion of Time of Joint Consumers Petitioners

Due 05/14/02
Reply Comments/Oppositions to Petitions

Erratum and Order Extending Filing Deadline by the Chief, Media Bureau (DA 02-1033)
Acrobat | Word | Text

Motion For Extension Of Time filed by Comcast Corporation and AT&T Corp.

Due 4/29/02

Request for Extension of Public Comment Period filed by Clayton John Leander Jr., Contra Costa Cable TV Assessment Task Force

Redacted Letter filed by AT&T Corp.

Hart-Scott-Rodino Waiver Letter filed by Comcast Corporation and AT&T Corp.

Protective Order by the Chief, Media Bureau (DA 02-734) Acrobat | Word | Text

Public Notices

Public Notice, Media Bureau Announces Receipt of Supplemental Information from Applicants in AT&T-Comcast Proceeding; Establishes Comment Deadline for MB Docket 02-70, DA 02-2090
Acrobat | Word
Supplemental Information

Public Notice, Media Bureau Announces Extension of Comment Period in AT&T-Comcast Proceeding, DA 02-2079 Acrobat | Word | Text

Public Notice stopping clock to accommodate pleading cycle.
Media Bureau Seeks Comment on Proposed Insulation and Divestiture of AT&T’s Interest in Time Warner Entertainment, L.P. Public Notice | Applicants' Letter

Public Notice, Media Bureau Seeks Comment On Experimental Economics Study Examining Horizontal Concentration In The Cable Industry, DA 02-1304 Acrobat | Word | Text and Attachment | Attachment | Attachment

Public Notice, AT&T Corp. And Comcast Corporation Seek FCC Consent For A Proposed Transfer Of Control, MB Docket No. 02-70 (DA 02-733) Acrobat | Word | Text


Public Interest Statement filed by Comcast Corporation and AT&T Corp.



  1. Agreement and Plan of Merger Between AT&T Corp. and Comcast Corporation
  2. List of Licenses To Be Transferred

2/28/02 - 3/28/02
AT&T and Comcast have filed applications to transfer control of radio licenses in the Cable Television Relay Service, Satellite Communications Service, Land Mobile Radio Services, Common Carrier Point-to-Point Microwave Service, Private Point-to-Point Microwave Service, Wireless Communications Service, and Paging and Radiotelephone Services; and Domestic and International Section 214 Authorizations


The proposed transfer of control will result from the spin-off of AT&T Broadband Corp. (“AT&T Broadband”), a holding company for AT&T’s broadband division, to AT&T’s shareholders, and the subsequent merger of AT&T Broadband and Comcast into wholly-owned subsidiaries of AT&T Comcast. After the merger is consummated, existing AT&T shareholders will hold 53 percent of the economic interest and between 54 and 58 percent of the voting interest of AT&T Comcast; existing Comcast shareholders will hold 41 percent of the economic interest and between 3 and 7 percent of the voting interest of AT&T Comcast; and Brian L. Roberts will directly or indirectly hold 1 percent of the economic interest and 33 percent of the voting interest of AT&T Comcast.

AT&T Broadband is a major provider of cable television service, serving 13.44 million customers through cable systems in which AT&T Broadband holds more than a 50 percent interest. AT&T Broadband also holds a 50 percent or less interest in cable systems serving in the aggregate 16,585,000 additional customers. The latter group includes AT&T Broadband’s 25.51 percent limited partnership interest in Time Warner Entertainment, which serves 12.8 million cable subscribers on systems that it owns or manages. AT&T Broadband also provides cable modem services and cable telephony services and holds attributable interests in certain national and regional video programming services.

Comcast also is a major provider of cable television service, serving 8,481,500 million subscribers through cable systems in which it holds an attributable interest. Additionally, it holds a general partnership interest in high-speed Internet access service, electronic commerce, video programming and other services. Comcast offers a number of services that it characterizes as “interactive TV services,” provides telephone service to over 40,000 customers, and offers integrated broadband communications services to over 4,000 business and governmental customers. Additionally, Comcast holds attributable interests in several regional and national video programming networks, and owns various sports teams and arenas.

The Applicants assert that the proposed transaction will accelerate the deployment of facilities-based broadband and cable telephony services, as well as digital video services. The Applicants submit that this will occur because the greater scale and scope economies, cost savings, and financial standing that the combined company would better enable it to make new investments in these technologies and services. The Applicants also assert that the combined company would be in a better position to leverage AT&T Broadband’s expertise in providing cable telephony on the Comcast cable systems.

Interested parties may file comments or petitions to deny the applications no later than April 29, 2002. Oppositions or responses to these comments and petitions may be filed no later than May 14, 2002. Given recent changes in the mail delivery process, we strongly urge commenters and petitioners to use the Commission’s Electronic Comment Filing System (ECFS).

Because this proceeding involves broad public policy issues, the proceeding will be treated as “permit but disclose” for purposes of the Commission’s ex parte rules. See generally 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.1200-1.1216. Should circumstances warrant, this proceeding or any related proceeding may be designated as restricted. Under “permit but disclose” procedures, ex parte presentations will be governed by the procedures set forth in Section 1.1206 of the Commission’s rules applicable to non-restricted proceedings.

Clock History

Day 1 was on: 03/29/02
This information was last updated on: 11/13/02

Clock Stopped Clock
Reason for Stop
Day Date
188 11/13/02    

Memorandum Opinion and Order, FCC 02-310 Text | Word | Acrobat

153 9/24/02 10/10/02 15

Letter from W. Kenneth Ferree Stopping the 180-Day Clock

134 8/9/02 9/6/02 27

Public Notice, Media Bureau Announces Receipt of Supplemental Information from Applicants in AT&T-Comcast Proceeding; Establishes Comment Deadline for MB Docket 02-70, DA 02-2090 Acrobat | Word
Supplemental Information

Public Notice, Media Bureau Announces Extension of Comment Period in AT&T-Comcast Proceeding, DA 02-2079 Acrobat | Word | Text

Public Notice stopping clock to accommodate pleading cycle.
Media Bureau Seeks Comment on Proposed Insulation and Divestiture of AT&Tç?´ Interest in Time Warner Entertainment, L.P. Public Notice | Applicants' Letter

Roger Holberg
Media Bureau
(202) 418-2134
Linda Senecal
Media Bureau
(202) 418-7044
General Information

This page contains an indexed unofficial listing of and electronic links to most materials in this docket. The applications and any associated documents are also available for public inspection and copying during normal reference room hours at the FCC Reference Center. Copies of the applications and any subsequently-filed documents in this matter also may be obtained through the Commission's Electronic Comment Filing System. To request materials in accessible formats for people with disabilities (Braille, large print, electronic files, audio format), send an e-mail to or call the Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau at 202-418-0530 (voice), 202-418-0432 (tty).