Global Crossing Ltd. (Debtor-in-Possession) And GC Acquisition Limited (“New GX)”
This page provides information on applications filed by Global Crossing Ltd. (Debtor-in-Possession) (“Global Crossing”) and GC Acquisition Limited (“New GX” and, together with Global Crossing, the “Applicants”) filed applications pursuant to sections 214 and 310(d) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended (“Communications Act”), and the Cable Landing License Act to transfer control of Global Crossing’s FCC-licensed subsidiaries from Global Crossing to New GX. On May 13, 2003, the Applicants filed an amendment to their applications reflecting the fact that Hutchison Telecommunications Limited, a Hong Kong company (“Hutchison Telecom”), had withdrawn as an investor and that Singapore Technologies Telemedia Pte Ltd., a Singapore company (“ST Telemedia”), had assumed Hutchison Telecom’s rights and obligations under the purchase agreement in addition to retaining its own rights and obligations thereunder.
The Applicants also request a declaratory ruling that the proposed indirect ownership interest in Global Crossing North American Networks, Inc. by ST Telemedia is in the public interest under section 310(b)(4) of the Communications Act.
The Applicants state that the transaction is intended to facilitate the reorganization of Global Crossing under Chapter 11 of the U. S. Bankruptcy Code. The transaction contemplates that Global Crossing will transfer its assets and operations, including its ownership interests in the FCC-Licensed Subsidiaries, to New GX and that ST Telemedia will invest in New GX. In exchange, ST Telemedia will obtain 61.5% of New GX’s equity and voting interests. Pre-Chapter 11 creditors of Global Crossing and its debtor subsidiaries will obtain 38.5% of New GX’s equity and voting interests.
These applications have been consolidated under IB Docket No. 02-286, and most of the record in the proceeding is accessible through the Electronic Comment Filing System. Copies of documents in the record may also be obtained for a fee from FCC's duplicating contractor Qualex International, or may be viewed and/or copied at the FCC Reference Center.
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Record Documents
Below is a list of record documents in reverse chronological order.
Letter filed by PC Landing Corp.
Status Request filed by Policy Division, International Bureau
Letter filed by PC Landing Corp.
Letter filed by Global Crossing Ltd. and GC Acquisition Limited
Notice of Consummation filed by Global Crossing Ltd. and GC Acquisition Limited
Reply to Opposition filed by P.C. Landing Corp.
Opposition to Petition for Reconsideration filed by Global Crossing Ltd. and GC Acquisition Limited
Petition for reconsideration filed by PC Landing Corp.
Global Crossing Transaction Approved.
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Order: Word | Acrobat
Appendix C & D: Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Comment, filed on behalf of COMMAXXESS. COMMAXXESS supplemental response in opposition to the applicants fourth amended application for consent to transfer control and petition for declatory ruling.
Letter, filed on behalf of Global Crossing Ltd. GC Acquisition Limited submits this letter in response to the Commission's Public Notice of July 2, 2003.
Comment, filed on behalf of COMMAXXESS, COMMAXXESS' Supplemental Response in Opposition to the Applicants Fourth Amended Application for Consent to Transfer Control and Petition for Declatory Ruling.
Errata, filed on behalf of Global Crossing Ltd. and GC Acquisition Limited. Bench Decision on Motion for Authority to Amend Purchase Agreement, for Authority to Grant Releases, and for Extension of Exclusivity.
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Reply, filed on behalf of IDT Corporation. IDT Corporation replies to the response of Global Crossing Ltd. and GC Acquisition Limited to comments on the third amendment.
Reply Comm, filed on behalf of Global Crossing Ltd. and GC Acquisition Limited, who submit their reply comments in response to the recent comments of XO Communications.
Comment, filed on behalf of COMMAXXESS. CommAxxess' Response in Opposition to the Applicants Fourth Amended Application for Consent to Transfer Control and Petition for Declatory Ruling.
Comment, filed on behalf of ACN files this response to point out the Commission that it either requires Applicants to identify every individual subject to certification, or run the risk of creating a dual standard for certification in which domestic license holders or applicants are held to a higher standard than foreign applicants.
Amendment, filed on behalf of Global Crossing Ltd. and GC Acquisition Limited. Fourth Amendment to Application for Consent to Control and Petition for Declatory Ruling.
Comment, filed on behalf of COMMAXXESS; Response in Opposition to the Applicants Consolidated Response to all Pending Comments and Matter Before the Commission.
Comment, filed on behalf of Alice Wong, urging the FCC to look into the offer from CommAxxess dated June 10 with a 10% stock position in the Newco for the existing preferred and common shareholders.
Comment, filed on behalf of XO Communications, Inc. in Opposition the above-referenced application that seeks Commission approval for the transfer of control of Global Crossing Ltd. and GC Acquisition Limited to state-owned Singapore Technologies Telemedia Pte Ltd and the resulting indirect foreign ownership by ST Telemedia.
Reply Comm, filed on behalf of Global Crossing Ltd. and GC Acquisition Limited. Consolidated Response of Global Crossing Ltd and GC Acquisition Limited to Comments on Third Amendment.
Comment, filed on behalf of Global Crossing in Opposition to Amended Applications and Petition for Declatory Ruling.
Comment, filed on behalf of Global Crossing. Objections to Amended Applications and Petition for Declatory Ruling.
Comment, filed on behalf of COMMAXXESS. Supplemental Response in Opposition to Comments Filed by the Organization for International Investment Suggesting That a Free Trade Treaty and WTO Matters Override National Security Matters.
Comment, filed on behalf of COMMAXXESS. Supplemental Response in Support of National Security Issues and Objecting to Transfers of Control to ST Telemedia.
Petition, filed on behalf of IDT Corporation. Petition to dismiss or deny and opposition to petition for declatory ruling.
Comment on behalf of the Organization for International Investment. The Organization for International Investment submits these comments with respect to the proposed investment in GC Acquisition Limited.
Comment on behalf of Mary Lou Buttram. Objection to the sale of Global Crossing to Singapore Technologies Telemedia.
Comment on behalf of CommAxxess. CommAxxess's response in support of national security issues.
Letter on behalf of XO Communications, Inc. Re: Global Crossing, Ltd., and GC Acquisition Limited application to Transfer and Request for Declatory Ruling Allowing Indirect Ownership.
Comment filed on behalf of Commaxxess. Application for Consent to Transfer Control and Petition for Declatory Ruling.
Letter on behalf of the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors concerning the Global Crossing bankruptcy proceeding.
Comment filed on behalf of James C. Anderson urging the FCC to oppose the Singapore Technologies Telemedia Pte Ltd purchase of GBLXQ.
COMMENT filed on behalf of CommAxxess, successor of Global Axxess. CommAxxess' Amended Fourth Supplemental Response to ST Telemedia's Third Appplication for Consent to Transfer Control and Petition for Declatory Ruling.
Comment filed on behalf of CommAxess, successor of Global Axxess. CommAxxess' Amended Fourth Supplemental Response to ST Telemedia's Third Appplication for Consent to Transfer Control and Petition for Declatory Ruling.
Comment filed on behalf of Randall A. Louis, expressing his objection to ST Telemedia's petition for the transfer of Global Crossing's license to own and operate a telecom network.
Comment, filed on behalf of CommAxxess, successor of GlobalAxxess. CommAxxess' Third Supplemental Response to ST Telemedia's Third Application for Consent to Transfer Control and Petition for Declatory Ruling. The PRNews services refused to run the following press release that was to go out either June 3, 2003 or June 4, 2003. "We" have delivered the message through other news outlets and channels.
Comment, filed on behalf of CommAxxess, successor of GlobalAxxess. CommAxxess' Supplemental Response to ST Telemedia's Third Application for Consent to Transfer Control and Petition for Declatory Ruling. CommAxxess, Inc is the successor corporation to GlabalAxxess, LLC. In the future all responses will be under the name of CommAxxess.
Comment, filed on behalf of Robert Bruening, opposing "the deal" with Global Crossing's sale to STT.
Comment, filed on behalf of Global Axxess. GlobalAxxess' Supplemental Response to ST Telemedia's Third Application for Consent to Transfer Control and Petition for Declatory Ruling.
Comment, filed on behalf of S.W. Lee.
Comment, filed on behalf of S.S. Lam, supporting GlobalAxxess' plan to bid GX.
Comment, filed on behalf of GlobalAxxess. Disclosure Statement for Debtors' Joint Plan of Reorganization.
Comment, filed on behalf of GlobalAxxess. GlobalAxxess' Second Response to ST Telemedia's Third Application for Consent to Transfer Control and Petition for Declatory Ruling.
Comment, filed on behalf of Esther Lee, filing her support to GlobalAxxess in their purchase Agreement to bid GX as their offer would include existing shareholders.
Letter, filed on behalf of Global Crossing Ltd. and GC Acquisition Limited, to clarify the record with respect to the May 9, 2003 submission by GlobalAxxess.
Letter, filed on behalf of Global Crossing Ltd. and GC Acquisition Limited, Applicants. Specifically, Applicants advise the Commission of three additional proposed foreign carrier affiliations and update Attachments A, E, and G to the Third Amendment filed by Applicants on May 13, 2003.
Comment, filed on behalf of Paul H. Kolaczynski, requesting that the FCC support Karl Schwarz and GlobalAxxess in their attempt to make a bid to take ownership of Global Crossing.
Complaint, filed on behalf of Douglas Myers, urging the FCC to stop the sale and open Global Crossing for competitive Bidding by American Companies.
Comment, filed on behalf of Tony Lau, requesting that the FCC support Karl Schwarz in his company GlobalAxxess Proposal to big Global Crossing.
Comment, filed on behalf of L.Y. Wong, protesting against GX request for extension of its exclusivity period to Oct. 28, and to restructure a Stand-Alone Plan.
Public Notice, Global Crossing Ltd. and GC Acquisition Limited File May 13, 2003 Amendment To Applications Acrobat | Word
Public Notice, filed on behalf of the Policy Division. May 13, 2003 Amendment to Applications.
Comment, filed on behalf of Global Crossing. ACN supports those who oppose so much of Applicants' Amendment No. 3, filed May 13, 2003, as seeks a foreshortened comment period on the major amendment just tendered to the Commission, in the event the original application is not deemed abandoned and the clock not restarted at Day 1.
Comment, filed on behalf of Edward M. Killilea, stating that the request for an expedite ruling should be denied.
Comment, filed on behalf of Global Crossing Ltd.Third Amendment to Application for Consent to Transfer Control and Petition for Declatory Ruling and Expedited Treatment.
Comment, filed on behalf of Charles Nelson, in support of GlobalAxxess' response to ST Telemedia proposal to submit a modified application and change of control and declatory ruling separate from Hutchison Whampoa.
Amendment, filed on behalf of Global Crossing Ltd. and GC Acquisition Limited. Third Amendment To Apply for Consent to Transfer Control and Petition for Declatory ruling and Request for Expedited Treatment.
Comment, filed on behalf Christopher Lau, supporting GlobalAxxess' bid to Global Crossing.
Decision, filed on behalf of Alice Wong, in support of GlobalAxxess position and their reorganization plan for Global Crossing.
Comment, filed on behalf of Alice Wong, urging the FCC not to approve the deal before there is an uproar in the investment community on this FRAUD and to OPEN up again for new Bids on GX, those who are friendly with existing shareholders.
Comment, filed on behalf of Alan C. Mitchell, claiming that the FCC must stop the transfer of Global Crossing, (GX) Ltd. to foreign agents.
Comment, filed on behalf of Michael K. Ashbrook, urging the FCC to protect the individual investors in this Global Crossing scam.
Comment, filed on behalf Tony Lau, objecting the give away of Global Crossing network to a foreign entity (STT) so that tit can operate this network FREE OF DEBT in competition to U.S. carriers who compete honestly.
Comment, filed on behalf of GlobalAxxess, GlobalAxxess' response to ST Telemedia's proposal to submit a modified application for change of control and declatory ruling separate from Hutchison Whampoa.
Comment, filed on behalf of Terence Mooney, expressing his support for this proposal due to the honor and integrity that Karl Schwarz has show in being cognizant that Global Crossing Management has committed fraud prior and during it's bankruptcy and there are major National security issues with a foreign company having a majority control of Global Crossing's important assets.
Complaint, filed on behalf of Jerry and Linda Buchanan, supporting the ST Telemedia's bid.
Petition, filed on behalf of Steven A. Wilson, voicing his strong support for GlobalAxxess.
Comment, filed on behalf of Todd Simon, urging the FCC not to approve the GX Singapore deal.
Comment, filed on behalf of John Cox, expressing his support for this proposal due to the honor and integrity that Karl Schwarz has show in being cognizant that Global Crossing Management has committed fraud prior and during it's bankruptcy and there are major National security issues with a foreign company having a majority control of Global Crossing's important assets.
Comment, filed on behalf of Carol Canale, expressing her support for this proposal due to the honor and integrity that Karl Schwarz has show in being cognizant that Global Crossing Management has committed fraud prior and during it's bankruptcy and there are major National security issues with a foreign company having a majority control of Global Crossing's important assets.
Comment, filed on behalf of Dr. Daniel E. Cox, expressing his support for this proposal due to the honor and integrity that Karl Schwarz has show in being cognizant that Global Crossing Management has committed fraud prior and during it's bankruptcy and there are major National security issues with a foreign company having a majority control of Global Crossing's important assets.
Comment, filed on behalf of Vicki Johansen, urging support be given to GlobalAxxess position and their reorganization plan for Global Crossing.
Comment, filed on behalf of George R. Gray, expressing his support for GlobalAxxess' proposal to become involved in the GX buyout.
Comment, filed on behalf of Jamie Head, requesting that attention be paid to the proposal.
Oppose, filed on behalf of Mary Lou Buttram, opposing the FCC to allow STT to buy Global Crossing.
Comment, filed on behalf of Al Simonaitis, providing a referral for justification for the rejection of Global Crossing from completing the sham transfer of shareholder's assets to STT.
Comment, filed on behalf of Peter J. Magoulas, expressing his support for this proposal due to the honor and integrity that Karl Schwarz has show in being cognizant that Global Crossing Management has committed fraud prior and during it's bankruptcy and there are major Naitonal security issues with a foreign company having a majority control of Global Crossing's important assets.
Comment, filed on behalf of Stephen E. Tills, providing the FCC with a docket provided by GlobalAxxess, that was meant to supply ample justification for categorically rejecting or otherwise stopping Global Crossing from completing the sham transfer of shareholders assets to buddies of Global Crossing's founder for several reasons.
Comment, filed on behalf of GlobalAxxess. GlobalAxxess' Response to ST Telemedia Proposal to Submit a Modified Application for Change of Control and Declatory Ruling Separate from Hutchison Whampoa. Notice of Intent of GlobalAxxess.
Comment, filed on behalf of IDT Corporation. On April 30, 2003, Global Crossing Ltd.. and GC Acquisition Limited notified the Commission that the transfer of control transaction to which they are parties is in the process of being fundamentally revised.
For Record, filed on behalf of Global Crossing Ltd. and GC Acquisition Limited. Amended Certificate of Service.
Letter, filed on behalf of Global Crossing Ltd. and GC Acquisition Limited. Global Crossing Ltd.. and GC Acquisition Limited submit the attached press release, which was issued today with respect to the above-referenced transaction.
Letter, filed on behalf of James L. Ball. Application of Global Crossing Ltd. and GC Acquisition Limited for Consent to Transfer of Various Licenses and Authorizations and Petition for Declatory Ruling, IB
Letter, filed on behalf of IDT Corporation. IDT Corporation through its undersigned counsel the asks the Federal Communication Commission to refrain from taking action on the Second Amendment to the Global Crossing Ltd. and GC Acquisition Limited Application unless and until after the Applicants reach a final agreement with the Committee on Foreign Investments in the United States and there is an opportunity for public comment thereon.
Letter, filed on behalf of Global Crossing. ACN has read in the press that Representative Frank Wolf, chairman of the Commerce, Justice, State, the Judiciary and Related Agencies Subcommittee of the House Appropriations Committee, has expressed his opposition to Applicants' pending application in a letter to Chairman Powell of April 8, 2003.
Comment, filed on behalf Global Crossing. ACN filed this letter in response to the Applicants' filing of April 7, 2003, captioned as an amendment to their application. Applicants seek to classify their amendment as minor and to foreclose comment by other interest parties thereon.
Comment, filed on behalf of Edward M. Killilea, in opposition to any expedited approval or waving of full comment time allowed for the second amendment to application for consent to transfer and petition for declatory ruling.
Response to March 18, 2003 ACN Letter filed by Global Crossing Ltd. and GC Acquisition Limited
Supplement to March 18, 2003 Letter filed by ACN
Letter, filed on behalf of Global Crossing Ltd. and GC Acquisition Limited. Global Crossing Ltd. and GC Acquisition Limited submit this letter to update the Commission regarding the status of the bankruptcy proceedings of Asia Global Crossing Ltd. and PC Landing Corp.
Reply Comments of IDT Corporation
Response to Request for Further Information filed by Global Crossing Ltd. and GC Acquisition Limited
Reply of Global Crossing Limited and GC Acquisition Limited to Further Comments of ACN
Letter, filed on behalf of Policy Division. This is in response to the request, by Global Crossing and New GX the ex parte status of IB Docket No. 02-286 from restricted to permit-but-disclose.
Public Notice, filed on behalf of FCC. Global Crossing Ltd. and GC Acquisition Limited File Amendment to Application to Application.
Global Crossing Ltd. and GC Acquisition Limited File Amendment to Application, IB Docket No. 02-286 Acrobat | Word | Text
Public Notice, filed on behalf of Policy Division, filed on behalf of FCC. Global Crossing Ltd. and GC Acquisition Limited File Amendment to Application to Application.
Letter from James Ball to Global Crossing Stopping the Clock
Reply, filed on behalf of Global Crossing Ltd. and GC Acquisition Limited. Global Crossing Ltd. and GC Acquisition Limited Provide the information below in response to the further request for further support to Applicants'.
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Letter, filed on behalf Paul Gagnier. Attached for filing in the above-referenced docket are Applicants' Responses to the International Bureau's Further Request for Information dated January 23, 2003.
Response to Further Request for Information and Declaration of Steven P. Allen filed by Global Crossing Ltd. and GC Acquisition Limited
Motion, filed on behalf Newbridge Capital. Motion to ACCE T Late-Filed Pleading Submitted by Newbridge Capital.
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Further Request for Information filed by the Chief, Policy Division, International Bureau
For Record, filed on behalf Global Crossing Ltd. Certificate of Service.
Letter, filed on behalf of Policy Division.This is a further request for information in relation to the various applications and the petition for declatory ruling.
Supplement to December 18 Response filed by Global Crossing Ltd. et al.
Comment, filed on behalf John L. Piper, strongly objecting to the sale of Global Crossing to the Communist firm of Hutchison Whampoa.
Comment, filed on behalf Jim Elkington, reasoning the Global Crossing Bankruptcy Process.
Comment, filed on behalf of David J. Fries, claiming that Global Crossing is a dishonest company, on the basis that they cashed in all the stocked options by the executive personnel but did not allow their stockholders to cash out when they knew they were going bankrupt.
Comment, filed on behalf of Jim Elkington. Global Crossing Bankruptcy Process.
Comment, filed on David J. Fries, claiming that Global Crossing is a dishonest company, on the basis that they cashed in all the stocked options by the executive personnel but did not allow their stockholders to cash out when they knew they were going bankrupt.
Response to Request For Additional Information filed by Global Crossing Ltd. et al. and Certificate of Service
Letter, filed on behalf of Logitech, Inc. Logitech believes the proposed investment by each of Singapore Technologies Telemedia Pte Ltd. and Hutchison Telecommunications Limited is critical to this restructuring effort and represents a powerful endorsement of Global Crossing's vision and strategy.
Request For Additional Information by the Chief, Policy Division, International Bureau
Letter, filed on behalf of Surfnet bv. Supporting the proposed investment by each of Singapore Technologies Telemedia Pte Ltd. and Hutchison Telecommunications Limited is critical to this restructuring effort and represents a powerful endorsement of Global Crossing's vision and strategy.
Letter, filed on behalf of Camelot Group PLC. Supporting the proposed investment by each of Singapore Technologies Telemedia Pte Ltd. and Hutchison Telecommunications Limited is critical to this restructuring effort and represents a powerful endorsement of Global Crossing's vision and strategy.
Errata, filed on behalf of Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw. Application of Global Crossing Ltd. and GC Acquisition Limited for FCC Consent to Transfer Control of Subsidiaries Holding Submarine Cable Landing Licenses, Wireless Licenses and Section 214 Authorizations, and Request for Declatory Ruling Allowing Indirect Foreign Ownership.
Comment, filed on behalf of Brian Hansen, asking the FCC to investigate the potential problems that will occur as a result of this side.
Comment, filed on behalf of Karl W.B. Schwarz. GlobalAxxess' Response to Applicants' Response to Objection to Transfer of Control and Declatory Ruling.
Comment, filed on behalf Esther Lee, urging the FCC to oppose the deal to go through to Hutchison.
Complaint, filed on behalf of James Head. The sale of Global Crossing to an overseas affiliate of Chinese Gov't is against our National Security Interest.
Comment, filed on behalf of Brendan Casey, informing the FCC of Gary Winnick's criminal ways, and encouraging them to keep the assets of GlobalAxxess in the hands of American shareholders.
Comment, filed on behalf of Paul Matulef, expressing his outrage at the current bankruptcy proceedings regarding Global Crossing.
Comment, filed on behalf of Malcolm Bruce, asking the FCC to consider denying Global Crosing their aim of transferring this company to the Chinese for a song.
Counter Proposition, filed on behalf of Dave Reierson, expressing his opposition to the sale and transfer of assets of Global Crossing.
Comment, filed on behalf Jim Boltjes, expressing his concern over the Global Crossing proceedings.
Letter, filed on behalf Saturn Retail Enterprise, Inc., who believe that the proposed investment by each of Singapore Technologies Telemedia Pte Ltd. and Hutchison Telecommunications Limited is critical to this restructuring effort and represents a powerful endorsement of Global Crossing's vision and strategy.
Comment, filed on behalf Alex Packard. Global Crossings in the hands of a foreign entity as a major security threat to the USA.
Comment, filed on behalf Carol Nowak, expressing his concern about the security problems that this takeover could cause the U.S.
Letter, filed on behalf of Consolidated Graphics, Inc., who believe that the proposed investment by each of Singapore Technologies Telemedia Pte Ltd. and Hutchison Telecommunications Limited is critical to this restructuring effort and represents a powerful endorsement of Global Crossing's vision and strategy.
Request, filed on behalf of ACN, requesting an extension of time to review analyze and respond to any filings made after November 4, 2002.
Letter, filed on behalf of Mark Raborn, asking that the FCC investigate the potential problems that will occur as a result of this rule.
Complaint, filed on behalf of Manuel J. Rivademar.
Letter, filed on behalf of Numerous
Letter, filed on behalf of Numerous
Reply, filed on behalf of Global Crossing Ltd. et al., submission of response in further support of their application for consent to transfer control and petition for declatory ruling.
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Comment, filed on behalf of Charles J. Moga, testifying to the dishonesty and failure of satisfaction that Global Crossing offered.
Comment, filed on behalf of Melbourne R. Ponton. Allowing the transfer of the licenses currently helped by Global Crossing to a new Global Crossing, which will be held by an entity with dubious ties to a potential adversary, represents an unnecessary security exposure for the United States, and it should not be permitted.
Complaint, filed on behalf of Jerry Bouchard, offering his strong objection of the transfer of licenses.
Complaint, filed on behalf of Naomi Smith, asking the FCC to investigate the potential problems that will occur as a result of this sale.
Comment, filed on behalf of Veeda C. Comfort, expressing the distrust that he has in Mr. Leger and Gary Winnick, and their motives for selling Global Crossing to the Chinese.
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Reply of Global Crossing Ltd. and GC Acquisition Limited
Request for Extension of Time filed by ACN
Statement in Support of Objections To Applicants' Petition For Declaratory Ruling filed by American Communications Network, Inc.
Response of Global Crossing Ltd. and GC Acquisition Limited Acrobat | Acrobat | Acrobat
Due 10/21/02
Comments Filed
Motion For Continued Deferral filed by Department of Justice
Letter, filed on behalf of Merril Iverson, expressing the concerns of National Security that this sale poses.
Comment, filed on behalf of Anthony Marotta, objecting to the transfer of licenses from the old Global Crossing to the new Global Crossing.
Comment, filed on behalf of Curtis Braun, urging the FCC to disallow the sale of one of America's "natural resource's" abroad
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Comment, filed on behalf of Lois Cornette, requesting that the FCC fight the selling of Global Crossing to the Chinese and get rid of John Leger and Gary Winnick.
Comment, filed on behalf of Al Simonaitis, strongly objecting to the restructuring of the company by sale to the Hong-Kong conglomerate Hutchison-Whampoa.
Comment, filed on behalf of Thomas M. Callahan, urging the FCC to disallow the sale and transfer of licenses.
Comment, filed on behalf of Ida Wong, would be grateful if the FCC look into the fraudulent case of the Global Crossing bankruptcy.
Comment, filed on behalf of Edward F. Cifrian, urging the FCC to oppose the sale of Global Crossing to the Chinese for security reasons.
Comment, filed on behalf of Terri Lain, thanking the FCC for their efforts in battling with Corporate Telecom Fraud.
Comment, filed on behalf of Jeffrey H. Aager; allowing this transaction between GC and Hutchison-Whampoa at mere pennies on the dollar is an extreme slight to those of us that worked 60-70 hours a week on salary and then were let go without a second thought.
Comment, filed on behalf of Alice Wong, stressing the importance for the FCC to stop this fraudulent BK by Global Crossing as it undercuts other major telecom carriers in their pricing if they come out debt-free with a buy-out from Hutchison.
Comment, filed on behalf of Joel Kalinsky. Licenses should not be transferred to the New company until all legal proceedings against Gary Winnick and Global Crossing Executives have been completed.
Comment, filed on behalf of Lloyd R. Little, requesting that the FCC fight the selling of Global Crossing to the Chinese and their existing communist government.
Complaint, filed on behalf of James Lithgow, stating the injustice that lies in allowing Global Crossing to be sold to another company.
Comment, filed on behalf of Gary Kreider, requesting that the FCC deny all requests from the new Global Crossing to proceed with their proposed sale on the grounds of the national security issues that it may cause.
Comment, filed on behalf of Brian Solner, requesting that the FCC stop the sales finalization of Global Crossing to the communist Chinese.
Comment, filed on behalf of Edward M. Killilea.
Comment, filed on behalf of Michael S. Piscazi, objecting to Global Crossing's motion for for FCC approval of change in control pursuant to Bankruptcy Reorganization.
Public Notices
Global Crossing Ltd. and GC Acquisition Limited File May 13, 2003 Amendment To Applications Acrobat | Word
Global Crossing Ltd. and GC Acquisition Limited File Amendment to Application, IB Docket No. 02-286 Acrobat | Word | Text
Global Crossing Ltd. And GC Acquisition Limited Seek FCC Consent To Transfer Control Of Subsidiaries Holding Submarine Cable Landing Licenses, Wireless Licenses And Section 214 Authorizations And Request Declaratory Ruling Allowing Indirect Foreign Ownership, DA 02-2299, IB Acrobat | Word | Text
Acrobat | Acrobat | Acrobat | Acrobat | Acrobat | Acrobat | Acrobat | Acrobat
Section 310(b)(4) Application, Indirect Foreign Ownership
Application for Transfer of Control and Petition For A Declaratory Ruling, File No. ISP-PDR-20020822-00029, Global Crossing North American Networks, Inc.
International Section 214 Authorizations
ITC-T/C-20020822-00406, Budget Call Long Distance, Inc. (Debtor-in-Possession), ITC-94-031
ITC-T/C-20020822-00443, Global Crossing Bandwidth, Inc. (Debtor-in-Possession), ITC-9l-193
ITC-T/C-20020822-00444, Global Crossing Government Markets USA, Inc. (Debtor-in-Possession), ITC-214-20011106-00560
ITC-T/C-20020822-00445, Global Crossing Holdings USA, Inc. (Debtor-in-Possession), ITC-214-19990412-00202
ITC-T/C-20020822-00446, Global Crossing North American Networks, Inc. (Debtor-in-Possession, ITC-94-381; ITC-94-320; ITC-9l-077; ITC-93-186
ITC-T/C-20020822-00447, Global Crossing Telecommunications, Inc. (Debtor-in-Possession), ITC-85-126; ITC-87-179; ITC-88-152; ITC-88-013; ITC-87-113; ITC-95-295; ITC-214-19960530-00220; ITC-214-1996062 l-00265; ITC-214-19960715-00309; ITC-214-19960729-00351
ITC-T/C-20020822-00449, Racal Telecommunications Inc., ITC-214-19970717-00410
ITC-T/C-20020822-00448, International Optical Networks, L.L.C., ITC-214-19980520-00334
Domestic Section 214 Authorizations held by the following companies:
Budget Call Long Distance, Inc. (Debtor-in-Possession)
Global Crossing Bandwidth, Inc. (Debtor-in-Possession)
Global Crossing Local Services, Inc. (Debtor-in-Possession)
Global Crossing North American Networks, Inc. (Debtor-in-Possession)
Global Crossing Telecommunications, Inc. (Debtor-in-Possession)
Submarine Cable Landing Licenses
SCL-T/C-20020822-00068, GT Landing Corp. (Debtor-in-Possession), SCL-LIC-19970506-00003 (Atlantic Crossing Cable)
SCL-T/C-20020822-00070, Global Crossing Telecommunications, Inc. (Debtor-in-Possession), SCL-LIC-19981117-00025 (Japan-U.S. Cable)
SCL-T/C-20020822-00071, MAC Landing Corp. (Debtor-in-Possession), SCL-LIC-19981030-00023 (Mid-Atlantic Crossing Cable)
SCL-T/C-20020822-00072, PAC Landing Corp. (Debtor-in-Possession), SCL-LIC-19981103-00022 (Pan American Crossing Cable)
SCL-T/C-20020822-00077, PC Landing Corp. (Debtor-in-Possession), SCL-LIC-19980807-00010 (Pacific Crossing Cable)
SCL-T/C-20020822-00073, Global Crossing Latin America & Caribbean Co. (Debtor-in-Possession), SCL-LIC-19990823-00015 (South American Crossing Cable)
SCL-T/C-20020822-00074, GC Pacific Landing Corp. (Debtor-in-Possession), SCL-ASG-19981204-00029 and SCL-T/C-19981204-00030 (Asia Direct Cable, Atlantic Express I and II Cables, Bahamas Express Cable, Guam-Hawaii Cable, Hawaii Express Cable, Orient Express Cable)
SCL-T/C-20020822-00075, GT Landing II Corp. (Debtor-in-Possession), SCL-MOD-20000511-00018 (Atlantic Crossing 2 Cable)
Common Carrier and Non-Common Carrier Radio Licenses held by Global Crossing North American Networks, Inc. (Debtor-in-Possession)
File No. 0001001014, Call Sign(s) WHO323, WHO324, WHO325,WHO326, WHO327, WHO328, WHO329, WHO330, WHO331, WHO332, WHO333, WHO335, WHO336, WHO337, WHO339, WHO340, WHO341, WHO344, WHO345, WHO346, WHO347, WHQ999, WKL999, WLA738, WLT711, WPMP453, WPRT617
Clock History
Day 1 was on: 9/19/02
This information was last updated on: 10/8/03
Clock Stopped | Clock Restarted |
Days Stopped |
Reason for Stop | |
Day | Date | |||
149 | 2/14/03 | 237 | Letter from James Ball to Applicants, dated April 22, 2003 | |
149 | 10/8/03 |
10/8/03 |
This page contains an indexed unofficial listing of and electronic links to most materials in this docket. The applications and any associated documents are also available for public inspection and copying during normal reference room hours at the FCC Reference Center. Copies of the applications and any subsequently-filed documents in this matter also may be obtained through the Commission's Electronic Comment Filing System. To request materials in accessible formats for people with disabilities (Braille, large print, electronic files, audio format), send an e-mail to or call the Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau at 202-418-0530 (voice), 202-418-0432 (tty).