How Cable Companies Choose Channels

With a few exceptions, cable television service providers can offer whatever channels they choose. Cable companies negotiate agreements with televisi...

Cable System Encryption

Cable operators with all-digital systems may encrypt their services. If your cable operator chooses to encrypt its services, you will need a set-top ...

Addressing Cable Signal Problems

Cable television subscribers are entitled to signals that meet basic technical quality standards, as defined by the FCC. In keeping with those rules,...

Low Power FM Radio

The FCC has a special class of radio licenses called Low Power FM Radio to create opportunities for more voices to be heard on the radio. The LPFM st...

Low Power Television Service

The FCC created the Low Power Television service (LPTV) in 1982 to provide opportunities for locally oriented television service in small communities...

Cable Signal Leakage

Cable television systems use radio frequency, or RF, signals to provide television, telephone and broadband Internet services to customers. These RF ...