Children's Safety Resources

It is important to keep our children safe when they are on-line and using other media. Below are resources that give you information about blocking o...

Your Kid's First Phone

Related Guides Protecting Children from Objectionable Content Children's Safety Resources Protect Your Smart Device There ...

'One Ring' Phone Scam

For illegal robocallers, the goal isn't always getting you to answer. Sometimes, it's getting you to call back. Every so often, your phone may rin...

DTV Transition Consumer Guide Archive

Browse consumer education guides related to the transition in 2009 from analog broadcasts to digital television. Antennas and Digital Televisio...

Broadcast Information Specialists

The Commission has designated two Broadcast Information Specialists, one in the Media Bureau’s Audio Division and one in its Video Division, to ser...

Text-to-911: Quick Facts & FAQs

Today most consumers cannot reach 911 by sending a text message from their wireless phone. In limited areas of the United States, however, it is...

Emergency Communications

During emergencies, the importance of our country's communications systems becomes clear. These communications systems include the wireline and wirel...