The Federal Communications Commission was created for many reasons, including for the purpose of national defense and promoting safety of life and property through the use of wire and radio communication. The Commission has taken a number of actions to protect the national security of the United States, or the security and safety of United States persons, and the integrity of communications networks or the communications supply chain. The Commission has also implemented the Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Act of 2019.


Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Reimbursement Program

The Supply Chain Reimbursement Program is a $1.9 billion program created by the FCC at the direction of Congress to reimburse providers of advanced communications services with ten million or fewer customers for reasonable expenses incurred in the removal, replacement, and disposal of communications equipment and services produced or provided by Huawei Technologies Company (Huawei) or ZTE Corporation (ZTE) that was obtained on or before June 30, 2020 from their networks. To participate, providers must complete and submit a FCC Form 5640 Application Request for Funding Allocation during the designated filing window. The filing window opened on Friday, October 29, 2021 at 12:00 AM ET and closed on Friday, January 28, 2022 at 11:59 PM ET.

To access the Supply Chain Reimbursement Program Filing Portal and for additional Reimbursement Program information like the User Guide, FAQs, and related Public Notices, please click on the button below.




Supply Chain Annual Reporting Requirement

Section 5 of the Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Act of 2019 and 1.50007 of the Commission’s rules direct the Office of Economics and Analytics to collect information from advanced communications service providers regarding whether they have purchased, rented, leased, or otherwise obtained covered equipment and services on the initial covered list on or after August 14, 2018 or in subsequent instances when the Covered List is updated. All providers of advanced communications service must provide a certification on their possession of such equipment and services. Those who have such equipment or services much report additional information on the location, type, original cost, estimated replacement cost and any replacement plans, and date of acquisition for the equipment or service as well as a detailed justification for obtaining such covered equipment or service. Filings for the 2024 Annual Report are due by March 31, 2024 at 11:59 PM ET for information current as of December 31, 2023.

To access the Annual Reporting portal to provide the certification regarding covered equipment and services and submit any additional necessary data, click on the button below and navigate to the "Annual Reporting" section. For additional information about the filing process, like the Instructions and other resources, please see the blue Annual Reporting tab provided below. If you have additional questions or issues while filing for the Annual Reporting requirement, email






Important FCC Items

September 3, 2024
FCC Prohibits Authorization of Equipment Including Kaspersky Software

August 20, 2024
Supply Chain Reimbursement Program Updated FAQs & User Guide Issued

July 23, 2024
FCC adds certain Kaspersky software products to the Covered List

July 22, 2024
Puerto Rico Telephone Company, Inc. SCRP Extension Order

July 10, 2024
Supply Chain Reimbursement Program Spending Report Deadline Reminder

July 1, 2024
Supply Chain Reimbursement Program Fourth Report

April 30, 2024
WCB Issues Streamlined Resolution of Reimbursement Program Term Extension Requests

March 29, 2024
WCB Issues Streamlined Resolution of Reimbursement Program Term Extension Requests

March 12, 2024
Updated FAQs and Part G User Guide Issued for Supply Chain Reimbursement Program

March 8, 2024
FCC Deadline Reminder: Supply Chain Reimbursement Program Status Update

February 29, 2024
WCB Issues Streamlined Resolution of Reimbursement Program Requests

February 9, 2024
Updated User Guide for Supply Chain Reimbursement Program - Spending Reports

January 31, 2024
WCB Issues Streamlined Resolution of Reimbursement Program Requests

January 31, 2024
FCC Form 5640 Part H2 User Guide - Individual Term Extension Request

January 31, 2024
WCB Updates User Guides for Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Reimbursement Program

January 18, 2024
WCB Denies Request to Reconsider Reimbursement Program Claim Decision

January 16, 2024
WCB Addresses Recon Petition for Reimbursement Program Application

January 10, 2024
Supply Chain Reimbursement Program Spending Report Deadline Reminder

January 5, 2024
Supply Chain Reimbursement Program Third Report

December 21, 2023
GigSky, Inc. SCRP Extension Order

December 7, 2023
Supply Chain Reimbursement Program Status Update Deadline Reminder

November 28, 2023
WCB Grants 2 Term Extension Requests for Reimbursement Program

October 27, 2023
WCB Grants 2 Term Extension Requests for Reimbursement Program

October 18, 2023
Updated FAQs Issued for Supply Chain Reimbursement Program

October 10, 2023
WCB Grants 5 Term Extension Requests for Reimbursement Program

September 22, 2023
WCB Grants Stealth a Term Extension for Reimbursement Program

September 20, 2023
PSHSB Provides Annual Status of Covered List

September 8, 2023
Supply Chain Reimbursement Program Status Update Deadline Reminder

July 19, 2023
Supply Chain Reimbursement Program Spending Report Deadline Reminder

July 10, 2023
Supply Chain Reimbursement Program Second Report

June 12, 2023
Supply Chain Reimbursement Program Status Update Deadline Reminder

May 24, 2023
WCB Reminds Reimbursement Program Recipients of Claim Deadline

March 13, 2023
Supply Chain Reimbursement Program Status Update Deadline Reminder

March 1, 2023
Supply Chain Annual Reports Due March 31, 2023

March 1, 2023
Supply Chain Annual Reports Initial Results

January 11, 2023 
Supply Chain Reimbursement Program Report

January 11, 2023 
Supply Chain Reimbursement Program Spending Report Deadline Reminder

December 14, 2022 
Updated FAQs Issued for Supply Chain Reimbursement Program

December 12, 2022 
Supply Chain Reimbursement Program Status Update Deadline Reminder

November 25, 2022
FCC Bans Authorizations for Devices That Pose National Security Threat

September 20, 2022
Announcement of Additions to the Covered List

September 16, 2022 
Supply Chain Reimbursement Program Status Update Deadline Reminder

September 12, 2022 
Updated User Guide for Supply Chain Reimbursement Program – Reimbursement Claim Requests and Cost Estimate Modifications

July 18, 2022
FCC Announces Supply Chain Reimbursement Program Approved Applications

March 25, 2022
FCC Expands List of Equipment and Services That Pose Security Threat

March 25, 2022
Announcement of Additions to the Covered List

February 9, 2022
FCC Announces Supply Chain Reimbursement Program Applications Filed

February 4, 2022
Rosenworcel Notifies Congress of Demand for Rip and Replace Program

February 4, 2022
Supply Chain Online Reporting Portal and Deadline Established

February 3, 2022
Updated FAQs for Supply Chain Reimbursement Program

February 3, 2022
Updated User Guide for Supply Chain Reimbursement Program

January 11, 2022
Supply Chain Reimbursement Program Supporting Documents Updated
FAQs | User Guide | Infographic

December 29, 2021
Supply Chain Reimbursement Program Filing Window Deadline Extended

December 17, 2021
Updated FAQs Issued for Supply Chain Reimbursement Program

December 17, 2021
Revised Final Catalog of Eligible Expenses and Estimated Costs

December 3, 2021
Updated FAQs Issued for Supply Chain Reimbursement Program

November 10, 2021
Supply Chain Reimbursement Program Excel Batch Upload Template Updates
Tip Sheet | Locations | Equipment | Cost Estimates

October 29, 2021
FCC Opens Filing Window for Supply Chain Reimbursement Program

October 28, 2021
Cincinnati Bell Supply Chain Reimbursement Program Petition Granted

October 20, 2021
FCC Releases Supply Chain Reimbursement Program User Guide and Updated FAQs

October 8, 2021
Supply Chain Reimbursement Program Excel Batch Upload Templates

September 30, 2021
WCB Announces Best Practices for Supply Chain Equipment Disposal

September 27, 2021
Supply Chain Reimbursement Program Webinar Video

September 27, 2021
FCC Announces Supply Chain Reimbursement Program Filing Window

September 27, 2021
FCC Releases Supply Chain Reimbursement Program Infographic and FAQs

September 16, 2021
FCC Announces Supply Chain Reimbursement Program Webinar

September 10, 2021
FCC Announces Supply Chain Reimbursement Program Help Desk

August 3, 2021
Final Categories of Suggested Replacement Equipment and Services List

August 3, 2021
Final Catalog of Eligible Expenses and Estimated Costs

August 3, 2021
FCC Announces Final Supply Chain Reimbursement Program Procedures

July 15, 2021
Open RAN Solutions Showcase – Day 2

July 14, 2021
Open RAN Solutions Showcase – Day 1

July 13, 2021
Third Report and Order

June 17, 2021
Equipment Authorization and Competitive Bidding Supply Chain NPRM

May 24, 2021
Public Notice Seeking Comment on Reimbursement Program Procedures

April 28, 2021
Supply Chain Reimbursement Program Fund Administrator Announced

March 25, 2021
Public Notice Releasing Preliminary Supply Chain Reimbursement Program Documents

March 12, 2021
Public Notice Announcing Publication of the List of Equipment and Services Covered by Section 2 of The Secure Networks Act

February 17, 2021
Third Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking

December 10, 2020
Second Report and Order

July 16, 2020
Declaratory Ruling and Second Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking

April 13, 2020
Public Notice Seeking Comment on Section 4 of the Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Act

November 22, 2019
First Report and Order, Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking

October 26, 2018
Public Notice Seeking Comment on Section 889 of the John McCain 2019 NDAA

April 17, 2018
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking



Covered List

List of Covered Equipment and Services

Section 1.50002 of the Commission’s rules directs the Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau to publish a list of communications equipment and services (Covered List) that are deemed to pose an unacceptable risk to the national security of the United States or the security and safety of United States persons, based exclusively on any of four sources for such a determination and that such equipment or services possess certain capabilities as enumerated in section 2(a) of the Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Act of 2019, Pub. L. No. 116-124, 133 Stat. 158 (2020) (codified as amended at 47 U.S.C. §§ 1601–1609).



Equipment Guidance

Prohibition on Authorization of “Covered” Equipment

As of February 6, 2023, any equipment that has been identified as “covered” equipment on the Commission’s Covered List will be prohibited from obtaining an equipment authorization from the Commission. This prohibition – which concerns any authorization of “covered” equipment following adoption – is being implemented pursuant to the Commission’s decision revising its equipment authorization program, as set forth in its Report and Order, Order, and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (FCC 22-84).




Final Designations

Huawei Technologies Company

December 10, 2020
Order Affirming Huawei Final Designation

June 30, 2020
Huawei Technologies Company Final Designation

ZTE Corporation

November 24, 2020
Order Denying ZTE Petition for Reconsideration

June 30, 2020
ZTE Corporation Final Designation



Annual Reporting


Below is information, including instructions, on how to file for the Supply Chain Annual Reporting requirement. Please monitor this section regularly for updates on the FCC's Annual Reporting documentation and important announcements

Filings for the 2024 Annual Report are due by March 31, 2024. Reported data should reflect any covered equipment or services as of December 31, 2023.

Annual Reporting Filing Resources

2019 Information Collection

September 4, 2020
Public Notice and Results of the Information Collection

Details about the 2019 Supply Chain Information Collection are provided though the web page:
2019 Supply Chain Information Collection Instructions.



FCC Rules

FCC Rules









September 27, 2021
Supply Chain Reimbursement Program Webinar Video

September 27, 2021
Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Reimbursement Program Webinar

July 15, 2021
Open RAN Solutions Showcase – Day 2

July 14, 2021
Open RAN Solutions Showcase – Day 1

April 26, 2021
National Supply Chain Integrity Joint Workshop



Thursday, August 22, 2024