Thank you for your interest in serving on the FCC’s Consumer Advisory Committee (CAC) from 2022-2024. For more information about the Consumer Advisory Committee, please see its webpage:

IMPORTANT: The Commission issued a Public Notice on July 1, 2022, describing the nomination process, including necessary qualifications and service requirements for Committee appointees. You must review the Public Notice before completing this online form.

Nominations are due by 11:59 p.m. EST, Monday, August 1, 2022. Your nomination will not be complete until this form and all supporting documents are submitted as instructed.

The Commission is seeking nominations from: consumers who wish to serve on their own behalf; nonprofit organizations; corporations; trade associations; government agencies; and other entities from both the public and private sectors.

Proposed appointee to serve as the entity’s representative on the Committee

Name and Contact Information


The proposed representative’s resume must be submitted as an electronic file in machine-readable PDF or Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) format.  The electronic file name should include the name of the entity, the word “resume,” and the last name of the proposed representative, using should use the following naming convention:

            Example:  entityname_Resume_lastname_of proposed representative.pdf

The file may be uploaded using the widget on the final page of this form or may be transmitted as an attachment to an email to the Committee’s Designated Federal Official, Scott Marshall,

Satement of Qualifications

Please describe the proposed representative’s qualifications for service on to the FCC Consumer Advisory Committee, including any specific knowledge or expertise that is relevant to the Committee.


The proposed alternate representative’s resume must be submitted as an electronic file in machine-readable PDF or Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) format.  The electronic file name should include the name of the entity, the word “resume,” and the last name of the proposed representative, using should use the following naming convention:

            Example:  entityname_Resume_lastname_of proposed representative.pdf

The file may be uploaded using the widget on the final page of this form or may be transmitted as an attachment to an email to the Committee’s Designated Federal Official, Scott Marshall,

Satement of Qualifications

Please describe the proposed alternate representative’s qualifications for service on to the FCC Consumer Advisory Committee, including any specific knowledge or expertise that is relevant to the Committee.

Please enter the name, title, and contact information of the officer or other official submitting the certification letter.

Name and Contact Information of Certifying Official

Individual Nomination

As noted in the Public Notice announcing this solicitation, all members are subject to an ethics review prior to service. If submitting as an individual/SGE and not as a representative of a company, organization, or other entity you are disqualified from serving on the Committee if you are a federal registered lobbyist. SGE members must file confidential employee financial disclosure forms prior to beginning their service and annually thereafter.


All nominees must submit a resume.  The resume should be transmitted as an electronic file in machine-readable PDF or Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) format, with a file name that includes the nominee’s last name and the word “resume,” using the following naming convention:

            Example:  lastname_Resume.pdf

The file may be uploaded using the widget on the final page of this form or may be transmitted as an attachment to an email to the Committee’s Designated Federal Official, Joshua Mendelsohn,

Statement of Qualifications

Please describe your qualifications and reasons for seeking appointment to the FCC Consumer Advisory Committee, including any specific knowledge or expertise that is relevant to the Committee.

Confirmation that you would fulfill responsibilities if appointed to serve on the Committee

If the Commission appoints you to serve on the Committee, do you—