The Proximity to TV Channels 4 and 5 utility returns any Channel 4 or 5 station that does not meet the 80 miles (128.748 kilometers) separation distance. Rule Section 90.257 states that all Part 90 authorizations (private land mobile radio services) in the 72-76 MHz band may not cause harmful interference to television reception on Channels 4 or 5.
Uses NAD83 Only
Latitude Provided (decimal degrees / ddmmss.s) |
Longitude Provided (decimal degrees / ddmmss.s) |
Call Sign | TV Channel | City | State | Distance (miles / kilometers) |
TV Channel Latitude (decimal degrees / ddmmss.s) |
TV Channel Longitude (decimal degrees / ddmmss.s) |
The Commission makes no warranty whatsoever with respect to the above utility. In no event shall the Commission, or any of its officers, employees, or agents, be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, but not limited to, loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or any other loss) arising out of or relating to the existence, furnishing, functioning or use of the utility.