Version 1.0
The FSS API uses basic authentication (username and password) to validate users. These credentials are stored and maintained by the FCC Registration – Commission Registration System (CORES). To create the credentials in the FCC User Registration System select 'create an account' under 'Register with the FCC.' Once you register in CORES you can then follow the basic authentication standard. This requires a header to be included with each request in the format of:
Key: Authorization
Value: Basic xxxxxxxxxx
Authorization=Basic xxxxxxxxxx
The xxxxxxxxxx represents a Base64-encoded string representing your credentials from CORES in the format:
3.5 GHz Band - Protected FSS Earth Station API URLs
Description | Retrieve data for all registered FSS Earth Station Antenna Sites that are in an active status. |
Parameters |
Search Start Date datestart=[yyyy-mm-dd] |
Search Finish Date datefinish=[yyyy-mm-dd] |
Registration Status ?q=Inactive |
API URL |[call_sign_id] |
Description | Retrieve data for all FSS earth station antenna site registrations (active and inactive) for a given call sign. The call sign’s system ID (call sign id) must be used to identify the call sign. |
Required Parameter |
Call Sign Id ?q=[call_sign_id] |
API URL |[FSS_number] |
Description | Retrieve the FSS earth station antenna site data for a specific FSS registration number. |
Required Parameter |
FSS Number ?q=[FSS_number] |
API URL |[FSS_number] |
Description | Retrieve all of the FSS earth station antenna site attachments for a specific FSS registration number. |
Required Parameter |
FSS Number ?q=[FSS_number] |
FSS Earth Station Antenna Site Data
Column Name | Description | Type | ||||
earth_station_antenna_elevation | The antenna site ground elevation amsl in meters. | Decimal | ||||
earth_station_antenna_height_agl | The antenna height above ground level to the top of the antenna in meters. | Decimal | ||||
earth_station_antenna_height_amsl |
The antenna height above mean sea level to the top of the antenna in meters |
Decimal | ||||
pointing_azimuth |
The antenna horizontal azimuth in degrees relative to true north denoted in the system as pointing azimuth. |
Decimal |
antenna_elevation_angle | The antenna pointing elevation angle in degrees. | Decimal | ||||
antenna_gain | The antenna gain in dBi. | Decimal | ||||
call_sign |
The Fixed Satellite Service call sign. Max length of 40 characters. |
Plain Text |
call_sign_id |
The call sign system id. Max length of 32 characters |
Plain Text |
certification_date |
The certification date of the antenna site registration. Date format of yyyy-mm-dd. |
Date |
certifier_first_name |
The certifier first name. Max length of 100 characters. |
Plain Text |
certifier_last_name |
The certifier last name. Max length of 100 characters. | Plain Text | ||||
certifier_middle_initial |
The certifier middle initial. Max length of 1 character. |
Plain Text |
certifier_suffix |
The certifier suffix. Max length of 15 characters. |
Plain Text |
certifier_name |
The certifier name which is the concatenation of first name, middle initial, last name and suffix fields. Max length of 100 characters. |
Plain Text |
certifier_title |
The title of the individual certifying the registration. Max length of 150 characters. |
Plain Text |
gso_satellite_longitude_decimal |
The GSO satellite longitude in decimal degrees (+E, -W). |
Decimal |
earth_station_latitude_degrees |
The antenna site latitude degrees value. |
Integer |
earth_station_latitude_minutes |
The antenna site latitude minutes value. |
Integer |
earth_station_latitude_seconds |
The antenna site latitude seconds value. |
Decimal |
earth_station_latitude_direction |
The antenna site latitude direction. Value is N or S. |
Plain Text |
earth_station_latitude_dms |
The concatenation of antenna site latitude direction, degrees, minutes and seconds. Max length is 15 characters. | Plain Text | ||||
earth_station_latitude_decimal |
The antenna site latitude in decimal degrees. |
Decimal |
earth_station_longitude_degrees |
The antenna site longitude degrees value. |
Integer |
earth_station_longitude_minutes |
The antenna site longitude minutes value. |
Integer |
earth_station_longitude_seconds |
The antenna site longitude seconds value. |
Decimal |
earth_station_longitude_direction |
The antenna site longitude direction. Value is E or W. |
Plain Text |
earth_station_longitude_dms |
The concatenation of antenna site longitude direction, degrees, minutes and seconds. Max length is 15 characters. |
Plain Text |
earth_station_longitude_decimal |
The antenna site longitude in decimal degrees. |
Decimal |
location_status |
The status of the antenna site registration. Value is Active or Inactive |
Plain Text |
lower_frequency |
The lower frequency in MHz. Value is between 3600 – 3700, inclusive. |
Decimal |
upper_frequency |
The upper frequency in MHz. Value is between 3600 – 4200, and greater than ‘lower_frequency’ |
Decimal |
FSS_number |
The unique registration number for the antenna site registration. Format is FSS+ 7-digit number (e.g. FSS0000001). |
Plain Text |
start_date_time |
The start date and time (UTC) when the licensee will begin operating with the parameters listed in the registration. Date time format is yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss |
Date/Time |
related_registration | The registration number for the earth station that is being replaced by this registration. | Plain Text | ||||
tracking_telemetry_control |
Indicates if the antenna site is used for tracking, telemetry and command (TT&C). A boolean value of true or false. |
Plain Text |
sys_created_on |
The date the antenna site registration was created. Date time format of yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss EST |
Date/Time |
sys_updated_on |
The date of the most recent update to the antenna site registration. Date time format of yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss EST |
Date/Time |
sys_mod_count |
The number of updates that have occurred on this antenna site registration. |
Integer |
Protected FSS Earth Station Antenna Attachment Data
Column Name |
Description |
Type |
antenna_site |
The unique registration number for the antenna site registration. Format is FSS+ 7-digit number (e.g. FSS0000001). |
Plain Text |
attachment_id |
The unique system generated id for an attachment. Max length of 32 characters. |
Plain Text |
attachment_name |
The file name of the attachment. Max length of 120 characters. |
Plain Text |
sys_created_on |
The date the antenna site registration attachment was created. Date time format of yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss EST |
Date/Time |
sys_updated_on |
The date of the most recent update to the antenna site registration attachment. Date time format of yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss EST |
Date/Time |
download_link |
The url (download link) for the location of the attachment. Max length of 256 characters. |
Plain Text |
FSS Call Sign API URLs
Description | Retrieve data for all Call Signs that have been added to the system. |
Parameters |
Search Start Date datestart=[yyyy-mm-dd] |
Search Finish Date datefinish=[yyyy-mm-dd] |
API URL |[call_sign] |
Description | Retrieve data for a specific call sign. |
Required Parameter |
Call Sign ?q=[call_sign] |
FSS Call Sign Data
Column Name |
Description |
Type |
call_sign |
The FSS license call sign. Max length is 20 characters. |
Plain Text |
call_sign_id |
The call sign system id. Max length is 32 characters. |
Plain Text |
call_sign_number |
A unique identifier attributed to each call sign record that is added to the system. Format is CAL+ 7-digit number (e.g. CAL0000001). |
Plain Text |
frn |
The 10 digit FCC Registration Number associated with the call sign. |
Plain Text |
licensee_name |
The FSS licensee name. Max length is 250 characters. |
Plain Text |
licensee_address |
The FSS licensee street address or PO Box. Max length is 250 characters. |
Plain Text |
licensee_city |
The FSS licensee city. Max length is 100 characters. |
Plain Text |
licensee_state |
The FSS licensee 2 character state code. |
Plain Text |
licensee_zip_code |
The FSS licensee zip code. Max length is 15 characters. | Plain Text | ||||
licensee_email |
The FSS licensee email address. Max length is 150 characters. |
Plain Text |
licensee_fax |
The FSS licensee fax number. Max length is 40 characters. |
Plain Text |
licensee_phone |
The FSS licensee phone number. Max length is 40 characters. |
Plain Text |
poc_first_name |
The point of contact (poc) first name. Max length of 100 characters. |
Plain Text |
poc_middle_initial |
The point of contact (poc) middle initial. Max length of 1 character. |
Plain Text |
poc_last_name |
The point of contact (poc) last name. Max length of 100 characters. |
Plain Text |
poc_suffix |
The point of contact (poc) suffix. Max length of 25 characters. |
Plain Text |
poc_name |
The concatenation of point of contact (poc) first name, middle initial, last name and suffix. Max length is 250 characters. |
Plain Text |
poc_company |
The company's point of contact (poc). Max length of 250 characters. |
Plain Text |
poc_address |
The company's point of contact (poc) street address or PO Box. Max length of 250 characters. |
Plain Text |
poc_city |
The company's point of contact (poc) city. Max length of 100 characters. |
Plain Text |
poc_state |
The company's point of contact (poc) 2 character state code. |
Plain Text |
poc_zip_code |
The company's point of contact (poc) zip code. Max length of 15 characters. |
Plain Text |
poc_email |
The company's point of contact (poc) email address. Max length of 150 characters. |
Plain Text |
poc_fax |
The company's point of contact (poc) fax number. Max length of 40 characters. |
Plain Text |
poc_phone |
The company's point of contact (poc) phone number. Max length of 40 characters. |
Plain Text |
sys_created_on |
The date that the call sign was added to the system. Date time format is yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss EST |
Date/Time |
sys_updated_on |
The date of the most recent update to the call sign information. Date time format is yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss EST |
Date/Time |
sys_mod_count |
The number of updates that have occurred on this call sign. |
Integer |