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Each week the FCC receives thousands of informal consumer complaints. The complaint data is available here, as well as charts and graphs and APIs. Visit our Consumer Help Center for information about common consumer issues. Visit our Consumer Complaint Center to file a complaint, check the status of your complaint or to tell us your story.

This data represents information selected by the consumer. The FCC does not verify the facts alleged in the complaints.

About the Complaint Data

Consumer complaint data generally updates nightly and contains certain information for each complaint the FCC receives.  The information provided is information selected by the consumer when they file an informal complaint with the FCC.  The FCC does not verify the facts alleged in the complaints. No personal information is published. That includes names, contact information, account numbers, social security numbers and attachments.

Data Published

The FCC publishes data on individual complaints including data on unwanted call complaints. We only publish data provided by the consumer.

Complaint data fields:

Field Name Dscription Data Type
Ticket Created The date the complaint was submitted to the FCC Date & Time
Date of Issue The date the consumer states the indicated violation occurred Date & Time
Time of Issue The time that the consumer indicates the violation occurred Text
Form Phone, Internet, TV, Radio, Emergency, Accessibility and Request for Dispute Assistance Text
Method The manner in which a consumer gets the product or service he or she is complaining about Text
Issue The specific issue the consumer is complaining about Text
Caller ID Number The telephone number the consumer indicates appeared on their caller ID Text
Type of Call or Message The type of unwanted call identified by the consumer Text
Advertiser Business Number The telephone number the consumer indicates the advertiser provided during the call Text
City The city where the consumer is located Text
State The state where the consumer is located Text
ZIP code The consumer's ZIP code (missing Zip code represented as "None") Text

(Note that fields that are not relevant to a particular complaint will contain no data. For instance, a complaint that is not related to telemarketing will not have data relating to the advertiser business phone number, type of call or message.)