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As part of the Office of Engineering and Technologies (OET) mission, the office publishes technical documents, such as research guides and technical study results. The documents on this page are divided into the following categories: Technical Memorandum, Measurement Procedures, Bulletins, and Reports.

These documents are provided for reference use and may not reflect the latest regulations or procedures. They may differ in format from the original publications. Certain documents may also be paginated differently than the author intended.

Technical Memorandum
TM 20-1002The Measurement of Radiated Emissions on Frequencies Below 30 MHz, January 24, 1991TM 20-1002 (PDF)
TM 17-1Computing FSS Earth Station Antenna Gain in the Direction of a Fixed Terrestrial StationTM 17-1 (PDF)
TM 91-1Propagation in Suburban Areas at Distances less than Ten milestm91-1.pdf
(Adobe PDF)
TM 90-1Interference Immunities of Aviation Receivers Due to FM Broadcast Transmissions. Project, March 1990TM 90-1 (PDF)
TM 87-5Interference Immunities of Aviation Receivers Due to FM Broadcast Transmissions. Project, June 1988TM 87-5 (PDF)
TM 87-1Receiver Susceptibility Measurements Relating to Interference Between UHF Television and Land Mobile Radio Services. April 1986tm87-1.pdf
1.2 MB (Adobe PDF)
TM82-5Guidance for Evaluating the Potential for Interference to TV from Stations of Inland Waterways Communications Systems, 1982.tm82-5.pdf(Adobe PDF)
NTIS: PB 82-247644

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Measurement Procedures (MP)

Be sure to reference the FCC rules to obtain the latest information regarding a topic of interest. The measurements and procedures provided here are for reference use and may not reflect the current regulation. Additional guidance on measurement procedures related to equipment authorization (EA) may be found on the EA measurement procedures page.

MP-1FCC Methods of Measurements for Determining Compliance of Radio Control and Security Alarm Devices and Associated Receivers, February 1983NTIS Accession Number PB 84-243641
OET On-line
MP-2Measurement of UHF Noise Figures of Television Receivers, October 1986NTIS Accession Number PB 84-243609
OET On-line
MP-3Methods of Measurements of Output Signal Level, Output Terminal Conducted Spurious Emissions,Transfer Switch Characteristics, and Radio Noise Emission from TV Interface Devices, January 1985NTIS Accession Number PB 89-117030
OET On-line
MP-4FCC Methods of Measurement of Radio Noise Emission from Computing Devices, July 1987Replaced by National Standard C63.4-1991
OET On-line
MP-5FCC Methods of Measurements of Radio Noise Emissions from ISM Equipment, February 1986NTIS Accession Number PB 89-117048
OET On-line
MP-8Measurement Procedures for Radiotelegraph Auto Alarm, December 1984NTIS Accession Number PB 89-117055
OET On-line
MP-9FCC Procedure for Measuring Cable Television Switch Isolation, September 1987OET On-line

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The OET bulletins provide detailed definitions, evaluation methodologies and guidance regarding selected Commission rules and procedures.

The Office of Engineering and Technology (OET) bulletins are available for download on the bulletins web page.

  OET Bulletins

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These documents provide information regarding research and technical analysis that were conducted.  In addition some reports were written in response to a request or in association with a specific issue.

OET 19TR1005Results of Tests on Cell Phone RF Exposure Compliance[HTML] [Acrobat]
OET TR 17-1006Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC)[Acrobat]
OET ReportMeasurements of LTE into DTV Interference (Tests on four ATSC DTV Receivers of OFDM 64 QAM Co- and Adjacent-channel Interference)[Word | Acrobat]
OET ReportReport On Trends in Wireless Devices[Word | Acrobat]
OET R86-1Modern Methods for Calculating Ground-Wave Field Strength Over A Smooth Spherical Earth[Acrobat]
FCC/OET 9-TR-1003DTV Converter Box Test Program -- Results and Lessons Learned[Word | Acrobat]
FCC/OET 07-TR-1006Initial Evaluation of the Performance of Prototype TV- Band White Space DevicesReport: [Acrobat]
Appendices: [Acrobat]
FCC/OET 07-TR-1005Direct-Pickup Interference Tests of Three Consumer Digital Cable Television Receivers Available in 2005[Word | Acrobat]
FCC/OET 07-TR-1003Interference Rejection Thresholds of Consumer Digital Television Receivers Available in 2005 and 2006.[Word | Acrobat]
TR-05-1017Tests of ATSC 8-VSB Reception Performance of Consumer Digital Television Receivers available in 2005.[Acrobat]
ET Docket No. 05-182Report to Congress - The Satellite Home Viewer Extension and Reauthorization Act of 2004[Word | Acrobat]
F03-118 GHz CARS band study pursuant to IB Docket No. 98-17218GHzStudy
R 6406Technical Factors Effecting the Assignment Facilities in the Domestic Public Land Mobile Radio Service,1964. (The Carey Report) (4.5Mb)NTIS:PB 166734
RS 76-01Field Strength Calculation for TV and FM Broadcasting, 1976.Computer Program: TV FMFS
NTIS: PB-249144
R 6602Development of VHF and UHF Propagation Curves for TV and FM Broadcasting, 1966. (8.3Mb)NTIS:PB66-174288
ASD-9601Measurements of Environmental Electromagnetic Fields at Amateur Radio Stations, 1996.NTIS: 96-145016
OET On-Line
R 99-2DTV Report on COFDM and 8-VSB Performance, 1999OET On-Line (MSWord)
TRB 99-3A Study of Co-Channel and Adjacent-Channel Interference Immunities of Subsidiary Communications Authorization (SCA) FM Broadcast Receivers[Word]
R2229-63UHF TV Receiver Interference Immunities Report[Acrobat]
RS 77-02RI/OCE (Reports Issued by the Office of Chief Engineer April 1946 -- Dec. 1976), 1977[Acrobat]
T-6401Field Measurements of Electromagnetic Energy Radiated by RF Stabilized Arc Welders, 1964[Acrobat]

These reports present data collected during staff research. Any opinions and conclusions expressed in them are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Federal Communications Commission. These reports are intended to provide data that may be prove useful for addressing technical issues within the agency and outside as well.

OET TM87-2UHF TV Receiver Interference Immunities ReportTM87-2(PDF)
UHF study TM87-6UHF TV Receiver Interference Immunities MemoTM87-6(PDF)
UHF study TM87-17UHF TV Receiver Interference Immunities NoteTM87-17(PDF)

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Non-OET Technical Documents


Appendix F (Docket 19261)
TV Stations to be considered in the Preparation of Applications for Land Mobile facilities in the Band 470-512 MHz, March, 2022(PDF)

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Distribution Source
  • OET On-Line:
  • NTIS:

    National Technical Information Service
    5285 Port Royal Road
    Springfield, VA 22161 USA
    Telephone: (703)605-6000 or (800) 553-6847
    TDD: (703) 487-4639 --- 8:30am to 5:00pm, Eastern Time
    Fax: (703)605-6900

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