Open Data

Broadband and Maternal Health

  • Download All States:  JSON | CSV
  • Download All Counties:  JSON| CSV

Broadband, Opioids and Chronic Disease

Open Integration

This visual analytics platform offers tools to facilitate analytic reasoning around broadband and health.  Stakeholders may have different questions guiding their analysis and their own datasets relevant in understanding the intersection of broadband and health in their own space.  To extend the analytic power of the platform to other agencies and stakeholders, we have used an Open Integration model, putting the power of the platform in the hands - and within the data - of the user.  The following files offer guidance on how outside data can be integrated into our platform in three easy steps, with no coding necessary.

The "Extensibility Files" folder has a template set of files that can be downloaded to deploy the platform locally and to integrate your own data. This can be modified accordingly to customize to the data locally available to you.

The “Examples” folder has "Veterans Population Files" and "Disability Population Files" that are functional examples for formatting the data and integrating it into the interface.

  • View the step-by-step instructions and download the extensibility files through GitHub

Contact us at and let us know how you have used this platform and its Open Integration feature.  We are interested in learning about and highlighting your work.  Please let us know any ideas for refinements and improvements for future iterations.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023