The Commission's rules require private land mobile radio station licensees to take "reasonable precautions to avoid causing harmful interference. This includes monitoring the transmitting frequency for communications in progress and such other measures as may be necessary to minimize the potential for causing interference." 47 C.F.R.§ 90.403(e).

The Enforcement Bureau's Regional and Field Offices, are responsible for responding to interference complaints involving private land mobile radio stations.

To ensure faster processing of such complaints, the Commission has entered into a number of Memoranda of Understanding with certain FCC-certified frequency advisory committees ("FACs") or frequency coordinators pursuant to which frequency coordinators will receive, investigate and, if possible, resolve private land mobile interference complaints in the first instance. Complaints that cannot be resolved after a specified time period will be referred to the Enforcement Bureau.

The Commission has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with three FACs:
  • Industrial Telecommunications Association, Inc. ("ITA") now known as Enterprise Wireless Alliance ("EWA"),
  • Association of Public Safety Communications Officials ("APCO") (for interference complaints involving public safety radio service frequencies); and
  • Association of American Railroads ("AAR") (for interference complaints involving communication frequencies which formerly comprised the "Railroad Radio Service").

The Enforcement Bureau encourages Private Land Mobile Radio Station licensees wishing to file interference complaints involving private land mobile radio operations to submit such complaints directly to the appropriate FAC in accordance with the process set forth in the relevant Memorandum of Understanding.

In addition, the Enforcement Bureau encourages other FACs to enter into similar Memoranda of Understanding.

Memoranda of Understanding



