Registered FSS earth stations in the 3600-3700 MHz band may register for protection from Citizens Broadband Radio Service users in accordance with Part 96 of the Commission’s rules. A preliminary list of protected sites can be found here. Also, FSS earth stations in the 3700-4200 MHZ band used for telemetry, tracking, and command (TT&C) operations (per §96.17(b)) may register as protected earth stations in accordance with the Commission’s rules.

Public Notice DA 18-623 announces the initial filing window and procedures for registration of Fixed Satellite Service Earth Stations entitled to protection from the 3.5 GHZ Citizen Broadband Radio Service.  The Commission has launched a cloud based platform to facilitate collecting the registration information and is providing a detailed user guide.

A database of protected FSS earth station sites will be publicly accessible after registration procedures and instructions are published and registrations are received.  (To be defined by the FCC’s registration process).


Tuesday, October 9, 2018