A military recreation station license is an amateur service station license granted only to a person who is the license custodian designated by the official in charge of the United States military recreational premises where the station is located. The person need not hold an amateur operator license grant.
Obtaining a Military Recreation Station License
A military recreation station license is obtained by filing with a Club Station Call Sign Administrator (CSCSA), an amateur radio organization that has agreed to provide voluntary, uncompensated and unreimbursed services for processing applications. If you are an amateur radio operator and would like to obtain a club station license, contact one of the CSCSAs below:
Anchorage ARC VEC
P. O. Box 190192
Anchorage, AK 99519
Contact: Kent Petty
P: 907-632-3963
E: vec@kl7aa.org
Contact: Allan Batteiger
E: vec@w5yi-vec.org
Vanity Call Signs
Military Recreation Stations are not eligible for a vanity call sign. See Section 97.19(a).