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Recent Releases

WTB Announces Conclusion of 220 MHz Spectrum Audit
WTB Confirms Certain 220 MHz Phase 1 Licenses Cancelled as a Result of Spectrum Audit
WTB to Mail its Second License Audit Letter and Notice of Cancellation to Certain Licensees in the 220 - 222 MHz Band



The Wireless Telecommunications Bureau (WTB) has concluded its audit of the 220-222 MHz Commercial, site-specific (220 MHz) licenses. A Public Notice has been released identifying the licenses that have been deemed to have cancelled automatically. The Universal Licensing System has been updated to reflect these licenses as terminated. Licensees that believe their license was cancelled in error have thirty (30) days from the publication of this Public Notice in the Federal Register to file a Petition for Reconsideration with the Commission.

The audit was initiated to determine if stations were operational pursuant to 47 CFR 90.157. A station is considered to be permanently discontinued if it has discontinued operations for one year or more.


The 220 MHz licenses included in this audit were site-specific licenses, authorized under Phase I of 220 MHz licensing, and are in the following radio services:

  • QT - 220 MHz non-nationwide 5-channel trunked systems
  • QD - 220 MHz non-nationwide data
  • QO - 220 MHz non-nationwide other

This audit did not affect geographic-area licenses granted following the 220 MHz auctions or 220 MHz licenses authorized for public safety, mutual aid, or emergency medical services.


During the week of May 12, 2003, WTB mailed audit letters to all licensees in the QT, QO, and QD radio services at their address of record in the Universal Licensing System. Licensees were directed to respond by June 13, 2003. During the week of July 7, 2003, WTB mailed a second audit letter and notice of cancellation to all licensees who did not respond to the first correspondence. Licensees had 30 days from the date on the second audit letter and notice of cancellation to respond to the license audit. The response options were limited to "operational" or "cancel".

During the week of May 12, 2003, WTB mailed audit letters to all licensees in the QT, QO, and QD radio services at their address of record in the Universal Licensing System. Licensees were directed to respond by June 13, 2003. During the week of July 7, 2003, WTB mailed a second audit letter and notice of cancellation to all licensees who did not respond to the first correspondence. Licensees had 30 days from the date on the second audit letter and notice of cancellation to respond to the license audit. The response options were limited to "operational" or "cancel".

For a call sign, licensees were required to respond by confirming that all stations under a call sign were (1) operational, i.e., they had not discontinued operations for a period of one year or more, or (2) they discontinued operations for a period of one year or more and, therefore, the license cancelled automatically. To respond for a specific location or discrete frequency under a call sign, the response options were the same as for a call sign; "operational" or “cancel".


Licensees were required to respond to the audit letter within thirty (30) days of the date on the letter online via Audit Filing. Only electronic responses were accepted. To submit a response, the licensee needed their FCC Registration Number (FRN), password, and audit reference number. Licensees without an FRN had the capability to register with the Commission Registration System when they entered the audit filing module.

NOTE: The audit letter also provided specific instructions on how to file a proper response.

Audit Progress and Results

An audit database tracked the progress and results of the audit. The final results are displayed on the license audit website.

Licenses Recovered As a Result of the 220 MHz License Audit (pdf)
This report, current as of October 22, 2003, contains a list of the licenses that expired or canceled as a result of the 220 MHz audit. The status of 'canceled' indicates the licensee certified their license canceled automatically for discontinuance of operations for one year or more. The status of 'expired' indicates the license expired during the audit and was not renewed. The status of 'terminated' indicates the license was deemed to have canceled automatically for discontinuance of operations because the licensee failed to respond to the audit.
pdf - xls

Monday, November 15, 2004