Antenna Structure Registration - Help

This article provides information on filing an application to register a replacement antenna structure in the Antenna Structure Registration (ASR) system. A replacement structure replaces an existing antenna structure at the same geographic location. Registration of a replacement antenna structure does not require Environmental Notice.

An antenna structure cannot be considered a replacement if any of the following conditions apply:

  • The proposed antenna structure uses a less preferred FAA Lighting style than the existing antenna structure. Lighting styles are ranked as follows (with the most preferred lighting style listed first and the least preferred listed last):
    • No lights;
    • FAA Lighting Styles that do not involve use of red steady lights; and
    • FAA Lighting Styles that involve use of red steady lights.
  • The proposed antenna structure will result in a substantial increase in size compared to the existing antenna structure. A substantial increase in size occurs if:
    • The proposed antenna structure would be more than 10% or twenty feet (whichever is greater) taller than the existing antenna structure;
    • The proposed antenna structure would involve the installation of more than the standard number of new equipment cabinets for the technology involved, not to exceed four, or more than one new equipment shelter; or
    • The proposed antenna structure would be more than twenty feet wider or more than double the width of the existing antenna structure at any height, whichever is greater.
  • The proposed antenna structure will require excavation more than 30 feet beyond the edge of the existing antenna structure property and any existing easements.

If any of these conditions is met, the proposed antenna structure needs to be registered by filing a New Antenna Structure Registration.

Steps to File a Replacement Antenna Structure in ASR

  1. Log in to ASR Online Filing with your FCC Registration Number (FRN) and password.
  2. On the Antenna Structure Registration Dashboard click on the drop-down arrow on the More Actions button.
  3. Select the purpose Register Replacement Structure.
  4. Complete the required fields. Navigate through the application by clicking on the Save and Continue button.
  5. Sign your application and click Submit Application.
  6. Complete the Certification page and click the Submit Application button.

    Note: By typing your first and last name in the name fields you have signed your application.

  7. You will receive a confirmation of application submission screen that shows the file number and status. Click the Back to Home button to return to the Antenna Structure Registration Dashboard.

FAQs – Filing a Replacement Antenna Structure in ASR

Will I owe a filing fee?


How do I know if my application is received at the FCC?

Applications will appear immediately in ASR Application Search. Enter the file number in the ASR Application Search to find your application.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015