Investigations and Hearings Division: (202) 418-1420
Division Chief:Christopher Sova
Deputy Chief:Kalun Lee
Deputy Chief:Elizabeth Goldin
Acting Deputy Chief:Kenneth Scheibel
Acting Deputy Chief:Vacant
Assistant Chief:Georgina Feigen
Assistant Chief:Drew Tobias
Special Counsel:Pamela Kane
Supervisory Management
& Program Analyst:
Rana Shuler
Supervisory EEO Specialist:Lynn Kalagian

The Investigations and Hearings Division (IHD) is responsible for a broad portfolio of subject areas, including enforcement of FCC regulations across every service regulated by the FCC, as well as special enforcement matters as directed by the Enforcement Bureau Chief. IHD staff also act as trial counsel for all FCC administrative litigation.


General Enforcement Areas


Wednesday, February 26, 2025