
Rule Part

47 C.F.R, Part 95

Radio Service Code(s)

  • ZV - 218 – 219 MHz Service

The 218-219 MHz Service (formerly known as the Interactive Video and Data Service (IVDS)) is in the 218 – 219 MHz spectrum range. The 218-219 MHz Service spectrum is suitable for providing fixed or mobile services.

The 218 – 219 MHz Service dates back to 1989 when the FCC received a petition for rule making that proposed interactive capabilities for television viewers. In 1992, the FCC announced 


 for the 218 – 219 MHz Service. In 1999, the FCC 


many of the 218 – 219 MHz rules to increase flexibility for how licensees use the spectrum.

In 2010, the FCC proposed to move the service rules for the 218 – 219 MHz Service from Part 95 to Part 27, recognizing that the service may fit within the other Part 27 services more than Part 95 services. In 2017, however, the Commission terminated the proceeding without taking action on that proposal. FCC 17-57 .


The FCC uses an auctions process to issue initial 218 – 219 MHz Service licenses. Previously, licenses were issued by 


 You can also gain access to 218 – 219 MHz Service spectrum through the secondary market, which allows licensees to sell or lease spectrum.

You can find information about 218 – 219 MHz Service licenses in the Universal Licensing System (ULS). The ULS radio service code and description for 218 – 219 MHz Service is ZV.

The FCC service rules for the 218 – 219 MHz Service are located in 47 C.F.R. Part 95.


Market Areas and Channel Blocks

218 – 219 MHz Service licenses are issued by FCC market areas and channel blocks.


FCC market areas consist of one or more counties. The market area for 218 – 219 MHz Service licenses is:

  • Cellular Market Areas (CMAs) – There are 734 CMAs


Channel blocks are groups of frequencies. The channel blocks for the 218 – 219 MHz Service licenses are:


Channel BlocksSpectrum AmountMarket Areas
A500 kHzCMA
B500 kHzCMA



The only 218 – 219 MHz Service auction started on July 28, 1994 and ended on July 29, 1994. The auction is:

Monday, October 28, 2019