FCC Adopts New Anti-Slamming Rules and Unveils Further Measures to Protect Consumers from Phone Fraud; Slammed Consumers Relieved From Paying Phone Charges (FCC 98-334, CC Docket No. 94-129). [ Text | WordPerfect | News Release & Statements ] 12/23/98
Commission Releases Fifth Annual Report on Competition in Video Markets, (CS Docket 98-102, FCC 98-335).
FCC Streamlines Equipment Approval Procedures to Increase Speed to Market and Reduce Barriers to International Trade (Gen. Docket 98-68, FCC 98-338). [ Text | WordPerfect | Acrobat | News Release ]12/18/98, 12/23/98
Statement of Chairman Kennard on D.C. Circuit Opinion on BellSouth Corporation v. FCC. 12/22/98
FCC Issues Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture to Long Distance Direct, Inc., File No. ENF-99-01, NAL/Acct. No. 916EF0003; Adopted: 12/16/98, Released: 12/17/98. [ Text | WordPerfect | Acrobat ] 12/22/98
Chairman William E. Kennard's Statement on Biennial Review Process 12/21/98
Commissioner Furchtgott-Roth Issues Comprehensive Report on FCC's Biennial Review Process; Expresses Disappointment in Extent of 1998 Review, Offers Constructive Suggestions for Year 2000 Review. [ Report | News Release ] 12/21/98
Commission Reaffirms DTV Policies, Provides for Conditional Power Flexibility, and Adjusts DTV Table of Allotments. (MM Docket No. 87-268, FCC 98-315). [ Text | WordPerfect | Acrobat ] 12/21/98
The Electronic Comment Filing System technical difficulties have been resolved. Routine maintenance is being performed to prevent future problems. We anticipate the system will be available for use before close of business. 12/21/98
FCC Proposes $2 Million Forfeiture Against Long Distance Direct, Inc. for Apparently Engaging in Slamming and Cramming. 12/18/98
FCC Proposes $2.4 Million Forfeiture Against Business Discount Plan, Inc. for Apparently Engaging in Unfair and Unreasonable Telemarketing Practices and Slamming. 12/18/98
FCC Proposes to Allocate the 3650-3700 MHz Band for Fixed Services; Freezes New or Major Modified Earth Station Applications, ET Docket 98-237. 12/17/98
FCC Adopts Spectrum Plan for "V" Band at 36.0-51.4 GHz, Facilitating Development of Broadband and Other Commercial Services, IB Docket 97-95. 12/17/98
The Common Carrier Bureau Releases the 1998 Common Carrier Scorecard Annual Report and the December 1998 FCC Telephone Consumer Complaint Scorecard [ Zip | Acrobat ]. 12/17/98
Announcing Mass Media Bureau's New Web Page on Low Power FM Radio Proposals. [ News Release | Web Page ] 12/17/98
MRP Enters Into Consent Decree to Resolve Slamming Complaints, DA 98-2558.
International Bureau Action, U.S. and Mexico Reach Agreement on the Use of Digital MDS and ITFS Systems Along the U.S./Mexico Border. 12/15/98
VHF Public Coast Service Auction Closes. 12/15/98
Commission to Hold En Bancs Regarding Telecom Mergers. [ Public Notice | Agenda | Audio ]12/3/98, 12/11/98
FCC Report to Senator Hollings on International Telecommunications Markets 1997-1998.
The Office of Engineering & Technology Presents a Tutorial on The Internet and the Public Switched Telephone Network on December 11, 1998. [ Public Notice | Audio ] 12/9/98
Common Carrier Bureau Announces Ex Parte Meeting to Discuss Developing an Industry Coalition to Address Software Flagging and Electronic Audit Tracking Requirements of Customer Proprietary Network Information (CPNI), CC Docket No. 96-115. 12/8/98
Chairman Kennard's Statement on Companies' Request for Guidelines on High-Speed Networks. 12/8/98
Commission Requests Nominations for Membership on the Technological Advisory Council, Which is Being Formed Pursuant to the Provisions of the Federal Advisory Committee Act. 12/8/98
Chairman Kennard's Remarks before the Telecommunications for the Deaf, Inc. Gala, at Gallaudet University. 12/7/98
Chairman Kennard's Remarks "Mastering Opportunity" at the National Black Media Coalition's Master Communicators Awards Luncheon. 12/7/98
Thomas J. Sugrue Named Chief of the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau.
[ Kennard Statement | Ness Statement ] 12/4/98
FCC Releases New Procedures to Streamline Radio and Television Applications; Require Electronic Filing; Institute Random Audit Enforcement; and Improve Ownership Data Collection. (FCC 98-281, MM Dockets 98-43, 91-140, 94-149) [ Zip Version - 629 KB | Acrobat Version - 281 pages, 1 MB | News Release & Statements ] 10/22/98, 12/4/98
Statement of Dale Hatfield, Chief of the Office of Engineering and Technology Concerning Non-compliant Sony Cellular Phones. 12/3/98
FCC Releases Memorandum Opinion and Order on Investigation of New Access Offerings Filed by Bell Atlantic, Bellsouth, GTE System Telephone Companies, and Pacific Bell Establishing Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line Service ( FCC 98-317). [ Text | WordPerfect | Acrobat ] 12/1/98
Common Carrier Bureau Announces Ex Parte Meeting Schedule on Reconsideration and Forbearance Proceeding of CPNI Second Report and Order. 12/1/98
Chairman Kennard's Statement on EchoStar-News Corp-MCI Announcement. 12/1/98
International Bureau Actions Concerning Accounting Rates on the U.S./Mexico Route and Potential Violations Telmex/Sprint Communications' Authorization to Serve Mexico. 11/25/98
Joint Board Makes Universal Service Recommendations to FCC: Provides Guidance on Issues Concerning Support for Non-Rural Carriers that Serve High Cost Areas (CC Docket No. 96-45, FCC 98J-7). [ Text | WordPerfect | Acrobat | Public Notice | News Release & Statements ] 11/24/98
FCC Proposes New EEO Rules to Meet Lutheran Church Court Case Concerns (MM Dockets 98-204, 96-16, FCC 98-305). [ Text | WordPerfect | Acrobat | News Release & Statements ] 11/23/98
Commission Adopts Rules on Use of Satellite Dishes and Other Over-the-air Reception Devices for Renters and Others with "Exclusive Use" Areas (CS Docket No. 96-83, FCC 98-273).
Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service to Hold a Meeting November 23, 1998 to Make its Recommendation on Referred Issues (CC Docket 96-45). 11/17/98, 11/20/98
Commission to Host Forum on Tower Lighting and Year 2000 Issues on December 7, 1998. 11/20/98
FCC Initiates Re-Evaluation of the CMRS Spectrum Cap; Seeks Comment on CTIA Forbearance Petition.
FCC Affirms Decision to Make More Spectrum Available for Mobile-Satellite Service for the 21st Century; FCC also Adopts Third NPRM on Proposals for Additional Spectrum, Relocation, and Transition Mechanisms (ET Docket 95-18, FCC 98-309). [ News Release | Kennard Statement ] 11/20/98
Non-Geostationary Satellite Services Proposed in the Ku-band; Expanded Services to DBS Subscribers also Considered (ET Docket 98-206, FCC 98-310). [ News Release & Statements ] 11/20/98
FCC Adopts Plan to Restructure Administration of Universal Service Mechanisms (CC Docket Nos. 97-21 and 96-45, FCC 98-306). [ News Release ] 11/20/98
Commission Implements Public Interest Obligations for Direct Broadcast Satellite Service (MM Docket 93-25, FCC 98-307). [ News Release & Statements ] 11/20/98
FCC Sets Fee Level for Subscription Services Used by Broadcasters on New Digital TV Channels (MM Docket No. 97-247, FCC 98-303). [ Text | WordPerfect | Acrobat | News Release ] 11/20/98
Commission extends deadline to December 22, 1998 for filing reply comments in the proceeding Carriage of the Transmissions of Digital Television Broadcast Stations. [ Text | WordPerfect | Acrobat ] 11/19/98
FCC Denies Schools' Petitions for Waiver of the Designation of Their Districts as Urban Under the Commission's Rules that Partially Determine the Universal Service Discount for which Schools are Eligible. [ Text | WordPerfect | Acrobat ] 11/19/98
Commission Adopts Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Concerning Satellite Delivery of Network Signals to Unserved Households for Purposes of the Satellite Home Viewer Act (CS Docket 98-201, FCC 98-302). [ Text | WordPerfect | Acrobat | News Release ] 11/18/98
Commissioner Harold Furchtgott-Roth's Speech before the Media Institute. 11/17/98
Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service to Hold a Meeting November 23, 1998 to Make its Recommendation on Referred Issues (CC Docket 96-45). 11/17/98
FCC Releases Digital Television Consumer Bulletin. 11/17/98
Denial of Motion for Extension of Time for Comments in GTE and Bell Atlantic for Consent to Transfer of Control.
Chairman Kennard's Speech at the "Dawn of Digital Television" Summit Meeting in Washington, D.C. 11/16/98
Commission Hosts Forum on Year 2000 Issues Affecting Emergency Response Communications.
Arrest Made for Interference with Aviation Frequencies. 11/13/98
FCC Orders MCI to Stop Charging "Non-Subscriber" Rates for Direct-Dialed Calls; Practice Deemed "Inherently Confusing" to Consumers (Memorandum Opinion and Order, FCC 98-297)
Chairman Kennard's Remarks before the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners. 11/12/98
Commission Holds Y2K Forum on Private Networks and Customer Equipment.
FCC Announces a Rulemaking Petition for a Terrestrial Digital Radio Service [ Public Notice | RM-9395 ]. 11/6/98
Chairman Kennard's Reply to Congressman Boucher's Letter about the Preliminary Injunction issued by the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida Relating to the Satellite Home Viewer Act (SHVA). 11/5/98
FCC Proposes Rules to Meet Technical Requirements of CALEA (FCC 98-282, CC Docket No. 97-213).
[ Text | WordPerfect | Acrobat | Kennard Statement | Furchgott-Roth Statement | News Release ] 10/23/98, 11/5/98
FCC Says GTE's ADSL Internet Access Service is an Interstate Service. (FCC 98-292, CC Dkt No. 98-79) [ Text | WordPerfect | Acrobat | News Release ] 10/30/98
Commissioner Ness's Remarks at the MSTV Annual Update. 10/28/98
FCC Approves Merger Between SBC Communications, Inc., and Southern New England Telecommunications Corp. [ Text | WordPerfect | Furchgott-Roth Statement | News Release ] 10/26/98
Electronic Comment Filing Sysytem (ECFS) Replaces RIPS Today. 10/26/98
FCC Office of the Secretary Relocates to the Portals. 10/23/98
220 MHz Service Auction Closes. 10/23/98
Commission Adopts Model Platform For Use in Determining Universal Service Support for High Cost Areas. (CC Docket Nos. 96-45 and 97-160, FCC 98-279) [ Text | WordPerfect | Acrobat | Furchgott-Roth Statement | News Release ] 10/23/98
Statement of Chairman Kennard on FCC's FY 1999 Budget. 10/23/98
Commission Takes Further Action to Ensure Fair and Efficient Administration of the Universal Service Support Mechanisms. (CC Docket No. 96-45, FCC 98-278) [ Text | WordPerfect | Acrobat | News Release | Furchgott-Roth Statement ] 10/23/98
FCC Adopts New Procedures to Streamline Radio and Television Applications; Require Electronic Filing; Institute Random Audit Enforcement; and Improve Ownership Data Collection. (MM Dockets 98-43, 91-140, 94-149) [ News Release | Joint Statement, Ness and Tristani | Furchgott-Roth Statement ] 10/22/98
FCC Requests Comment on Permitting Direct Access to Intelsat System. (IB Docket 98-192) 10/22/98
Experimental Radio Rules Revised to Promote Innovation, New Services; Extended License Terms; Permit Schools to Hold Licenses. (ET Docket No. 96-25) 10/22/98
Commission to Hold En Banc Hearing October 29, 1998 to Discuss the Affordability of Telecommunications Services and Consumer-Education Issues CC Docket No. 96-45. 10/21/98
Common Carrier Bureau Announces Agenda for Forum Addressing Truth-in-Billing. 10/21/98
FCC Consolidates, Revises, and Streamlines the Commission's Rules Governing License Application Procedures for Radio Services Licensed by the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Enabling Full Implementation of the Universal Licensing System (ULS), (FCC 98-234, WT Docket No. 98-20, WT Docket No. 96-188, RM-8677). [ Text (without Appendicies) | WordPerfect (without Appendicies) | WordPerfect - zipped (complete) | Furchtgott-Roth Statement ] 10/21/98
Chairman Kennard's Statement on Election of Yoshio Utsumi to Be Next ITU Secretary General. 10/20/98
Remarks by Chairman Kennard to NAB Radio Convention in Seattle, Washington on October 16, 1998 10/16/98
Commissioner Furchtgott-Roth's Remarks before the National Association of Broadcasters, Radio Show Financial Breakfast. 10/15/98
FCC Finds that BellSouth's Application to Provide Long Distance Service in Louisiana Satisfies More Than 6 Items on the 14-point Checklist; Commission Denies Application and Provides Detailed Blueprint on Long Distance Entry (FCC 98-271, CC Docket No. 98-121).
Commission to Hold the First of Two En Bancs Regarding Telecom Mergers to Discuss Recent Consolidation Activities in the Telecommunications Industry, on Thursday, October 22, 1998, Focusing on Three of the Proposed Mergers Before the Commission. [ Meeting Time Changed ] 10/14/98
Chairman Kennard's Speech "UNIVERSAL ACCESS : Carpe Diem: Seizing Opportunities in the Global Marketplace" at the Regulators' Breakfast ITU Plenipotentiary Conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota. 10/13/98
Press Statement by Chairman Kennard on Digital Television Transition. 10/6/98
Press Statement by Chairman Kennard on Access Charge Reform. 10/6/98
FCC Seeks Comment on Changes to Local Telephone Companies' Rate of Return to Reflect Marketplace Conditions. [ News Release and Statement ] 10/6/98
Commission's Bandwidth Task Force and Common Carrier Bureau Announce Panelists and Topics for First Two Advanced Services Technical Roundtables.
October First Remarks of Commissioner Gloria Tristani before the Hispanic National Bar Association. 10/2/98
Commission Establishes Band Plan and Adopts Service Rules Necessary to Begin the Licensing Proceess in the Newly Reallocated Public Safety Spectrum (FCC 98-191, WT Docket No. 96-86). [ Text | WordPerfect | Acrobat ] 10/2/98
Chairman Kennard's Remarks before the Georgetown University Law Center Continuing Legal Education Seminar "The New FCC". 10/1/98
Commissioner Ness's Remarks "Consumers First" before the Consumer Federation of America Utility Conference. 10/1/98
FCC Closes an Unlicensed Radio Station in Memphis.
FCC Finds Unlawful Ameritech's and U S WEST's Business Agreements with Qwest; Companies May Not Provide Long Distance Service Before Opening Their Local Markets to Competition.
Commission Suspends Requirement for Filing of EEO Forms.
Commission Proposes to Streamline Reporting Requirements for Telecommunications Carriers (FCC 98-233, CC Docket No. 98-171).
Two-Way Digital ITFS and MDS Communications Approved; New Services, Faster Internet Access Available for Consumers (FCC 98-231, MM Docket 97-217).
Chairman Kennard's Remarks before the Radio-Television News Director Association Annual Convention. 9/25/98
Commission's Bandwidth Task Force and Common Carrier Bureau Announce Three Advanced Services Technical Roundtables to be Held in October.
Automated Reporting Management Information System (ARMIS) Data is Now Available on the Commission's Internet Web Site. 9/24/98
Chairman Kennard's Remarks before the Personal Communications Industry Association of America. 9/23/98
Commissioner Ness's Remarks "Blueprint for Spectrum Management" before the Personal Communications Industry Association of America. 9/23/98
The Office of Engineering and Technology will Present a Tutorial on Internet Telephony to be Delivered by Cisco Systems, Inc. on October 5, 1998. [ Public Notice | Audio ] 9/22/98
Chief of Staff John T. Nakahata to Step Down. 9/21/98
FCC Proposes to Make Telephone Bills Clearer, More helpful to Consumers (FCC 98-232, CC Docket No. 98-170).
Commission Adopts Rules to Implement Universal Licensing System For Wireless Services.
Commission Adopts Modifications to Closed Captioning Rules for Video Programming (FCC 98-236, MM Docket No. 95-176) . [ Text | WordPerfect | Acrobat | News Release | Kennard Statement ] 9/17/98
Commission Proposes to Redesignate Portions of the 18 GHZ Band; Allow Blanket Licensing of Fixed Satellite Service Earth Stations in the Ka-band; and Allocate Additional Spectrum for the Broadcast Satellite Service ( FCC 98-235, IB Docket No. 98-172 ).
FCC Proposes to Eliminate Barrier to Modem Speed (FCC 98-221, CC Docket No. 98-163).
Statements on Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod v. FCC Court Decision.
Chairman Kennard's Remarks before the International Radio and Television Society. 9/15/98
FCC Approves Merger of WORLDCOM and MCI (CC Docket No. 97-211, FCC 98-225).
[ Text | WordPerfect | Acrobat | News Release & Statements ] 9/14/98
FCC Adopts Extension of CALEA Compliance Date (FCC 98-223).
[ Text | Word Perfect | Acrobat | News Release & Statements ] 9/11/98
Chairman Kennard's Remarks before the American Women in Radio and Television. 9/11/98
Chairman Kennard's Keynote Address "African Telecommunications: A Partnership for Progress" to AFCOM '98, Seventh All-Africa Telecommunications, Information Technology, Trade & Investment Conference, Philadelphia, PA. 9/9/98
Letter from Chairman Kennard to Senator McCain and Representative Bliley Relating to the Satellite Home Viewer Act. 9/8/98
Chairman Kennard's Statement on September 4 Fifth Circuit Decision. 9/8/98
"Keeping the Local in Local Radio", Comissioner Tristani's Remarks before the Texas Broadcasters Association. 9/3/98
Internet Over Cable: Defining the Future In Terms of the Past, FCC Staff Working Paper on Regulatory Categories and the Internet (OPP Working Paper No. 30). [ Text | WordPerfect | Acrobat | News Release ] 9/3/98
FCC Consumer Alert: Don't Hang Up on Dial-Around. [ English | Spanish ]. 9/3/98
FCC Closes Four Unlicensed Radio Stations in Cleveland. [ English | Spanish ] 8/28/98
FCC Closes down 15 Unlicensed Radio Stations in Miami Area. [ English | Spanish ] 8/28/98
Order in the Matter of Assessment and Collection of Regulatory Fees for Fiscal Year 1998. 8/24/98
Rules for C Block Reauction Adopted; March 23, 1999 Reauction Date Announced (WT Docket No. 97-82).
Chairman Kennard's Statement on Access Decision. 8/20/98
A New User Interface to the Hybrid Cost Proxy Model (HCPM 2.6) is Now Available for Downloading. 8/18/98
Chairman Kennard's Letter to NCTA and CEMA Calling on Industry to Work Together on DTV Compatibility. 8/17/98
FCC Proposes Forfeitures Against ConQuest Operator Services Corp. and Operator Communications, Inc. for Failure to Make Universal Service Payments. [ FCC 98-196: (Text | WordPerfect) | FCC 98-197: (Text | WordPerfect) | News Release ] 8/17/98
Common Carrier Bureau Establishes Revised Pleading Cycle for Comments in Section 706 Notice of Inquiry, FCC 98-187, and Deployment of Advanced Telecommunications Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, FCC 98-188. [ Public Notice | FCC 98-187, FCC 98-188 & related documents ] 8/17/98
Commission Releases Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Proposed Amendments to Part 97 of Amateur Service Rules for Amateur Radio Licenses (WT Docket No. 92-143, FCC 98-183).
Additional Application Processing Guidelines for Digital Television (DTV).
[ Text | WordPerfect | Acrobat ] 8/11/98
August 10, 1998, Commissioner Tristani Gives Keynote Address to the 64th Annual Conference of the Association of Public Safety Communications Officials-International (APCO) Albuquerque, New Mexico, [ News Release ] 8/11/98
FCC Adopts Auction Procedures for Commercial Broadcast Licenses. 8/10/98
FCC Launches Inquiry, Proposes Actions to Promote the Deployment of Advanced Telecommunications Services By All Providers. [ FCC 98-187, FCC 98-188 & related documents ] 8/7/98
International Bureau Authorizes TELMEX/Sprint Communications, L.L.C. to Commence International Switched Resale Services. [ News Release | Kennard Statement ] 8/7/98
FCC Announces Significant Progress on 1998 Biennial Review 8/7/98
Commission Proposes to Reform International Settlements Policy (IB Docket 98-148)
[ WordPerfect | Acrobat | Furchtgott-Roth Statement | News Release ] 8/7/98
Comments and Public Notice of Revised Comment Cycle on the Application by BellSouth for Provision of In-Region, Interlata Services in Louisiana. 8/7/98
Commission Revises Program Access Enforcement Process (CS Docket No. 97-248)
[ News Release | Furchtgott-Roth Statement | Powell Statement ] 8/7/98
FCC Adopts Rules for Licensing Largest Block of Public Safety Radio Spectrum Ever Allocated. 8/6/98
Chairman Kennard Announces Historic Agreement by Local and State Governments and Wireless Industries on Facilities Siting Issues, and Kenneth S. Fellman, Chairman of the Local & State Government Advisory Committee Issues a Press Statement. [ Kennard Statement | Fellman Statement | Agreement ] 8/5/98
Chairman Kennard's Remarks to the National Urban League in Philadelphia, PA. 8/5/98
Commissioner Ness's Statement on the Death of Shari Lewis. 8/5/98
Common Carrier Bureau Establishes Pleading Cycle for SBC-Ameritech Merger and Proposed Protective Order. [ Public Notice ] 8/3/98
Commissioner Tristani's Remarks to National American Indian Telecommunications Workshop. 8/3/98
Chairman Kennard's Remarks to the National Association of Black Journalists. [ HTML | Audio ] 7/30/98
Chairman Kennard's Statement on the Proposed Bell Atlantic/GTE Merger 7/28/98
Chairman Kennard's Speech before the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners, Seattle, WA. 7/27/98
Commissioner Ness's Remarks before the California Broadcasters Association in Monterey, CA; "Digital Pioneers: Embracing the Challenge" 7/27/98
1998 Biennial Review of Part 61 of the Commission's Rules and Related Tariffing Requirements (CC Docket 98-131, FCC No. 98-164). [ WordPerfect | Acrobat ] 7/27/98
FCC Approves Merger Between AT&T and TELEPORT [ News Release | Furchtgott-Roth Statement ] 7/23/98
Common Carrier Bureau Announces the Release of Version 2.6 of an Engineering Process Model Known as the Hybrid Cost Proxy Model. HCPM is a hybrid model that represents the views of individual Commission staff members, and should not be interpreted as an official statement or a proposed Commission decision. 7/23/98
Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service to Convene an Open Meeting on Wednesday, July 29, 1998, in Seattle, Washington, CC Docket No. 96-45. 7/23/98
FCC and Industry Announce Best Practices Guidelines to Protect Consumers from Cramming.
[ News Release | Kennard Statement | Consumer Summary | Guidelines ] 7/22/98
Statement by Chairman William E. Kennard on Referral of Issues to the Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service. 7/20/98
FCC Asks Federal-State Joint Board for Recommendations Regarding Universal Service Support for Non-Rural Carriers that Serve High Cost Areas, (CC Docket No. 96-45, FCC 98-160). [ WordPerfect | Acrobat | News Release | Kennard Statement | Furchtgott-Roth Statement ] 7/20/98
Letter from Chairman Kennard to the Schools and Libraries Corporation requesting that they complete certain actions before they issue any funding commitment letters to applicants for the schools and libraries universal service support mechanism. 7/16/98
Common Carrier Bureau Seeks Comment on Administration of Federal Universal Service Support Mechanisms.
Chairman Kennard's Speech "Thinking Ahead" before the NAACP 1998 Annual Convention, Telecommunications Forum, in Atlanta, GA. 7/14/98
FCC Adopts Process to Accelerate Resolution of Market Disputes (CC Docket No. 96-238, FCC 98-154).
Commission Adopts Notice Seeking Comment on Digital Broadcast Signal Carriage Issues (CS Docket No. 98-120, FCC 98-153).
Kentucky Department of Education Seeks Waiver of FCC Rules on Aggregation for Schools and Libraries. 7/10/98
CCB Requests Comments on Application by Bellsouth for Provision of In-Region, Interlata Services in Lousiana. 7/10/98
Commission Holds En Banc Hearing July 9, 1998 on Bandwidth. [ Public Notice | Presentations | Audio ] 7/10/98
Comments on FCC's Proposed Rules to Promote Access to Telecommunications Services and Equipment to Americans with Disabilities (WT Docket No. 96-198, FCC 98 -55). 7/6/98
Universal Service Administrative Company Report and Plan of Reorganization.
Chairman Kennard's 7/1/98 Statement before the US Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation at the Field Hearing on Universal Service in Anchorage, Alaska. 7/2/98
Commission to Hold Bandwidth En Banc Hearing July 9, 1998.
Commission Grants ECI Motion: Declares that ECI is Not a Cable System Operator
Commission Adopts "Navigation Devices" Rules Creating Consumer Market for Set Top Boxes and Other Equipment Used with Video Programming Systems (CS Docket 97-80, FCC 98-116). [ WordPerfect | Acrobat | News Release | Kennard Statement | Ness Statement | Powell Statement ] 6/11/98, 6/25/98
Chairman Kennard's Statement on AT&T and TCI Proposed Merger. 6/24/98
Chairman Kennard's Speech before the Federal Communications Bar Association. 6/24/98
Chairman Kennard Tells Mayors U.S. Faces Third Great Education Challenge of Last 150 Years; Urges Support for E-Rate. [ News Release | Speech ] 6/24/98
Commissioner Ness's Statement on Mergers and Consolidation in the Telecommunications Industry before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on the Judiciary. 6/24/98
Commission Grants in Part and Denies in Part PCIA's Petition for Forbearance; Solicits Comment on Further Forbearance (WT Docket No. 98-100, GN Docket No. 94-33, FCC 98-134). [ News Release & Statements ] 6/24/98
Chairman Kennard's Statement Applauding Jimmy Smits' Call for Promoting Opportunity in the Entertainment Industry. 6/23/98
FCC Reforms Universal Service Support Mechanism for Schools and Libraries (CC Docket No. 96-45, FCC 98-120). [ WordPerfect | Acrobat | News Release | Public Notice | Statements: Kennard, Ness, Furchtgott-Roth, Powell, Tristani ] 6/23/98
Commissioner Ness's Remarks "Kid-Tested Quality Programming: The News on the New Programs" before the Annenberg Public Policy Center's Third Annual Conference on Children and Television, in Washington, DC. 6/23/98
Commission Proceeding Regarding the Personal Attack and Political Editorial Rules. 6/22/98
FCC to Hold Open Forum on Electronic Filing Systems June 25, 1998. 6/22/98
Chairman Kennard's Speech before the Congressional Economic Leadership Institute Luncheon. 6/22/98
Transcript of Common Carrier Bureau's 6/4/98 Forum on Combinations of Unbundled Network Elements is Now Available. [ Text | WordPerfect | Acrobat - 209 pp | Public Notice | Recorded Audio ] 6/19/98
U.S. District Court Upholds FCC Radio Licensing Authority; Issues Injunction Against Unlicensed Broadcaster Stephen Dunifer. [ News Release | Kennard Statement ] 6/18/98
Commissioner Ness's Remarks "To Have and Have Not: Advanced Telecommunications Technologies" before the Computer and Communications Industry Association's 1998 Washington Caucus in Washington, DC. 6/17/98
Statements of the FCC Commissioners before the Subcommittee on Communications of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation on Reauthorization of the Federal Communications Commission. 6/16/98
Common Carrier Bureau Reiterates Services Eligible for Discounts to Schools and Libraries (CC Docket No. 96-45). [ Public Notice | Furchtgott-Roth Statement] 6/12/98
FCC Adopts Third Annual Report to Congress on State of CMRS Competition. Report Observes that Competition in Mobile Telephony and Other Services is Healthy (FCC 98-91). [ Acrobat 180 pages, 3.1 MB | WordPerfect Zipped, 2.9 MB | News Release 5/14/98 | Kennard Statement ] 6/12/98
FCC to Host Spectrum Auctions Conference Wednesday, June 24, 1998. 6/12/98
Commission Adopts "Navigation Devices" Rules Creating Consumer Market for Set Top Boxes and Other Equipment Used with Video Programming Systems (CS Docket 97-80, FCC 98-116). [ News Release | Kennard Statement | Ness Statement ] 6/11/98
FCC Proposes to Allocate Spectrum in 5.9 Ghz Range For Intelligent Transportation Systems Uses (ET Docket No. 98-95, FCC 98-119). [ WordPerfect | Acrobat | News Release ] 6/11/98
FCC Seeks Comment on Negotiated Interference Agreement Procedures as Part of Radio Technical Rule Streamlining (MM Docket No. 98-93, FCC 98-117). [ WordPerfect (without Appendicies) | WordPerfect (Appendicies only) | Acrobat (complete) | News Release | Kennard Statement | Furchtgott-Roth Statement ] 6/11/98
FCC Launches Proceeding to Promote Testing of New Technologies (CC Docket No. 98-94, FCC 98-118). [ WordPerfect | Acrobat | News Release | Furchtgott-Roth Statement ] 6/11/98
Extended Review Period for Third Quarter 1998 Universal Service Contribution Factors (DA 98-1094).
Chairman Kennard's Statement Before the Subcommittee on Communications; Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; United States Senate on Reauthorization of the Federal Communications Commission. 6/10/98
Commissioner Ness's Remarks "Out of the Gate in '98" Before the American Women in Radio and Television's North Central Area Conference in Louisville, Kentucky. 6/9/98
Chairman Kennard's Statement in Response to NextWave's Filing of Bankruptcy. 6/9/98
Chairman Kennard's Statement on the Appeal Filed by the U.S. Department of Justice from the April 24, 1998 Ruling in the GWI Bankruptcy Case by the U.S. Bankruptcy Court (N.D.Texas). 6/8/98
Additional Item to be Considered at Open Meeting Thursday, June 11, 1998. 6/5/98
FCC to Hold Open Commission Meeting Thursday, June 11, 1998. 6/5/98
Chairman Kennard's Statement in Response to the Court of Appeals Ruling Denying Nextwave's Motion for Stay of the C-Block Election Date. 6/5/98
Open Commission Meeting Scheduled for June 9, 1998, Cancelled,. 6/5/98
Chairman Kennard's Statement on the Effort to Hook Up Schools and Libraries. 6/5/98
Common Carrier Bureau Announces Electronic Option for Filing Comments and Reply Comments in Telecommunications Relay Services (TRS) Proceeding, (CC Docket No. 98-67). 6/3/98
Chairman Kennard's Statement Regarding Information in Phone Bills. 6/3/98
Commissioner Furchtgott-Roth's Statement Saluting AT&T. 6/3/98
Tariffs Implementing Access Charge Reform (CC Dkt. No. 97-250, FCC 98-106).
Commission and the United States Petition the Court of Appeals to Reconsider Decision on EEO Rules in Lutheran Church Case. [ Statement of Chairman Kennard ] 5/29/98
Commission Holds En Banc Hearing June 8, 1998 on Proposals to Revise the Methodology for Determining Universal Service Support, CC Docket Nos. 96-45 and 97-160. [ Public Notice | Presentations | Audio ] 5/28/98
Joint Press Statement of Commissioner Susan Ness and Commissioner Gloria Tristani Regarding the Mass Media Bureau's Approval of Assignment and Transfer in Redding, CA. 5/29/98
Commission Creates DTV Tower Strike Force to Target Potential Problems in Implementing Digital Television. 5/29/98
Commissioner Ness's Remarks Before the MSTV'S DTV Implementation Seminar. 5/29/98
Statement of Chairman William E. Kennard on AT&T Long Distance Announcement. 5/28/98
Wireless Telecommunications Bureau to Hold a Round Table Discussion on June 1, 1998 to Address Year 2000 Computer Date Change Issues Affecting Public Safety Communications.
Common Carrier Bureau Announces REVISED Agenda for a Forum on June 4, 1998 Addressing Combinations of Unbundled Network Elements.
Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Announces New Procedures for filing Part 22 Paging Applications in Universal Licensing System (ULS) Starting June 1, 1998. 5/26/98
Chairman Kennard's Statements on the Galaxy 4 Satellite, the U S West/Ameritech/Quest Agreement, and the Industry Discussions on Cramming. 5/22/98
Commission Adopts Rules and Sets Forth Processes for 220-222 MHz Auction. 5/22/98
Press Statement of Commissioner Harold Furchtgott-Roth (re: USAC). 5/22/98
Commissioner Tristani's Speech "Broadcast Views" to the Federal Communications Bar Association. 5/22/98
Common Carrier Bureau Releases Telecommunications Carriers' Use of Customer Proprietary Network Information and Other Customer Information Order DA 98-971, CC Docket 96-115.
Commissioner Furchtgott-Roth's Speech before the Direct Marketing Association, Washington, DC. 5/19/98
Chairman Kennard's Commencement Address at Southampton College of Long Island University, Southampton, NY. 5/18/98
Chairman Kennard's Statement on Court Ruling in Bellsouth v. FCC. 5/18/98
Chairman Kennard's Speech "Bridging the Digital Divide" to the NAACP Board of Trustees in Baltimore, MD. 5/18/98
Chairman Kennard's Statement on Senate Action on Slamming. 5/15/98
Commission Personnel Appointments & Announcements. 5/15/98
Commission Proposes Ways to Improve Telecommunications Relay Services, Extend Services to More People With Disabilities (CC Docket No. 98-67, FCC 98-90). [ WordPerfect Version | Acrobat Version | News Release ] 5/15/98
FCC Adopts Interim Procedure for Global Mobile Satellite Equipment Approval -- Action Speeds Deployment of New Voice and Data Services for Consumers (GEN Docket 98-68).
Commission Proposes Streamlining Equipment Approval Procedures to Increase Speed to Market and Reduce Barriers to International Trade (GEN. Docket 98-68).
FCC Adopts Third Annual Report to Congress on State of CMRS Competition. Report Observes that Competition in Mobile Telephony and Other Services Is Healthy.
FCC Adopts Method of Cost Recovery for Long-Term Number Portability. (CC Docket No. 95-116, FCC 98-82).
Common Carrier Bureau Seeks Comment on Proposed Revision of 1998 Collection Amounts for Schools and Libraries and Rural Health Care Universal Service Support Mechanisms.
Chairman Kennard's Statement on the Justice Department's Action on PRIMESTAR. 5/12/98
Chairman Kennard's Statement on the Potential Merger of SBC and Ameritech. 5/11/98
FCC Issues Report to Congress on Administration of Universal Service Support for Schools and Libraries.
[ Word Perfect - without attachments | Acrobat - with attachments | News Release | Chairman Kennard's Statement ]
Commissioner Powell's 5/7/98 Remarks to the Independent Telephone Pioneer Association, National Chapter. 5/8/98
Commissioner Powell's 5/5/98 Remarks to the National Cable Television Association in Atlanta, Georgia. 5/8/98
Chairman Kennard's 5/6/98 Statement on Bell Atlantic's Announced Action on Cramming. 5/7/98
Commissioner Furchtgott-Roth's 4/29/98 Remarks before the American Public Communications Council, in Las Vegas, Nevada. 5/7/98
DTV Pending Construction Permit Applications and the Top Ten Market Network Affiliates DTV Early Builder Application Status. 5/7/98
Commission Receives Award for Best Computer Application of the Year. 5/6/98
Chairman Kennard's 5/5/98 Remarks to the National Cable Television Association in Atlanta, GA. 5/6/98
Commission Declares COMSAT Non-Dominant in Competitive Markets; Issues Order and NPRM on Transition from Rate of Return Regulation to Alternative Incentive-Based Regulation in Non-Competitive Markets and Commits to Examine Direct Access in Future Proceeding (IB Docket 98-60). [ WordPerfect | Acrobat | News Release | Commissioner Furchtgott-Roth's Statement ] 4/30/98
Chairman Kennard's 4/28/98 Statement on Year 2000 Before the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. 4/28/98
Commissioner Powell's 4/27/98 Remarks before The Freedom Forum in Arlington, VA. 4/28/98
Commissioner Tristani's 4/27/98 Remarks before the US West Regional Oversight Committee. 4/28/98
Chairman Kennard's 4/27/98 Remarks to USTA's Inside Washington Telecom. 4/27/98
Congressional Notes, Prepared by the Enforcement Division, Common Carrier Bureau, Provide Information About Telephone-Related Issues for Congressional Offices and Constituents. 4/24/98
Commission Seeks Comment on a Variety of Petitions Concerning the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act
Commissioner Tristani Builds Relationships with Latin American Regulators; Urges Regulatory Reform. 4/24/98
Commission Proposes Streamlined Cable Filing Requirements.
FCC Revokes Texas Radio License Due to Licensee Misrepresentation and Lack of Candor. 4/22/98
Commission Bars Fletcher Companies from Providing Long Distance Services; Assesses Forfeitures for Slamming; Other Violations.
FCC Proposes Rules to Promote Access to Telecommunications Services and Equipment to Americans with Disabilities
Sixty-Third FCC Annual Report Now Available On Line. 4/21/98
Commissioner Tristani's 4/17/98 Speech to the New Mexico Broadcasters Association. 4/21/98
FCC Proposes Means for Incumbent Local Phone Companies to Measure, Report on Competitor's Access to Networks (FCC 98-72, CC Docket No. 98-56) [ NPRM, Statements & News Release ] 4/20/98
Digital Television Fact Sheet and FAQs Now Available on Internet. 4/20/98
Chairman Kennard's 4/16/98 Remarks to the Educom Networking '98 Conference in Washington, DC. 4/17/98
Commission Postpones Initial Date for Filing TV Translator and Low Power TV Applications for Replacement Channels. 4/17/98
FCC Announces Initiatives on Year 2000 Computer Date Issue; Commissioner Powell to Represent FCC on President's "Council on Year 2000 Conversion". 4/17/98
Statement from Chairman William E. Kennard on the D.C. Circuit Opinion in Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod v. FCC. 4/15/98
Commissioner Tristani's 4/9/98 Speech before the Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce. 4/14/98
Commission Submits Report to Congress on Universal Service. 4/10/98
Commissioner Powell's 04/06/98 Remarks at the 42nd Annual MSTV Membership Meeting, "New Regulatory Thinking", Las Vegas, Nevada. 4/10/98
Commissioner Powell's 04/05/98 Remarks to American Bar Association 17th Annual Legal Forum on Communications Law, "The Public Interest Standard: A New Regulator's Search for Enlightenment", Las Vegas, Nevada. 4/10/98
Commissioner Ness's 4/8/98 Remarks before NAB '98, "The Road to DTV" Panel in Las Vegas, Nevada. 4/9/98
Chairman Kennard Asks the Broadcast Industry for Help in Creating Broadcasting Opportunities for Minorities and Women.
Chairman Kennard's 4/6/98 Statement on Bell Atlantic's Commitments Regarding Entry under Section 271. 4/7/98
FCC's Office of Legislative & Intergovernmental Affairs Announces a Home Page on the Web. 4/7/98
Press Statement of Chairman William E. Kennard Regarding April 2, 1998 Commission Meeting. 4/2/98
FCC Proposes Rules to Promote Access to Telecommunications Services and Equipment to Americans with Disabilities (WT Docket No. 96-198, FCC 98-55).
FCC to Allow Electronic Filing of Documents in Rulemaking Proceedings; Access to Commission Filings and Opportunities to Participate in Commission Proceedings Greatly Increased (GC Docket 97-113, FCC 98-56).
FCC Proposes Measures to Streamline Broadcast Application and Licensing Process, Seeks Comment on Mandatory Electronic Filing (MM Docket 98-43, FCC 98-57).
FCC Simplifies, Streamlines Equipment Authorization Process; Adopts Electronic Filing Process (ET Docket 97-94, FCC 98-58).
Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Sponsors Attorney Outreach Forum on Universal Licensing System. 4/2/98
FCC Adopts Decision on Assignment of Toll Free Vanity Numbers.
FCC to Broadcast Audio and Closed Captioned Text of the April 2 Open Commission Meeting, Live Via the Internet. 3/31/98
Commissioner Ness's 3/30/98 Remarks "Making Sense" Before the Policy Summit of The Information Technology Association of America, Washington, DC. 3/30/98
Local Multipoint Distribution Service Auction Closes.
[ Public Notice, 94 pages: ( Acrobat format | Zip format ) | News Release | Fact Sheet ] 3/30/98
Chairman Kennard's 3/27/98 Statement Concerning Petitions to Set Technical Standards for Wiretapping. 3/30/98
Chairman Kennard's 3/25/98 Statement on Section 271 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 Before the Subcommittee on Communications of the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, United States Senate.
DTV Allotment Lists, a Joint FCC - FDA Statement, and a Fact Sheet on the Sharing of Analog and Digital Television Spectrum by Medical Telemetry Devices are now available from the new Digital TV and Medical Telemetry Devices Section of the FCC Health Care Home Page. 3/26/98
Commission Stays Deadline by which Independent LECs Providing In-Region, Interestate, Interexchange Services on an Integrated Basis Must Comply with the Separate Affiliate Requirement. [ WordPerfect | Acrobat ] 3/25/98
Chairman Kennard's 3/25/98 Statement on FCC's Fiscal Year 1999 Budget Estimates Before the Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, State, and the Judiciary; Committee on Appropriations; United States House of Representatives. 3/25/98
FCC Retains the Menu of Options for C Block Payments While Providing Additional Flexibility for Licensees Exercising these Options (FCC 98-46). [ WordPerfect | Acrobat | News Release & Statements ] 3/25/98
Commissioner Ness's 3/23/98 Remarks on the Launch of DTV Express. 3/25/98
FCC Closes Down Unlicensed Radio Operation that Threatened Air Safety at Sacramento Airport; Fourth Airport Interference Incident in Five Months. [ WordPerfect | Acrobat - includes attachment ] 3/24/98
Chairman Kennard's 3/23/98 Remarks, "Building a Global Information Community for the 21st Century", to the Second World Telecommunication Development Conference, Valletta, Malta. 3/24/98
Statement of Commissioner Furchtgott-Roth Regarding the Second Quarter 1998 Universal Service Contribution Factors. 3/24/98
Commissioner Powell's 3/23/98 Remarks, "Round Pegs in Square Holes", to the Annual Meeting of America's Public Television Stations, Crystal City, Virginia. 3/24/98
Chairman Kennard's 3/16/98 Remarks, "Creating Conditions for Positive Change", to the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition, Chicago, IL. 3/20/98
Commission Releases Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to Implement Universal Licensing System.
Chairman Kennard's 3/19/98 Statement on FCC's Fiscal Year 1999 Budget Estimates Before the Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, State, and the Judiciary; Committee on Appropriations; United States Senate. 3/19/98
Common Carrier Bureau Issues a New Fact Sheet to Answer Questions Consumers Frequently Ask About the FCC's Universal Service Support Mechanisms. 3/18/98
Commission Finds Industry Video Programming Rating System Acceptable (FCC 98-35); Adopts Technical Requirements to Enable Blocking of Video Programming - the "V-Chip" (FCC 98-36).
FCC Begins Inquiry Into Broadcast Ownership Rules Pursuant to 1998 Biennial Regulatory Review Requirement.
FCC Grants License Modification for AMSC's Satellite System.
Chairman Kennard Warns that Premature Bell Entry into Long Distance will create Megamergers, Not Competition.
FCC Commissioner Michael Powell Advises Investment Analysts to Look for Evidence of Regulators Promoting Innovation and Competition.
Kennard Reiterates Commitment to Ensure that Telecom Revolution Benefits All Americans.
Commissioner Furchtgott-Roth's 3/3/98 Comments before the Economic Strategy Institute. 3/9/98
Chairman Kennard Selects Rosalind Allen as Liaison to Local and State Government Advisory Committee. 3/6/98
Commissioner Furchtgott-Roth's 3/4/98 Address to the National Conference of the United States Telephone Association. 3/5/98
Chairman Kennard's 3/4/98 Statement "The Telecommunications Act of 1996 — Moving Toward Competition Under Section 271" Before the Subcommittee on Antitrust, Business Rights, and Competition Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate. 3/4/98
Commissioner Ness Applauds Signs of Healthy Investment in Telecommunications Since Passage of 1996 Act.
American Foundation for the Blind Announces Live Broadcast of FCC Chairman Kennard's Address at AFB Conference. 3/3/98
Common Carrier Bureau Announces Proposed Second Quarter 1998 Universal Service Contribution Factors.
RHCC Selects Price Waterhouse to Assist Universal Service Support Program for Rural Health Care Providers. 2/27/98
Chairman William E. Kennard Receives Alliance for Public Technology Pioneer Award; Outlines Guidelines for Bandwidth. 2/27/98
Commission to Hold En Banc March 6, 1998 in Connection with Report to Congress on Universal Service. 2/27/98
FCC clarifies the customer privacy provisions of Telecommunications Act of 1996 by giving customers further control over the use and disclosure of personal information (FCC 98-27, CC Docket Nos. 96-115, 96-149). [ WordPerfect | Text | News Release | Statement of Commissioner Ness ] 2/26/98
Chairman Kennard's 2/26/98 Remarks to the "Connecting All Americans" Conference at the Department of Commerce. 2/26/98
FCC Modifies EEO Enforcement for Religious Broadcasters.
[ News Release | Statement of Commissioner Furchtgott-Roth ] 2/26/98
Statement of Chairman William E. Kennard on the Current Dispute Between Telmex and U.S. Carriers. 2/26/98
Commission Changes Date For C Block Licensees to Elect Payment Option.
[ Order | Statement of Commissioner Ness | News Release ] 2/24/98
FCC Adopts Final DTV Allotment Table, Policies and Rules
Chairman Kennard's 2/23/98 Remarks to CTIA WIRELESS 98, in Atlanta. 2/24/98
Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service Solicits Additional Nominations for the Rural Task Force. 2/24/98
Fayetteville State University, Federal Communications Commission, and the National Association of Broadcasters Present "Telecomunications '98", Fayetteville, North Carolina. 2/23/98
Commission Adopts Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to Implement Universal Licensing System. 2/19/98
Commission Proposes Consolidation and Simplification of DBS Service Rules, Update of DBS Technical Rules and Seeks Comment on DBS Ownership Limitations (IB Docket 98-21, FCC 98-26).
The FCC Accounting and Audits Division Posts Non-Proprietary Service Quality Data from the Bell Atlantic/NYNEX Merger Performance Monitoring Reports. 2/19/98
FCC Chairman William E. Kennard States Preliminary Views in Support of FCC Authority to Require Broadcasters to Provide Free or Reduced-Rate Air Time to Political Candidates. 2/19/98
Statement of Commissioner Commissioner Furchtgott-Roth on FCC Authority to Require Broadcasters to Provide Free or Reduced-Rate Air Time to Political Candidates. 2/19/98
FCC Adopts Final DTV Allotment Table, Policies and Rules and Commission Affirms Service Rules Providing for Rapid Conversion of Over-the-Air Broadcasting to Digital Television (DTV), with Chairman Kennard and Commissioners Ness and Furchtgott-Roth issuing separate statements. Digital Television Channel Allotment Table: (revised 2/24/98) [ Text | WordPerfect | Acrobat ], Television Station Coordinates: (revised 2/24/98) [ Text | WordPerfect | Acrobat ]. 2/18/98
The FCC Office of General Counsel Launches New Biennial Review Home Page. 2/18/98
FCC Commissioner Michael Powell Calls for Creative, Market-Based Proposals for Promoting Involvement in Communications Industry by Minorities and Small Businesses.
Chairman Kennard's 2/16/98 Remarks to the Virginia High-Technology Partnership Program, Library of Virginia, in Richmond, VA. 2/17/98
FCC to Hold Demonstration of Speech-to-Speech Relay Services that Expand Access to the Voice Telephone Network. 2/17/98
Commission to Hold En Banc February 19, 1998 in Connection with Report to Congress on Universal Service.
WTB Sponsors Seminar of Universal Licensing System. 2/13/98
Commission Affirms Key Provisions of LMDS Second Report and Order, Paving Way for Auction (CC Docket No. 92-297, FCC 98-15). [ Text Version | WordPerfect Version | Acrobat Version | News Release ] with Chairman Kennard and Commissioners Ness, Furchtgott-Roth, and Powell issuing separate statements. 2/12/98
Commissioner Tristani Tells Puerto Rico Legislators That Telecom Act is Destined to be a Great Success.
Commissioner Tristani Challenges Parents, Industry, Society to protect children From Harmful TV Violence
Reply Comments on the Issues to be Addressed in the Commission's Report to Congress on Universal Service are Now Available for Downloading. 2/11/98
FCC Releases Transcript of January 29 En Banc Presentations on the Status of Local Telephone Competition. 2/10/98
Chairman Kennard Urges State Consumer Advocates to Help Promote Fair Competition; Introduces Eight Principles for Sustainable Universal Service. [ News Release | Speech ] 2/10/98
FCC Commissioner Susan Ness Calls for Continuation of "Internet-friendly" FCC Policies.
Public Notice identifies 138 Applicants Qualified to Bid in Auction of Local Multipoint Distribution Service (LMDS) Licenses, DA 98-230, released: Febuary 6, 1998.
Common Carrier Bureau Releases New Interstate Access Charges Factsheet. 2/6/98
FCC Budget of $212,977,000 Proposed for Fiscal Year 1999. 2/6/98
FCC Staff Proposes 31 Proceedings as Part of 1998 Biennial Regulatory Review. 2/5/98
The 1998 Edition of A Glossary of Telecommunications Terms is now available On-Line. 2/5/98
Commission Denies Bellsouth's Application to Provide Long Distance Service in Louisiana (FCC 98-17, CC Docket No. 97-231). [ Text Version | WordPerfect Version | Acrobat Version | News Release | Statement of Chairman Kennard | Application ] 2/5/98
Remarks of Commissioner Gloria Tristani to Camara de Comercio Latina de los Estados Unidos. 2/3/98
Press Statement of Commissioner Gloria Tristani on Being Appointed to Federal-State Joint Board. 2/3/98
Comments on the Issues to be Addressed in the Commission's Report to Congress on Universal Service are Now Available for Downloading. 2/2/98
Chairman Kennard's 1/30/98 Press Conference about the Second Anniversary of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 and Priorities for 1998
Office of General Counsel and Cable Services Bureau Holds Public Forum on January 30 to Discuss Biennial Review of Cable Services Bureau Rules. [ Public Notice | Audio ] 1/30/98
FCC Adopts Price Disclosure Requirement For Away- From-Home Calls.
[ FCC 98-9 | News Release | Statement of Commissioner Gloria Tristani ] 1/29/98
FCC Proposes Streamlined Requirements for BOC Provision of Information Services.
[ FCC 98-8 | News Release | Statement of Commissioner Harold Furchtgott-Roth ] 1/29/98
Press Statement of Commissioner Michael Powell Regarding Free Time For Candidates. 1/29/98
Press Statement of Commissioner Gloria Tristani 1/29/98
Press Statement of Commissioner Susan Ness in Response to the President's State of the Union Address. 1/28/98
Decision Reached in Geneva Today on Entry into Force of the World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement on Basic Telecommunications Services. 1/27/98
Schools and Libraries Corporation Announces Opening of Website. 1/27/98
REMINDER: Rescheduling of Roundtable Discussion of International Section 214 and Cable Landing License Authorization Processes. 1/27/98
FCC Chairman Kennard Joins Senator Dorgan in Visit to North Dakota Schools and Meets with Rural Telephone Service Providers. 1/23/98
FCC To Conduct January 29 Presentation on Status of Local Telephone Competition. 1/22/98
"Section 271 Review: The Challenge of Charlie Brown.", January 22, 1998 Remarks by Commissioner Michael K. Powell Before the United States Telephone Association, Washington, D.C. 1/22/98
Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Now Available from the U.S. Government Printing Office and On-line. 1/22/98
FCC Releases New Telephone Subscribership Report that provides information on the number of households subscribing to telephone service according to various demographic classifications. 1/21/98
FCC Chairman Kennard Visits Alice Harte Elementary School. 1/21/98
Chairman William E. Kennard's 1/19/98 Remarks to the 35th Annual National Association of Television Program Executives (NATPE) Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana. 1/20/98
Common Carrier Bureau Establishes Webpage for MCI/WorldCom Merger.1/16/98
Wake up Call: FCC Commissioner Michael Powell Calls for New Collaborative Approach to Section 271 Applications. [ News Release | Essay ] 1/15/98
Common Carrier Bureau Extends the Deadline for Comments on the Report to Congress on Universal Service. 1/15/98
Commission Adopts Fourth Annual Report on Competition in Video Markets. 1/13/98
Commissioner Susan Ness's 1/9/98 Remarks at the DTV Supersession of the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, Nevada. 1/13/98
Office of General Counsel and Bureaus to Hold Public Forums on January 13, 21, 28, and 30 to Discuss Biennial Review of Rules Administered by the Mass Media Bureau, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, International Bureau, and Cable Services Bureau, Respectively. [ Audio ] 1/13/98
Chairman Kennard Announces Rural Initiative; Appoints "Rural Ombudsman" at FCC to Monitor Rural Service.
Commissioner Susan Ness's 1/8/98 Remarks at the "DTV in the Desert" Symposium at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, Nevada. 1/9/98
Common Carrier Bureau Releases New Factsheet on Internet Service Providers, and Access Charges. 1/8/98
Commission Changes Date for C-block Licensees to Elect Restructuring Options; Announces C-block Reauction Date (WT Docket 97-82 ). [ News Release | Separate Statements of Commissioners Ness and Powell ] 1/8/98
FCC Reallocates Television Channels 60-69 (746-806 MHz) to Other Services (ET Docket No. 97-157, FCC 97-421). [ Text | WordPerfect | News Release | Statement of Chairman Kennard ] 1/8/98
Chairman Kennard Visits "Plugged-In". 1/6/98
Statement of FCC Chairman Kennard on Proposed SBC/SNET Merger. 1/6/98
FCC Designates Working Group to Prepare Report to Congress on Universal Service.
[ News Release | Public Notice ] 1/6/98
FCC Chairman William Kennard holds an informal press availability to discuss the recent Texas court descision involving section 271 of the Telecom Act. [ Audio ] 1/2/98