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FCC adopts DTV Standard. (MM Dkt 87-268)
[ News Release | Text Version | Word Perfect Version ] 12/27/96

Chairman Hundt releases FCC Agenda for 1997.
[ News Release | Text Version | Word Perfect Version ] 12/26/96

FCC approves Merger of Infinity Broadcasting Corporation and Westinghouse Electric Corporation. 12/26/96

FCC grants Cox temporary waiver of the One-To-A-Market Rule in Orlando, FL; Exchange of Radio Stations with Infinity. 12/26/96

Chairman Hundt welcomes Congressional Support of Local Exchange Competition Provisions. 12/26/96

Statements regarding DTV Fourth Report and Order and Adoption of DTV Standard.
[ Commissioner Ness | Commissioner Chong ]12/26/96

FCC releases an order implementing Accounting Safeguards Provisions of the Telecommunications Act of 1996. (CC Dkt 96-150)
[News Release | Text Version | Word Perfect Version ] 12/24/96

FCC releases an order implementing Non-Accounting Separate Affiliate and Nondiscrinination Safeguards Provisions of the Telecommunications Act of 1996. (CC Dkt 96-149)
[News Release | Text Version | Word Perfect Version ] 12/24/96

FCC adopts proposal to Reform Access Charges
[ News Release | Text Version | Word Perfect Version ] 12/24/96

FCC releases an NPRM proposing revised International Settlement Rate Benchmarks (IB Docket No. 96-261). The Notice also contains a Report prepared by the IB staff.
[ Text Version | WordPerfect Version | Zip Version | News Release ]. 12/20/96

Chairman Hundt's 12/17/96 speech "Everyone's a Winner" to the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, D.C. is now available online. 12/17/96

Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service: Staff to hold workshops on proxy cost models on January 14-15, 1997 (CC Docket 96-45, DA 96-2091). 12/16/96

FCC releases Second Order on Reconsideration on the Local Competition Provisions of the Telecomm Act (FCC 96-476, CC Dockets 96-98 & 95-185). [ Text Format | WordPerfect Format ] 12/16/96

Electronically filed Reply Comments to the NOI on Access to Telecommunications Services By Persons with Disabilities (WT Docket 96-198, FCC 96-382) are now available for downloading. 12/16/96

FCC launches new Internet Audio Broadcast Home Page that will provide worldwide access via the Internet to live and recorded audio broadcasts of selected FCC events. The first FCC event to be broadcast live from the new site will be today's Open Commission Meeting starting at 9:30 a.m. [ Public Notice ] 12/13/96

FCC launches new State & Local Government Home Page to provide local governments with a central source of information on FCC proceedings of the most interest to them. (permanent link added to Hot Topics section below) 12/12/96

The Commission is seeking comment on a number of issues relating to the National Broadcast Television Multiple Ownership Rule and has issued three Notices of Proposed Rulemakings: FCC 96-436 [ Text Version | WordPerfect Version ], FCC 96-437 [ Text Version | WordPerfect Version ], and FCC 96-438 [ Text Version | WordPerfect Version ]. The email address for responding electronically is ownership@fcc.gov 12/12/96

MCI/BT Proposed Merger Request, and all future pleadings filed electronically, can be accessed from FCC's new MCI/BT Proposed Merger Home Page (GN Docket No. 96-245). See the Public Notice [ Text Version | WordPerfect Version ] for filing instructions and comment dates. 12/11/96

International Bureau presents the ITU Electronic Filing of Appendix S4 data. 12/11/96

The Common Carrier Bureau's Enforcement and Industry Analysis Divisions are proud to make the fall 1996 edition of the Common Carrier Scorecard available online. [ News Release ] 12/10/96

FCC announces it is ready to grant Direct Broadcast Satelliteauthorizations to EchoStar DBS Corp. and MCI Telecommunications Corp. 12/10/96

New Section 271 Procedures for Bell Operating Company Applications (FCC 96-469).
[ Text Version | Word Perfect Version ] 12/6/96

Commission Allows New Flexibility In International Accounting Rates — on November 26, 1996, the FCC took a critical step to promote competition in the international telecommunications market by adopting rules to permit flexibility in its accounting rate policies (FCC 96-459)
[ Text Version | WordPerfect Version | News Release ]. 12/4/96

Chairman Hundt Outlines 1997 FCC Agenda; Procompetitive, Deregulatory Framework is Goal; lists Major Issues, FCC Streamlining Efforts, in 12/12/96 speech to the Institute on Telecommunications Policy and Regulation in Washington, DC. 12/12/96

Statements regarding agreement on DTV Standard:
[ Chairman Hundt | Commissioner Quello | Commissioner Ness | Commissioner Chong ]. 12/3/96

The Commission seeks comment on Digital TV Agreement. 11/26/96

Commissioner Ness's 11/18/96 speech "Competition, Kids, and Convergence" before the Northern California Chapter Federal Communications Bar Association is now available online. 11/22/96

Commissioner Chong's 11/15/96 speech "The First Amendment in an Information Age" at the1996 NAPABA National Conference in Denver is now available online. 11/22/96

The FCC Employment Opportunities Home Page now includes the full text of FCC vacancy announcements. 11/22/96

Common Carrier Bureau seeks comments on Universal Service Recommended Decision 11/21/96

Chairman Hundt addresses NARUC on the elements of a pro-competitive policy.11/20/96

Transcript of the November 1, 1996 "Public Forum on the Economics of Mandated Standards for Digital Television" [ Text Version | WordPerfect Version ] 11/14/96

A link to the new web page for Exparte Presentation Public Notices has been added to the Updates Section of the FCC Home Page. 11/14/96

The Recommended Decision of the Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service is now available for browsing on-screen (HTML & PDF formats) and for downloading (WordPerfect format). 11/13/96

FCC launches New Home Page for the North American Numbering Council. 11/8/96

FCC releases Order on Reconsideration in the matter of Pay Telephone Reclassification and Compensation Provisions of the 1996 Telecom Act ( CC Docket 96-128, CC Docket 91-35, FCC 96-439 ). [ Text Version | WordPerfect Version ] 11/8/96

The Recommended Decision of the Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service, and all related documents and statements can now be accessed from the FCC's new Universal Service Home Page. 11/7/96

Common Carrier Bureau Fact Sheets are now available online in Portable Document Format (PDF). 11/4/96

Commissioner Quello's 10/30/96 Speech at the John Bayliss Broadcast Foundation Annual Banquet in New York, is now available online. 11/4/96

FCC speeches now available via e-mail. 11/4/96

FCC releases Second Report & Order on Policy and Rules Concerning the Interstate, Interexchange Marketplace ( CC Docket 96-61, FCC 96-424 ). [ Text Version | WordPerfect Version | Separate Statement from Commissioner Chong ] 11/1/96

Electronically filed Comments to the NOI on Access to Telecommunications Services By Persons with Disabilities (WT Docket 96-198, FCC 96-382) are now available for downloading. 10/30/96

FCC announces grant of broadband Personal Communications Services entrepreneurs' C block BTA licenses (final down payment due by 11/1/96). 10/30/96

Commissioner Chong's 10/11/96 Speech to the American Public Communications Council's 1996 Eastern Conference & Expo in Nashville is now available online. 10/24/96

Handouts from the 10/22/96 Open Forum on How to Find FCC Information on the Internet are now available online. 10/23/96

Commissioner Ness's 10/21/96 Speech On the Occasion of National Consumers Week in Washington, DC is now available online. 10/24/96

The FCC releases an Inventory of Spectrum Usage between 137 MHz and 100 GHz (DA 96-1704).
[ Public Notice ( Text Version | WordPerfect Version ) ]. 10/17/96

Findings and Recommendations of the FCC Telecommunications and Health Care Advisory Committee are now available. 10/16/96

The FCC Reinventing Government Appraisal Task Force's Report on the Employee Appraisal Process at the FCC is now available on line. 10/10/96

New FCC Web Site Search Engine Available; Finding Information Now Much Easier. Use link on menu bar above or scroll down to use the search entry box right on this page. [ News Release ] 10/10/96

Ross Perot complaint against networks denied (FCC 96-401). [ Text Version | WordPerfect Version | News Release ] 10/10/96

Visit LearnNet, the FCC's new informal education web site, to get the latest on FCC policy and other initiatives that impact education.10/2/96

Commissioner Quello's 10/10/96 Speech to the National Association of Broadcasters' Radio Show in Los Angeles, CA is now available online. 10/24/96

Chairman Hundt's 10/22/96 Speech to the Antitrust Conference for Corporate General Counsels in Washington, DC is now available online. 10/24/96

Chairman Hundt's 10/18/96 Speech to the International Radio & Television Society in New York is now available online. 10/22/96

Chairman Hundt's 10/11/96 speech "To Build One World, Only Connect" at the Asia Society, Hong Kong is now available online. 10/11/96

Chairman Hundt's 10/7/96 speech "The Big River of Competition" at the Center for Information Infrastructure and Economic Development , Beijing China is now available online. 10/11/96

Chairman Hundt's 10/2/96 speech "The Communications Revolution: Stop Making Sense" is now available online. 10/3/96

Chairman Hundt's 9/30/96 speech "A New Paradigm for Digital Television" is now available online. 10/3/96

Audio from the Open Forum on How to Obtain FCC Information on the Internet will be broadcast live on the Internet by Fednet. To hear the broadcast, go to http://www.dn.net/fednet. 10/21/96

FCC to host Open Forum on How to Find FCC Information on the Internet. 10/15/96

Statement of FCC Chairman Reed Hundt regarding ruling of the 8th Circuit Court on interconnection and competition in the local exchange market. 10/17/96

FCC 96-388 Report & Order on the Implementation of the Pay Telephone Reclassification and Compensation Provisions of the Telecom Act (CC 96-128 and CC 91-35) is now available on-line. [ Text Version | WordPerfect Version | News Release ] 9/23/96

FCC releases NOI and Statement from Chairman Hundt on Access to Telecommunications Services By Persons with Disabilities (WT Docket 96-198, FCC 96-382). 9/20/96

Common Carrier Bureau launches new Toll Free page containing information on the latest Commission actions on toll free numbers. 9/20/96

Mass Media Bureau establishes Digital Television Web Page. 9/20/96

Electronically filed Comments to the NPRM on Telemessaging, Electronic Publishing, and Alarm Monitoring Service (CC Docket 96-152, FCC 96-310) are now available for downloading. 9/12/96

Additional electronically filed Reply Comments on the Independent LEC/Non-Dom. Issues of the NPRM on Implementation of the Non-Accounting Safeguards of Section 271 and 272 of the Communications Act of 1934 (CC Docket 96-149, FCC 96-308) are now available for downloading. 9/18/96

Chairman Hundt's speech "Seven Habits of Hopefully Highly Successful Deregulatory Communications Policy People" to the Royal Institute of International Affairs in London, England on September 4 is now available online. 9/10/96

The FCC's Office of Plans and Policy now has its own home page and a permanent link from the main FCC home page (see "Bureaus/Offices" below). 9/4/96

FCC posts additional electronic reply comments received on the NPRM and Order Establishing a Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service. 8/30/96

Statement of Chairman Reed Hundt regarding NARUC plan to appeal jurisdictional analysis in interconnection rulemaking. 8/27/96

FCC releases Errata to The First Report & Order on the Local Competition Provisions of the Telecomm Act (FCC 96-325). Updated version of full report is available for downloading. 8/27/96

FCC Clears the Way for Network Proposals to Provide Time to Presidential Candidates. 8/23/96

Additional electronically filed Comments and Reply Comments to the NPRM on Implementation of the Non-Accounting Safeguards of Section 271 and 272 of the Communications Act of 1934 (CC Docket 96-149, FCC 96-308) are now available for downloading. 9/12/96

Cable Services Bureau, Open Video System Comments 8/22/96

FCC releases Sixth FNPRM on Advanced TV Systems & their Impact upon the Existing TV Broadcast Service. [ Text Version | WordPerfect Version | Other Formats & Additional Information ] 8/14/96

The First Report & Order on the Local Competition Provisions of the Telecomm Act (FCC 96-325) is now available for browsing on-screen (HTML and PDF formats) and for downloading (WordPerfect format). 8/13/96

Transcript of Economic Forum on Antitrust and Ecomomic Issues that was held at the Commission on July 23, 1996 is now available on-line. [ Text Version | WordPerfect Version ] 8/12/96

FCC Adopts New Children's TV Rules (FCC 96-335). 8/9/96

FCC adopts Final Open Video System Rules Enhancing Competition in the Video Marketplace (FCC 96-334). [ Text Version | WordPerfect Version ] 8/9/96

The Second Report & Order on Local Competition in the matter of Administration of the North American Numbering Plan and other issues is now available on-line (FCC 96-333). [ Text Version | WordPerfect Version | News Release ] 8/9/96

The FCC 96-328 Order on Preemption of Local Zoning Regulation of Satellite Earth Stations (IB Docket No. 95-59) & Restrictions on Over-the-Air Reception Devices (CS Docket No. 96-83) is now available on-line.
[ Text Version | WordPerfect Version | Fact Sheet ] 8/6/96

The FCC 96-327 Order on Amendments and Additions to the Commission's Rules Governing Pole Attachments (CS Docket No. 96-166) is now available on-line.
[ Text Version | WordPerfect Version | News Release ] 8/6/96

The Office of Plans and Policy's report on efforts to improve commission processes (PP 96-17) is now available on-line. [ Text Version | WordPerfect Version ] 8/2/96

News Release from the FCC Open Meeting on actions taken to implement the Local Competition Provisions of the Telecommunications Act. (CC Docket No. 96-98, sections 251 & 252) 8/1/96

This year, for the first time, the FCC Annual Report is available On-line (news release) 7/30/96

Report & Order and Futher Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (FCC 96-264) on Revision of the FCC rules to Ensure Compatibility with Enhanced 911 Emergency Calling Systems is now available. [ Text Version | WordPerfect Version ]. 7/29/96