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12/31/02 FCC Releases Ninth Annual Report on Competition in Video Markets.
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Order: Word | Acrobat

12/31/02 FCC Announces Rechartering of Consumer Advisory Committee, Formerly Known as the Consumer/Disability Telecommunications Advisory Committee; Requests Applications for Membership on CAC.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

12/31/02 Review of Regulatory requirements for Incumbent LEC Broadband Telecommunications Services.
Order: Word | Acrobat

12/26/02 FCC & Two Wireline Carriers Enter Into Consent Decree Regarding Deceptive Marketing Practices – NOS and ANI to Pay $1 Million.
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Order: Word | Acrobat

12/23/02 Section 272 Sunsets for Verizon in New York State by Operation of Law on December 23, 2002 Pursuant to Section 272 (F)(1).
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat
Order: Word | Acrobat

12/23/02 FCC Authorizes Qwest to Provide Long Distance Service in Nine States.
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Order: Word | Acrobat

12/20/02 Facilitating the Provision of Spectrum-Based Services to Rural Areas and Promoting Opportunities for Rural Telephone Companies to Provide Spectrum-Based Services.
Notice of Inquiry: Word | Acrobat

12/20/02 WTB Seeks Comment on OnStar Petition for Declaratory Ruling Regarding the Applicability of the FCC's E911 Phase II Requirements for Wireless "Handsets" to In-Vehicle, Embedded Telematics Units.
Order: Word | Acrobat

12/20/02 Revision of the FCC's Rules to Ensure Compatibility with E911 Emercency Calling Systems.
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: Word

12/20/02 Additional Spectrum for Unlicensed Devices Below 900 MHz and in the 3 GHz Band.
Notice of Inquiry: Word | Acrobat

12/20/02 FCC Grants Pacific Bell's and SBC's Application for Authorization Under Section 271 of the Act to Provide In-region, InterLATA Services in the State of California.
Order: Acrobat

12/19/02 FCC Authorizes BellSouth to Provide Long Distance Service in Florida and Tennessee.
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Order: Acrobat

12/19/02 Statement of Chairman Powell Regarding Cable-Consumer Electronics Agreement on "Plug and Play".
Statement: Word

12/19/02 Abernathy Applauds Cable and Consumer Electronic Industries for Working Together Toward Offering "Plug and Play" Digital TV Sets to Consumers.
Statement: Word

12/19/02 WorldCom's Motion for Extension of Time regarding RM-10613 Office of Communication of the United Church of Christ, Inc. Petition for Rulemaking.
Order: Word | Acrobat

12/17/02 FCC Releases Data on High-speed Services for Internet Access.
News Release: Word | Acrobat

12/13/02 Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service; 1998 Biennial Regulatory Review-Streamlined Contributor Reporting Requirements Associated with Administration of Telecommuications Relay Service.
Order: Word

12/13/02 FCC Adopts Interim Measures to Maintain Universal Service Fund.
News Release: Word | Acrobat

12/11/02 FCC Begins Inquiry Regarding Additional Spectrum for Unlicensed Devices.
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Powell Statement: Word | Acrobat
Abernathy Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Word | Acrobat

12/11/02 FCC Issues Notice Seeking Data for its Eighth Annual CMRS Competition Report.
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat

12/11/02 FCC Seeks Comment on the Scope of its Enhanced 911 Rules.
News Release: Word | Acrobat

12/11/02 FCC Asks for Information on Wireless Services in Rural Areas.
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Powell Statement: Word | Acrobat
Abernathy Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Word | Acrobat

12/11/02 Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Releases Report on the Prevention of Wireless Unintentional 911 Calls.
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Staff Report: Word | Acrobat

12/11/02 Changes on FCC Spectrum Policy Task Force Announced.
News Release: Word | Acrobat

12/11/02 Abernathy Announces Hiring of Jennifer A. Manner.
News Release: Word | Acrobat

12/10/02 Chairman Powell and Assistant Secretary Victory Meet to Plan and Coordinate Spectrum Policy.
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Photograph from Meeting: Photo

12/9/02 Commission Releases Data on Local Telephone Competition.
News Release: Word | Acrobat

12/6/02 Homeland Security: Communications Industry Considers Measures to Protect Nation's Communications Services Against Attack.
News Release: Word | Acrobat

12/5/02 NOTICE: Due to equipment problems, no incoming e-mail was received at the FCC between 7:30 p.m. and 11:50 p.m. EST on Thursday December 5th. Anyone who sent e-mail to the FCC during that time was not notified that the message was not delivered. Those messages will have to be resent. This effects e-mail filings in all Dockets, including Docket 02-230.

12/4/02 FCC to Hold Open Commission Meeting Wednesday, December 11, 2002.

12/4/02 Chairman Powell Announces Public Hearing in Richmond, VA on Media Ownership.
News Release: Word | Acrobat

12/4/02 Commissioner Copps Welcomes First Hearing on Media Concentration.
News Release: Word | Acrobat

12/4/02 Verizon's Motion to Remove Merger Conditions Relating to Genuity - CC Docket No. 98-184.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

12/4/02 Media Bureau Releases Additional Data Set for Media Ownership Study.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

12/4/02 In the Matter of Assessment and Collection of Regulatory Fees for Fiscal Year 2001.
Order: Word | Acrobat

12/3/02 Jonathan S. Adelstein Sworn in as FCC Commissioner.
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Photograph from Swearing-in Ceremony: Photo

12/3/02 Statement of Commissioner Jonathan S. Adelstein on Taking Oath of Office
Word | Acrobat

12/3/02 FCC Commissioner Adelstein Announces Staff Appointments.
News Release: Word | Acrobat

11/26/02 Homeland Security: Protecting the Nation's Communications Network Against Attack Tops Agenda for Upcoming National Reliability and Interoperability Council Meeting December 6, 2002
News Release: Word | Acrobat

11/26/02 Technological Advisory Council to Hold Meeting on Wednesday, December 4, 2002 at 10:00 a.m.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

11/25/02 Commission Seeks Comment on Spectrum Policy Task Force Report.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

11/22/02 Network Reliability and Interoperability Council to Hold Meeting on Friday, December 6, 2002, at 10:00 a.m.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

11/21/02 Commissioner Michael J. Copps Calls for Re-Examination of FCC's Indecency Definition, Analysis of Link between Media Consolidation and "Race to the Bottom".
Statement: Word | Acrobat

11/20/02 FCC Releases Broadcast and Cable Equal Employment Opportunity Rules and Policies.
Order: Word | Acrobat

11/15/02 Amendment of Part 2 the Commission's Rules to Allocate Spectrum Below 3 GHZ for Mobile and Fixed Services to Support the Introduction of New Advanced Wireless Services, Including Third Generation Wireless Systems.
Report & Order: Text | Word | Acrobat

11/15/02 Amendment of the Commission's Rules Regarding Dedicated Short-Range Communication Services in the 5.850-5.925 GHz Band (5.9 GHz Band).
NRPM & Order: Text | Word | Acrobat

11/15/02 Press Statement of Commissioner Michael J. Copps on Senate Confirmation of Jonathan Adelstein.
Text | Word | Acrobat

11/15/02 FCC'S Office of Plans and Policy Releases Study Proposing a Rapid Transition to Market Allocation of Spectrum.
News Release: Text | Word | Acrobat
Working Paper: Acrobat
Spectrum Chart: Acrobat

11/15/02 Spectrum Policy Task Force Releases Report Setting Forth Recommendations for Spectrum Policy Reform.
Report: Text | Word | Acrobat

11/14/02 Applications for Consent to the Transfer of Control of Licenses from Comcast Corporation. and AT&T Corp, Transferors, to AT&T Comcast Corp., Transferee.
Order: Text | Word | Acrobat

11/14/02 FCC Adopts Order Granting Relief to Eligible Auction No. 35 Bidders.
News Release: Text | Word | Acrobat
Order: Text | Word | Acrobat
Powell Statement: Text | Word | Acrobat
Abernathy Statement: Text | Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Text | Word | Acrobat

11/14/02 ALERT : The Electronic Comment Filing System (ECFS) is Once Again Fully Operational. Thank You for Your Patience.

11/13/02 FCC Grants Conditioned Approval of AT&T-Comcast Merger
News Release: Text | Word | Acrobat
Powell Statement: Text | Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Text | Word | Acrobat
Kenneth Ferree's Press Conference.

11/7/02 FCC Establishes New EEO Rules and Policies for Broadcasters and MVPDS
News Release: Text | Word | Acrobat
Powell Statement: Text | Word | Acrobat
Abernathy Statement: Text | Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Text | Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Text | Word | Acrobat

11/7/02 Spectrum Policy Task Force Presents Recommendations for Spectrum Policy Reform
News Release: Text | Word | Acrobat
Chairman Powell's Press Statement: Text | Word | Acrobat
Commissioner Copps' Press Statement: Text | Word | Acrobat

11/7/02 FCC Seeks Comment on Proposed Licensing and Service Rules in the 5.9 GHz Band for Dedicated Short-Range Communications in the Intelligent Transportation Systems Radio Service.
News Release: Text | Word | Acrobat

11/7/02 FCC Allocates Spectrum for Advanced Wireless Services and Proposes Licensing and Service Rules.
News Release: Text | Word | Acrobat
Powell Statement: Text | Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Text | Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Text | Word | Acrobat

11/7/02 Abernathy Promotes Brill, Appoints Groves to Her Staff
Text | Word | Acrobat

11/6/02 Commission Denies Request for Production of Documents in AT&T-Comcast Merger Proceeding, FCC 02-301.
Order: Text | Word | Acrobat

11/5/02 FCC's Media Bureau Adopts Procedures for Public Access to Data Underlying Media Ownership Studies and Extends Comment Deadlines for 2002 Biennial Regulatory Review of Commission's Media Ownership Rules.
Public Notice: Text | Word | Acrobat
Protective Order: Text | Word | Acrobat
Order: Text | Word | Acrobat
Commissioner Copps' Statement: Text | Word | Acrobat

10/31/02 FCC to Hold Open Commission Meeting Thursday, November 7, 2002.

10/30/02 "Broadband Migration III: New Directions in Wireless Policy," Chairman Powell's Remarks at the Silicon Flatirons Telecommunications Program University of Colorado at Boulder.

10/30/02 FCC Authorizes Verizon to Provide Long Distance Service in Virginia.
News Release: Text | Word | Acrobat
Order: Text | Word | Acrobat

10/25/02 COMSAT and Intelsat Transfer.
Order: Word
Attachment 1: Acrobat
Attachment 2: Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat

10/25/02 In the Matter of Telecommunications Relay Services and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 Fifth Report and Order.
Order: Text | Word | Acrobat

10/22/02 FCC Staff Releases Report: "Measured Emissions Data for Use in Evaluating the Ultra-Wideband (UWB) Emissions Limits in the Frequency Bands Used by the Global Positioning System (GPS).
Public Notice: Text | Word | Acrobat
Report: Text | Word | Acrobat

10/22/02 "Digital Television: The Time is Now," Chairman Powell's Remarks at the Association for Maximum Television DTV Update Conference.

10/18/02 Full Text of EchoStar-DirecTV Merger Application Hearing Designation Order:
Text | Word | Acrobat

10/17/02 Application of Network Nonduplication, Syndicated Exclusivity and Sports Blackout Rules Pursuant to Satellite Home Viewer Improvement Act of 1999.
Order: Text | Word | Acrobat

10/16/02 Statement of Chairman Powell on Senator McCain's Telecommunications Ownership Diversification Initiative.
Text | Word | Acrobat

10/16/02 P. June Taylor to Serve as Chief of Staff for the Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau.
Text | Word | Acrobat

10/16/02 Barbara J. Douglas Named Director, FCC Office of Workplace Diversity.
Text | Word | Acrobat

10/15/02 Next Meeting of the Consumer/Disability Telecommunications Advisory Committee Set For November 8, 2002.
Public Notice: Text | Word | Acrobat

10/11/02 Digital Audio Broadcasting Systems and Their Impact on the Terrestrial Radio Broadcast Service.
Order: Text | Word | Acrobat
IBOC FM Transmission Specification: Text | Word | Acrobat
IBOC AM Transmission Specification: Text | Word | Acrobat

10/10/02 FCC Declines to Approve EchoStar-DirecTV Merger.
News Release: Text | Word | Acrobat
Powell Statement: Text | Word | Acrobat
Abernathy Statement: Text | Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Text | Word | Acrobat
Martin Press Statement: Text | Word | Acrobat
Martin Separate Statement: Text | Word | Acrobat
Press Conference: Audio/Video

10/10/02 FCC Begins Review of Policies on International Calling to Achieve Greater Consumer Benefits.
News Release: Text | Word | Acrobat

10/10/02 FCC Enforcement Bureau Reports on Major Accomplishments in Observing Its Third Anniversary.
News Release: Text | Word | Acrobat

10/10/02 FCC Selects Digital Radio Technology.
News Release: Text | Word | Acrobat
Abernathy & Martin Statement: Text | Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Text | Word | Acrobat

10/10/02 Deletion of Agenda Item from October 10th Open Meeting.
Public Notice: Text | Word | Acrobat

10/9/02 FCC Fines SBC Communications, Inc. $6 Million for Violations of Commission Merger Condition.
News Release: Text | Word | Acrobat
Powell Statement: Text | Word | Acrobat
Order: Text | Word | Acrobat

10/9/02 FCC and AT&T Wireless Enter into $2,000,000 Consent Decree Regarding E911 Rules.
News Release: Text | Word | Acrobat
Powell Statement: Text | Word | Acrobat
Order: Text | Word | Acrobat

10/8/02 Commission Releases Agenda for Public Forum on Rights-of-Way Issues.
Public Notice: Text | Word | Acrobat

10/8/02 Presentations From the FCC En Banc Hearing on Steps Toward Recovery in the Telecommunications Industry.

10/3/02 FCC to Hold Open Commission Meeting Thursday, October 10, 2002.

10/2/02 Remarks of Michael K. Powell, Chairman, FCC, at the Goldman Sachs Communicopia XI Conference, New York, NY.
Text | Word | Acrobat

10/1/02 FCC Releases Twelve Studies on Current Media Marketplace: Research Represents Critical First Step in FCC's Fact Finding Mission.
News Release: Text | Word | Acrobat
Public Notice: Text | Word | Acrobat
Studies: Titles, Authors and Links to All 12 Studies...

9/30/02 FCC to Convene En Banc Hearing October 7th on Steps Toward Recovery in the Telecommunications Industry.
News Release: Text | Word | Acrobat
Public Notice: Text | Word | Acrobat

9/26/02 The Commission Seeks Public Comment in the 2002 Biennial Review of Telecommunications Regulations Within the Purview of the following Bureaus and Offices:
International Bureau: Word | Acrobat
Wireline Competition Bureau: Word | Acrobat
Office of Engineering and Technology: Word | Acrobat
Wireless Telecommunications Bureau: Word | Acrobat
Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau: Word | Acrobat

9/26/02 Application by Verizon New England Inc., Verizon Delaware Inc., Bell Atlantic Communications, Inc. to Provide In-Region, InterLATA Services in New Hampshire and Delaware.
Order: Text | Acrobat

9/26/02 Media Security and Reliability Council Meeting on Wednesday, November 6, 10:00 a.m.
News Release: Text | Word | Acrobat

9/24/02 FCC Commissioner Michael J. Copps Calls for National Discussion of Ethics in Government and Consolidation in the Media; Seeks Further Action on the Public Interest Obligations of Digital TV Broadcasters.
News Release: Text | Word | Acrobat
Speech: Text | Acrobat

9/24/02 2002 Biennial Regulatory Review -- Reveiw of the Commission's Broadcast Ownership Rules and Other Rules Adopted Pursuant to Section 202 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
NPRM: Text | Acrobat
News Release: Text | Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Text | Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Text | Word | Acrobat

9/23/02 FCC Proposes Over $6.5 Million in Total Fines Against Two Carriers for Violations of Consumer Disclosure Requirements.
News Release: Text | Word | Acrobat
Notice - ASC Telecom, Inc. d/b/a Alternatel: Text | Word | Acrobat
Notice - One Call Communications, Inc. d/b/a Opticom: Text | Word | Acrobat

9/18/02 FCC Website Ranked First In Federal Government.
News Release: Text | Word | Acrobat

9/18/02 Federal Communications Commission Authorizes Bellsouth to Provide Long Distance Service in Five States.
News Release: Text | Word | Acrobat

9/18/02 Whitehall Enterprises, Inc., Assignor and Clear Channel Broadcasting Licenses, Inc., Assignee, for consent to assignment of license of WAAM(AM), Ann Arbor, MI.
Order: Text | Acrobat

9/18/02 In the Matter of Rules and Regulations Implementing the Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991.
NPRM: Text | Word | Acrobat

9/16/02 Tutorial on Free Space Optical Communications on October 3, 2002 in the Commission Meeting Room.
Public Notice: Text | Word | Acrobat

9/13/02 Communications Industry Adopts Measures to Improve Emergency Preparedness of Nation's Telecommunications Service.
News Release: Text | Word | Acrobat

9/12/02 FCC Reopens the Reference Information Center to the Public
Public Notice: Text | Word | Acrobat

9/12/02 Commission Seeks Comment on Disposition of Down Payments and Pending Applications for Licenses Won During Auction No. 35 for Spectrum Formerly Licensed to Nextwave Personal Communications Inc.
Public Notice: Text | Word | Acrobat

9/12/02 FCC Initiates Third Biennial Review of Broadcast Ownership Rules
News Release: Text | Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Text | Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Text | Word | Acrobat
NPRM: Text | Acrobat

9/12/02 FCC Seeks Comments on Updating Telemarketing Rules
News Release: Text | Word | Acrobat
NPRM: Text | Word | Acrobat
Powell Statement: Text | Word | Acrobat
Abernathy Statement: Text | Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Text | Word | Acrobat

9/12/02 Peter Tenhula Named Co-Director of FCC Spectrum Policy Task Force.
News Release: Text | Word | Acrobat

9/12/02 Bryan Tramont Appointed Senior Legal Advisor to FCC Chairman Michael Powell.
News Release: Text | Word | Acrobat

9/10/02 Statement of FCC Chairman Michael Powell on Withdrawal of Qwest's Multi-State 271 Applications.
Text | Word | Acrobat

9/10/02 FCC to Adjust Application Processing Fees, Effective September 10, 2002.
News Release 7/15/02: Text | Word | Acrobat

9/5/02 FCC to Hold Open Commission Meeting Thursday, September 12, 2002.

9/5/02 FCC Convenes Federal-State Joint Conference on Regulatory Accounting Issues.
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Press Statement of Chairman Powell: Word | Acrobat
Order: Text | Word | Acrobat

8/28/02 Review of Part 15 and other Parts of the Commission's Rules.
Order: Text | Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Text | Word | Acrobat
Order: Text | Word | Acrobat

8/26/02 Network Reliability & Interoperability Council to Hold Meeting on September 13, 2002 at 10:00 A.M. in the Commission Meeting Room.
Public Notice: Text | Word | Acrobat

8/26/02 Technological Advisory Council to Hold Meeting on September 18, 2002 at 10:00 A.M. in the Commission Meeting Room.
Public Notice: Text | Word | Acrobat

8/22/02 Statement of FCC Chairman Michael Powell on FCC Investigation of WNEW-FM.
Statement: Text | Word | Acrobat
Letter of Inquiry & Complaint Letter: Acrobat

8/20/02 Commissioner Copps Statement on Accounting Issues.
Text | Word | Acrobat

8/19/02 Qwest Communications Chairman and CEO Richard C. Notebaert Assumes Chair of Network Reliability and Interoperability Council.
News Release: Text | Word | Acrobat

8/19/02 Commissioner Copps Statement on Complaints Received Regarding Radio Broadcast of Sex Act in St. Patrick's Cathedral.
Text | Word | Acrobat

8/9/02 Chairman Powell Outlines Critical Elements of Future Spectrum Policy.
News Release: Text | Word | Acrobat

8/9/02 FCC Explores Digital Broadcast Copy Protection.
News Release: Text | Word | Acrobat
FCC 02-231: Text | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Text | Word | Acrobat

8/9/02 FCC Introduces Phase-In Plan for DTV Tuners.
News Release: Text | Word | Acrobat
FCC 02-230: Text | Word | Acrobat
Powell Statement: Text | Word | Acrobat
Abernathy Statement: Text | Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Text | Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Text | Word | Acrobat

8/8/02 FCC Streamlines Part 22 of its Rules: Eliminates Analog Service Requirement After Five-Year Transition Period.
News Release: Text | Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Text | Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Text | Word | Acrobat

8/5/02 FCC's Fee Filer Available for Online Submission of Fiscal Year 2002 Regulatory Fees and Data.
Public Notice: Text | Word | Acrobat
Fee Filer Web Page

8/2/02 Spectrum Policy Task Force Announces Panelists for the August 9th Public Workshop on Spectrum Rights and Responsibilities.
Public Notice: Text | Word | Acrobat

8/1/02 FCC to Hold Open Commission Meeting Thursday, August 8, 2002.

7/31/02 Spectrum Policy Task Force Announces Panelists for the August 5th Public Workshop on Spectrum Efficiency
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

7/30/02 Chairman Powell's Testimony to Senate Commerce Committee: "Six Critical Steps for Telecom Industry Recovery".
News Release: Text | Word | Acrobat
Testimony: Text | Acrobat
Attachment A: July 26 Consumer Bulletin
Attachment B: Pyramid Chart on Six Critical Steps

7/26/02 Verizon Wireless' Petition for Partial Forbearance from the Commercial Mobile Radio Services Number Portability Obligation and Telephone Number Portability.
Order: Text | Word | Acrobat

7/26/02 Spectrum Policy Task Force Announces Panelists for the August 1st Public Workshop on Unlicensed Spectrum and Experimental Licenses and the August 2nd Public Workshop on Interference Protection.
Public Notice: Text | Word | Acrobat

7/26/02 FCC Assures WorldCom Customers Concerning Continuation of Phone Service.
Consumer Bulletin: Text | Word | Acrobat

7/26/02 FCC Seeks Comment on the National Telecommunications and Information Administration's Report "An Assessment of the Viability of Accommodating Advanced Mobile Wireless (3G) Systems in the 1710-1770 MHz and 2110-2170 MHz Bands. Comments Due: 08/08/2002.
Public Notice: Text | Word | Acrobat

7/26/02 Revisions of the Commission's Rules to Ensure Compatibility with Enhanced 911 Emergency Calling Systems: Phase II Compliance Deadlines for Non-Nationwide CMRS Carriers.
Order: Text | Word | Acrobat

7/25/02 Customer Proprietary Network Information.
Third Report & Order and 3rd Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: Text | Word | Acrobat

7/24/02 Request by Cellular Telecommunications and Internet Association to Commence Rulemaking to Establish Fair Location Information Practices.
Order: Text | Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Text | Acrobat

7/23/02 FCC Releases Data on High-Speed Services for Internet Access.
News Release: Text | Word | Acrobat

7/23/02 Statement by Chairman Powell on Spectrum Allocation for 3G Services.
Text | Word | Acrobat

7/23/02 FCC Releases Data on Local Telephone Competition.
News Release: Text | Word | Acrobat

7/22/02 Letter from Chairman Powell to WorldCom.

7/21/02 Statement by Chairman Powell on WorldCom Bankruptcy Filing.
Text | Word | Acrobat

7/18/02 Statement by Chairman Powell on FCC and the WorldCom situation, Press Briefing July 16, 2002.

7/18/02 Review of Part 15 and other Parts of the Commission's Rules.
First Report and Order: Text | Word | Acrobat

7/18/02 Commission Grants Dereservation Petition of WQED Pittsburgh Noncommercial Educational Station WQEX(TV).
Text | Acrobat

7/16/02 Letters from Chairman Powell to Congressman Ed Markey Regarding WorldCom.

7/16/02 FCC Extends Wireless Local Number Portability Deadline by 1 Year to November 24, 2003.
News Release: Text | Word | Acrobat
Abernathy Statement: Text | Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Text | Word | Acrobat
Martin Press Statement: Text | Word | Acrobat

7/16/02 FCC Adopts Rules Resolving How Phone Companies Share and Market Customer Information.
News Release: Text | Word | Acrobat
Powell Statement: Text | Word | Acrobat
Abernathy Statement: Text | Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Text | Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Text | Word | Acrobat

7/16/02 FCC Implements Migration Path to Promote the Efficient Use of Spectrum in the 700 MHz Public Safety Band.
News Release: Text | Word | Acrobat

7/16/02 Christopher Libertelli Appointed Legal Advisor to FCC Chairman Michael Powell.
News Release: Text | Word | Acrobat

7/16/02 Kyle Dixon Named Deputy Bureau Chief in the Media Bureau and Special Counsel to the Chairman on Broadband Policy.
News Release: Text | Word | Acrobat

7/16/02 Simon Wilkie Named FCC Chief Economist.
News Release: Text | Word | Acrobat

7/12/02 Chairman Michael K. Powell Responds to CE Industry's Failure to Make Real Commitments on DTV Tuners.
News Release: Text | Word | Acrobat

7/12/02 OET Establishes Waiver Process to Permit Existing Ultra Wideband Devices to Continue Operation.
News Release: Text | Word | Acrobat
Order: Text | Word | Acrobat

7/12/02 In the matter of Petitions for Reconsideration of the Second Memorandum Opinion and Order, Service Rules for the 746-764 and 776-794 MHz Bands and Revisions to Part 27 of the Commission's Rules.
Order: Text | Word | Acrobat

7/11/02 Statement by FCC Chairman Michael K. Powell: DTV Plan Update -- Progress For Consumers
News Release: Text | Word | Acrobat
Industry Letters: Acrobat

7/10/02 Youngstown Radio License, LLC (Youngstown) and Citicasters Licenses, Inc. (Citicasters).
Hearing Designation Order: Text | Word | Acrobat

7/10/02 Sheldon Broadcasting, Ltd. (Sheldon), Assignor and Clear Channel Broadcasting Licenses, Inc. (Clear Channel), Assignee.
Hearing Designation Order: Text | Word | Acrobat

7/10/02 Mountain Wireless, Inc., Assignor and Clear Channel Broadcasting Licenses, Inc., Assignee, for consent to assignment of licenses of WSKW(AM) and WHQO(FM), Skowhegan, Maine.
Hearing Designation Order: Text | Word | Acrobat

7/10/02 The Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service Recommended Decision Regarding the Definition of Services Supported by Universal Service.
Recommended Decision: Text | Word | Acrobat

7/10/02 Spectrum Policy Task Force Announces Public Workshops on Issues Related to Commission's Spectrum Policies.
News Release: Text | Word | Acrobat

7/9/02 FCC to Hold Open Commission Meeting Tuesday, July 16, 2002.

7/9/02 Chairman Powell Appointed to President Bush's Corporate Fraud Task Force
News Release: Text | Word | Acrobat

7/3/02 Office of Plans & Policy AND Media Bureau Release Revised Data Set Involving Experimental Economics Study Examining Horizontal Concentration in the Cable Industry
Public Notice: Text | Word | Acrobat
Working Paper: Text | Word | Acrobat
Attachment 1: Excel | Acrobat
Attachment 2: Excel | Acrobat
Attachment 3: Excel | Acrobat

7/1/02 FCC Chairman Michael Powell Today Commences 2nd Term as FCC Commissioner
News Release: Text | Word | Acrobat

7/1/02 Public Invited to Review Draft Strategic Plan.
Public Notice: Text | Word | Acrobat
Strategic Plan Home Page

6/26/02 Statement by FCC Chairman Michael K. Powell Concerning WorldCom Developments
Text | Word | Acrobat

6/24/02 FCC Authorizes Verzion to Provide Long Distance Service in New Jersey
News Release: Text | Word | Acrobat
Order: Text | Word | Acrobat
Attachment: Text | Word | Acrobat
Copps' Statement: Text | Acrobat

6/20/02 FCC Announces Panelists for En Banc Hearing on Broadcast and Cable Equal Employment Opportunity Rules set for Monday, June 24, 2002, 10:00 A.M.
News Release: Text | Word | Acrobat

6/20/02 In the Matter of Application of Bellsouth Corporation Pursuant to Section 271 of The Telecommunications Act of 1996 to Provide In-Region, Interlata Services in Alabama, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina and South Carolina.
Protective Order: Text | Word | Acrobat
Public Notice Requesting Comments: Text | Word | Acrobat

6/20/02 FCC Proposes $1,200,000 Fine Against WEBNET for Slamming Violations.
News Release: Text | Word | Acrobat

6/19/02 FCC Authorizes Verizon to Provide Long Distance Service in Maine.
News Release: Text | Word | Acrobat
Order: Text | Word | Acrobat

6/19/02 FCC Orders Hearing into Apparent Violations of TRS Requirements by the Publix Companies.
News Release: Text | Word | Acrobat

6/13/02 FCC Resolves Issue of Unused Funds From Universal Service Program.
News Release: Text | Word | Acrobat
Chairman Powell's Statement: Text | Word | Acrobat
Commissioner Copps' Statement: Text | Word | Acrobat
Commissioner Martin's Statement: Text | Word | Acrobat

6/13/02 FCC Initiates Proceeding to Promote Commercial Development of Spectrum in the 71-76 GHZ, 81-86 GHz and 92-95 GHz Bands.
News Release: Text | Word | Acrobat
Commissioner Abernathy's Statement: Text | Word | Acrobat
Commissioner Copps' Statement: Text | Word | Acrobat
Commissioner Martin's Statement: Text | Word | Acrobat

6/13/02 FCC Extends Program Access Exclusivity Rules.
News Release: Text | Word | Acrobat
Commissioner Abernathy's Statement: Text | Word | Acrobat
Commissioner Copps' Statement: Text | Word | Acrobat
Commissioner Martin's Press Statement: Text | Word | Acrobat
Commissioner Martin's Separate Statement: Acrobat

6/13/02 FCC Adopts Annual Report on State of Competition in the Wireless Industry.
News Release: Text | Word | Acrobat
Commissioner Copps' Statement: Text | Word | Acrobat

6/13/02 FCC and NCS Highlight Telecommunications Service Priority Program.
News Release: Text | Word | Acrobat

6/13/02 FCC Sets Rulemaking to Reflect Statutory Sunset of CPST Rate Regulation.
News Release: Text | Word | Acrobat

6/13/02 FCC Issues Inquiry for its Ninth Report to Congress on Video Competition
News Release: Text | Word | Acrobat

6/13/02 Policies and Rules for the Direct Broadcast Satellite Service.
Order: Text | Word | Acrobat

6/13/02 Deletion of Agenda Item From June 13th Open Meeting.

6/12/02 Public Meeting to be Held on Proposals to Reform the Commission's Universal Service Contribution Methodology.
Order: Text | Word | Acrobat

6/11/02 In the Matter of Numbering Resource Optimization.
Order: Text | Word | Acrobat

6/10/02 Technological Advisory Council to Hold Meeting.
Public Notice: Text | Word | Acrobat

6/7/02 The Second Meeting of the Network Reliability and Interoperability Council Meeting Scheduled for June 14, 2002 has been Cancelled.
Text | Word | Acrobat

6/6/02 FCC to Hold Open Commission Meeting on Thursday, June 13, 2002.

6/6/02 FCC's Enforcement Bureau Establishes Section 271 Compliance Review Program.
Public Notice: Text | Word | Acrobat
Chairman Powell's Statement: Text | Word | Acrobat

6/6/02 Chairman Powell Announces Formation of Spectrum Policy Task Force; Spectrum Policy Task Force Seeks Public Comment on Issues Related to Commission's Spectrum Policies.
News Release: Text | Word | Acrobat
Public Notice: Text | Word | Acrobat
Statement of Commissioners Martin and Copps: Text | Word | Acrobat
Spectrum Policy Task Force Home Page

6/3/02 Media Bureau Seeks Comment on Experimental Economics Study Examining Horizontal Concentration in the Cable Industry.
7/3/02 Public Notice: Text | Word | Acrobat
6/3/02 Public Notice: Text | Word | Acrobat
Working Paper: Text | Word | Acrobat
Attachment 1: Excel | Acrobat
Attachment 2: Excel | Acrobat
Attachment 3: Excel | Acrobat

6/3/02 FCC Releases Study on Horizontal Concentration in the Cable Television Industry.
News Release
Working Paper: Text | Word | Acrobat

5/24/02 Statement of FCC Chairman Michael Powell on the Decision by the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Regarding the Commission's Unbundling Rules.

5/24/02 FCC Postpones Auction No. 31 (upper 700 MHz Band) Until January 14, 2003, Denies Applications For Review, Auction No. 44 (Lower 700 MHz Band) to Proceed on June 19, 2002
Statements to Order:
   Powell: Text | Word | Acrobat
   Abernathy: Text | Word | Acrobat
   Copps: Text | Word | Text
   Martin: Text | Word | Acrobat
Order (FCC 02-155): Text | Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement to Public Notice:Text | Word | Acrobat
Public Notice (FCC 02-158): Text | Word | Acrobat

5/24/02 Auction of Licenses for 698-746 MHz Band; Status of FCC Form 175 Applications to Participate in the Auction; Extension of Upfront Payment Deadlines (Auction No. 44)
Public Notice: Text | Word | Acrobat
Attachment 1: Text | Word | Acrobat
Attachment 2: Text | Word | Acrobat

5/23/02 FCC Releases Order on MVDDS Authorization and Service Rules for the 12.2-12.7 GHz Band.
Order (FCC-02-116): Text | Acrobat
Statements: Powell & Abernathy Joint Statement | Copps | Martin

5/20/02 Commission Celebrates Asian Pacific American Heritage Month - Guest Speaker Secretary of Transportation, Norman Y. Mineta

5/20/02 FCC's Office of Engineering and Technology Sponsors Presentation on Wireless Ad Hoc Mesh Network Technology, May 29 2002.

5/17/02 New Media Security and Reliability Council Launched to Study and Implement Emergency Media Coordination.
Related Items: Meeting Photos | Presentation | MSRC Links

5/16/02 FCC Begins Proceeding on Sunset of Long Distance Separate Affiliate and Related Requirements for Bell Companies.
News Release: Text | Word | Acrobat

5/16/02 FCC Sets Rulemaking to Establish Remedial Measures for Unexcused Failure to Construct Digital TV Facilities
News Release: Text | Word | Acrobat
Commissioner Abernathy's Statement: Text | Word | Acrobat
Commissioner Copp's Statement: Text | Word | Acrobat
Commissioner Martin's Statement: Text | Word | Acrobat

5/16/02 FCC Adopts Service and Licensing Rules for 27 MHz of Spectrum Reallocated for Non-Government Use.
News Release: Text | Word | Acrobat
Commissioner Abernathy's Statement: Text | Word | Acrobat
Commissioner Copp's Statement: Text | Word | Acrobat

5/16/02 FCC Expands Eligibility for Cable Television Relay Service to All Multichannel Video Programming Distributors.
News Release: Text | Word | Acrobat

5/16/02 Commission Amends Part 15 of its Rules to Facilitate Development of High Speed Wireless Services.
News Release: Text | Word | Acrobat
Commissioner Martin's Statement: Text | Word | Acrobat

5/15/02 FCC Authorizes BellSouth to Provide Long Distance Service in Georgia and Lousiana.
Order (FCC 02-147): Text | Word | Acrobat

5/13/02 Chairman Powell's Statement on U.S. Supreme Court Decision in TELRIC Case.

5/10/02 Media Security and Reliability Council Meeting on Friday, May 17, 10:00 A.M.

5/9/02 FCC to Hold Open Commission Meeting on Thursday, May 16, 2002.

5/8/02 FDA-FCC Cellular Phone and RadioFrequency Energy Website Posted for Public Use and Comment.

5/7/02 FCC Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau Releases Quarterly Report on Complaints and Inquiries Processed. News Release | Quarterly Report

5/1/02 FCC Extends Reply Comment Deadline to June 5 in Triennial Review NPRM Proceeding.
Order (DA 02-991): Text | Acrobat

4/30/02 Chairman Powell's Remarks at the Broadband Technology Summit, U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

4/30/02 FCC Cancels Indian Telecommunications Training Initiative, and Announces the New Indian Telecommunications Initiative.

4/29/02 FCC Takes Steps to Improve the Ability of Public Safety Agencies to Assist Wireless Callers Using Non-Service-Initialized Phones.
Statements: Copps

4/23/02 FCC Extends Reply Comment Deadline to May 8 in Local Radio Ownership and Definition of Radio Markets Proceeding.

4/23/02 FCC Affirms MVDDS Authorization and Adopts Service Rules for the 12.2-12.7 GHz Band.
Statements: Powell & Abernathy Joint Statement | Copps | Martin

4/22/02 FCC Releases Full Text of First Report and Order Regarding Ultra-Wideband Transmission Systems.
Order (FCC 02-48): Text | Word | Acrobat
Statements: Copps | Martin
News Release
Attachment: PowerPoint Presentation

4/19/02 Fox Television Stations, Inc., et al., v. FCC, Petition for Rehearing or Rehearing En Banc, No. 00-1222 (D.C. Cir.)

4/18/02 Ku-Band Satellite Service Moves Forward.
Order (FCC 02-123): Text | Word | Acrobat

4/18/02 FCC Begins Proceeding to Improve Rural Health Care Support Program.
NPRM (FCC 02-122): Text | Word | Acrobat

4/18/02 FCC Authorizes Recovery of Costs for New Technology for TRS Users: Seeks Comment on Methods for Allocating Calls as Interstate or Intrastate.
Statements: Abernathy | Copps

4/17/02 Chairman Powell's Testimony Before the Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, State, and the Judiciary of the Committee on Appropriations, United States House of Representatives, on the FCC's FY2003 Budget Estimates.

4/17/02 Federal Communications Commission Authorizes Verizon to Provide Long Distance Service in Vermont.
Statements: Copps
Order (FCC 02-118): Text | Word | Acrobat

4/11/02 FCC to Hold Open Commission Meeting on Thursday, April 18, 2002.

4/10/02 Joint Press Release and Joint Statement by Commissioners Kevin J. Martin and Michael J. Copps regarding FCC Media Bureau Ruling on EchoStar's "Two-Dish" Plan.

4/10/02 FCC Grants Transfer of Telemundo Communications' TV Stations to NBC.
Statements: Copps
Original Order FCC 02-113: Text | Word | Acrobat
Erratum: Text | Acrobat
Revised Order FCC 02-113: Text | Acrobat

4/9/02 OET Hosts Tutorial on the Security of Wireless Networks.

4/4/02 Chairman Powell's Proposal for Voluntary Industry Actions to Speed the Digital Television Transition.
Cover Letters: Hollings | Tauzin

4/4/02 FCC Media Bureau Rules that EchoStar's "Two-Dish" Plan Violates Law and FCC Rules.
Statements: Commissioners Martin and Copps
Order DA 02-765: Text | Word97 | Acrobat

4/3/02 FCC Grants VoiceStream a Temporary Waiver of Commissions Priority Access Service Rules.
Statements: Copps | Martin
Order FCC 02-84: Text | Word97 | Acrobat

3/29/02 FCC Electronic Filings to be Interrupted: Web Site, Databases, and Telephone Service Will Be Affected.

3/28/02 FCC Announces Creation of Media Security & Reliability Council; Tribune Company President Dennis Fitzsimons to be Chairman.

3/27/02 FCC Announces it Will Refund a Substantial Portion of Certain Auction #35 Down Payments.
Order FCC-02-99: Text | Word | Acrobat

3/27/02 Paul A. Jackson Named Deputy Director in the Office of Legislative Affairs.

3/26/02 Barbara A. Cherry Named Deputy Chief, Office of Plans and Policy.

3/25/02 Reorganization of FCC Bureaus Goes Into Effect Today.
Links to Additional Information.

3/21/02 Comments Requested on the Application by Verizon for Authorization Under Section 271 of The Communications Act to Provide In-region, Interlata Service in the State of Maine.
Public Notice & Attachments: Text | Word | Acrobat

3/20/02 FCC Grants Four Radio Transactions Under Interim Policy; Sets Hearing for Charlottesville, VA Radio Transaction
Statements: Powell | Abernathy | Copps | Martin
Links to Related Orders: See News Release

3/19/02 Chairman Powell's Statement on Withdrawal of Verizon's 271 Application in New Jersey.

3/14/02 Network Reliability and Interoperability Council to Hold Meeting on March 22, 2002.
Public Notice: Text | Word | Acrobat

3/14/02 FCC Classifies Cable Modem Service as "Information Service": Initiates Proceeding to Promote Broadband Deployment and Examine Regulatory Implications of Classification.
Statements: Powell | Abernathy | Copps
FCC 02-77 Order: Text | Word | Acrobat

3/14/02 FCC Explores Options and Alternatives for Improving the Spectrum Environment for Public Safety Operations in the 800 MHz Band.
Statements: Abernathy | Copps | Martin

3/14/02 FCC Updates Merger Review Process: Commission Establishes Expedited Review for Qualifying Transactions.
Statements: Copps

3/14/02 FCC Launches Proceeding to Examine Fees Charged Consumers for Switching their Long Distance Carrier: Commission Seeks to Ensure that Charges are Reasonable.

3/14/02 FCC Opens Proceeding Regarding Mitigation of Orbital Debris.
Statements: Copps

3/12/02 Technological Advisory Council to Hold Meeting on Friday, April 26, 2002.
PowerPoint Presentations:
   - "Digital Content Protection"
   - "How Wireless Networks Scale: The Illusion of Spectrum Scarcity"
   - "IEEE 802.15 TG3 and SG3a"
   - "Software Radio.Enabling Dynamic Spectrum Management"

3/8/02 Mass Media Bureau Extends Comment Deadline in Local Radio Ownership Rulemaking, MM Docket #01-317.

3/8/02 FCC Announces Disposition Of Certain Mail. [Fact Sheet]

3/8/02 FCC Announces Effective Date For Reorganized Bureaus: Initiates New FCC Reform Web Site.

3/8/02 FCC Announces Organization of New Media Bureau.

3/8/02 Federal Communications Commission's Common Carrier Bureau Reorganized Along Functional Lines.

3/8/02 Federal Communications Commission Announces Reorganization of the International Bureau.

3/8/02 Wireless Bureau To Assume All Regulatory Duties Associated With ITFS and MDS/MMDS Services.

3/8/02 Consumer And Governmental Affairs Bureau Launched; New Bureau Has Expanded Policy And Intergovernmental Affairs Roles.

3/8/02 FCC Enforcement Bureau Announces Reorganization Structure.

3/8/02 International Bureau Announces Two Senior Appointments: Richard Engelman and Jacquelynn Ruff Join Office of the Bureau Chief.

3/8/02 Media Bureau Chief Ken Ferree Names Deborah Klein As Chief of Staff of New Bureau.

3/7/02 FCC to Hold Open Commission Meeting on Thursday, March 14, 2002.

3/6/02 Remarks of Chairman Powell at Competitive Telecommunications Association's (CompTel) Annual Convention and Trade Exposition in Miami, Florida on March 4th.

3/6/02 Commissioner Martin Announces Staff Changes.

3/4/02 Chairman Powell's Statement on U.S. Supreme Court Decision to Take Up Nextwave Case.

3/1/02 Carrier Transition Reports for Implementation of the 911 Abbreviated Dialing Code Pursuant to the Wireless Communications and Public Safety Act of 1999, CC Docket No. 92-105, WT Docket No. 00-110.

2/22/02 FCC Authorizes Verizon to Provide Long Distance Service in Rhode Island.
Statements: Copps | Martin
FCC 02-63 Order: Text | Word | Acrobat
FCC 02-63 Appendix B: Text | Word | Acrobat
FCC 02-63 Appendix C: Text | Word | Acrobat

2/14/02 Comments requested on Verizon's ex parte filing announcing modified unbundled switching rates in Rhode Island, in the proceeding considering Verizon's section 271 application for Rhode Island.
Public Notice: Text | Acrobat
Verizon's Exparte Notice: Text | Acrobat

2/14/02 FCC Seeks Comment on Procedures to Allocate and License Non-reserved Spectrum in Which Applicants for Noncommercial Educational Broadcast Station Licenses Have an Interest.
Second Further NPRM, FCC 02-44: Text | Word | Acrobat

2/14/02 FCC Takes Next Step to Reform Universal Service Fund Contribution System: Comments Sought on Connection-Based System to Provide Certainty, Reduce Administrative Costs and Avoid Marketplace Distortions.
Statements: Martin

2/14/02 Uniform System for Filing Informal Complaints Proposed: Change would promote efficiency and predictability for consumers and service providers.
Statements: Abernathy | Copps | Martin
MO&O and NPRM: Text | Word | Acrobat

2/14/02 FCC Launches Proceeding to Promote Widespread Deployment of High-speed Broadband Internet Access Services.
Statements: Powell | Abernathy | Copps | Martin

2/14/02 New Public Safety Applications and Broadband Internet Access Among Uses Envisioned By FCC Auhorization of Ultra-Wideband Technology.
Statements: Copps | Martin
Order (FCC 02-48): Text | Word | Acrobat

2/14/02 FCC Designates 4.9 GHz Band for Use in Support of Public Safety and Proposes Licensing and Service Rules.
Statements: Abernathy | Martin

2/14/02 Commission Proposes to Reform Satellite Licensing Procedures.
Statements: Abernathy

2/14/02 Due to a scheduled electrical power outage, the FCC Wireless website will be down from 5 p.m. ET Thursday, February 14 until 6 am ET Friday, February 15, 2002. We apologize for any inconvenience.

2/12/02 The FCC is currently performing some unscheduled maintenance on several web servers. Numerous FCC applications will be unavailable until noon on February 13. Alternate links may be available.

2/12/02 Letter from Chairman Powell to Computer Science and Telecommunications Board on recently released report
CSTB Report: "Broadband: Bringing Home the Bits"

2/12/02 Paul Kolodzy to be Appointed OET Senior Spectrum Policy Advisor and Chair, FCC Spectrum Policy Task Force.

2/8/02 FCC Consumer Information Bureau Releases Quarterly Report on Complaints and Inquiries Processed Fourth Quarter Calendar Year 2001.
News Release

2/7/02 FCC to Hold Open Commission Meeting on Thursday, February 14, 2002.

2/7/02 FCC Releases Report on the Availability of High-Speed and Advanced Telecommunications Capability: Report on High-Speed and Advanced Telecommunications Services Shows Nearly Ten Million Subscribers.
Statements: Powell | Abernathy | Copps | Martin
Third Report FCC 02-33: Text | Acrobat

2/6/02 Mass Media Bureau Announces Window Filing Opportunity for Certain Pending Requests for New NTSC Television Stations on Channels 52-59.
Public Notice DA 02-270: Text | Acrobat

2/4/02 FCC Budget of $278,092,000 Proposed for Fiscal Year 2003. [ News Release | Budget Document ]

2/4/02 Fact Sheet on Anthrax Testing.

2/1/02 FCC Establishes New Website For Its Homeland Security Policy Council.

1/31/02 Statement of K. Dane Snowden, Chief of the FCC's Consumer Information Bureau, on Federal Trade Commission's Proposal to Change Telemarketing Rules.
FCC Factsheet: Unwanted Telephone Marketing Calls
FTC Web Site: Proposed National "DO NOT CALL" Registry

1/18/02 FCC Reallocates and Adopts Service Rules for Television Channels 52-59.
Statements: Copps | Martin
Order (FCC 01-364): Text | Word | Acrobat
Erratum (DA-02-269): Text | Word | Acrobat

1/18/02 FCC Proposes $6 Million Fine Against SBC Communications, Inc.
Order: Text | Word97 | Acrobat

1/17/02 Comments Requested on the Application by Verizon for Authorization Under Section 271 of The Communications Act to Provide In-region, Interlata Service in the State of Vermont.
Public Notice: Text | Word | Acrobat

1/17/02 Edmond J. Thomas to be Appointed Chief of the Office of Engineering and Technology.

1/17/02 FCC Approves Reorganization Portion of Reform Effort: Media, Wireline Competition, and Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureaus Established; International Bureau Realigned.

1/17/02 Presentations from the FCC Open Commission Meeting.

1/16/02 OET/Corning Offer Tutorial on Optical Communications.

1/10/02 FCC to Hold Open Commission Meeting on Thursday, January 17, 2002.

1/4/02 Qwest Communications Chairman and CEO Joseph Nacchio Assumes Chair of Network Reliability and Interoperability Council.

1/2/02 FCC Allocates Additional Spectrum for New Wireless Services.
Order FCC 01-382: Text | Acrobat