The Office of Native Affairs and Policy (ONAP) was established by FCC Order in 2010 to further the Commission's efforts to bring the benefits of modern communications to all Native communities. ONAP assists the Commission in developing policies and programs to address the lack of adequate communications services on Tribal lands nationwide. ONAP plans and leads the Commission's outreach to Tribal governments and organizations, with the objective of increasing their awareness of, and participation in, Commission programs and proceedings. These efforts include disseminating information about Commission initiatives, and ensuring Native views and interests are heard in the decision-making process. ONAP is also responsible for overseeing the work of the Native Nations Communications Task Force.

Mission, Priorities and Staff

ONAP has a dedicated staff that maintains an active Tribal consultation, engagement and outreach program in support of the Commission's efforts to close the digital divide, including on Tribal lands. The ONAP team:

  • Ensures robust government-to-government consultation with federally recognized Tribes, Alaska Native Villages, and Native Hawaiian Organizations, pursuant to the Commission’s Statement of Policy on Establishing a Government-to-Government Relationship with Indian Tribes.
  • Works with Commissioners, Bureaus, and Offices, as well as with other government agencies and private organizations, to develop and implement policies for assisting Native communities.
  • Conducts regional and national Tribal consultation and Tribal training workshops to help build understanding and knowledge of FCC policies and programs that can spur deployment of communications infrastructure and services in historically unserved or underserved Native communities.
  • Regularly represents the Commission at national and regional inter-Tribal conferences.
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Support for Tribal Libraries

The FCC's E-Rate program provides discounts to eligible schools and libraries, including Tribal libraries.

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Broadband Data Collection (BDC) Mapping

Access the map and learn how to help ensure that the FCC’s Broadband Map is accurate on Tribal lands.

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Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP)

The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) provides eligible Tribal households with an enhanced discount on broadband service and connected devices.

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Native Nations Communications Task Force

The Native Nations Communications Task Force (NNCTF) provides guidance, expertise, and recommendations on telecommunications issues affecting Tribes.

Monday, March 17, 2025