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Title US WRC Preliminary views submitted to CITEL PCC II US WRC Proposals submitted to CITEL PCC II
1.1 to consider, based on the results of the ITU R studies, possible measures to address, in the frequency band 4 800-4 990 MHz, protection of stations of the aeronautical and maritime mobile services located in international airspace and waters from other stations located within national territories, and to review the pfd criteria in No. 5.441B in accordance with Resolution 223 (Rev.WRC-19)

Submitted 2020-11-09


1.2 to consider identification of the frequency bands 3 300-3 400 MHz, 3 600-3 800 MHz, 6 425-7 025 MHz, 7 025-7 125 MHz and 10.0-10.5 GHz for International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT), including possible additional allocations to the mobile service on a primary basis, in accordance with Resolution 245 (WRC-19)

Submitted 2020-11-09









Submitted 2022-03-29


Submitted 2022-10-7


1.3 to consider primary allocation of the band 3 600-3 800 MHz to mobile service within Region 1 and take appropriate regulatory actions, in accordance with Resolution 246 (WRC-19)

Submitted 2020-11-09



Submitted 2023-5-1

1.4 to consider, in accordance with Resolution 247 (WRC-19), the use of high-altitude platform stations as IMT base stations (HIBS) in the mobile service in certain frequency bands below 2.7 GHz already identified for IMT, on a global or regional level

Submitted 2020-11-09



Submitted 2022-10-7


1.5 to review the spectrum use and spectrum needs of existing services in the frequency band 470-960 MHz in Region 1 and consider possible regulatory actions in the frequency band 470-​694 MHz in Region 1 on the basis of the review in accordance with Resolution 235 (WRC-15)

Submitted 2020-11-09



Submitted 2022-10-7


1.6 to consider, in accordance with Resolution 772 (WRC-19), regulatory provisions to facilitate radiocommunications for sub-orbital vehicles

Submitted 2020-11-09



Submitted 2022-10-7

1.7 to consider a new aeronautical mobile-satellite (R) service (AMS(R)S) allocation in accordance with Resolution 428 (WRC-19) for both the Earth-to-space and space-to-Earth directions of aeronautical VHF communications in all or part of the frequency band 117.975-137 MHz, while preventing any undue constraints on existing VHF systems operating in the AM(R)S, the ARNS, and in adjacent frequency bands

Submitted 2021-03-12


Submitted 2022-03-23


Submitted 2022-10-7

Submitted 2023-8-8

1.8 ​to consider, on the basis of ITU R studies in accordance with Resolution 171 (WRC-19), appropriate regulatory actions, with a view to reviewing and, if necessary, revising Resolution 155 (Rev.WRC-19) and No. 5.484B to accommodate the use of fixed-satellite service (FSS) networks by control and non-payload communications of unmanned aircraft systems

Submitted 2020-11-09



Submitted 2022-10-7

Submitted 2023-8-8 

1.9 ​to review Appendix 27 of the Radio Regulations and consider appropriate regulatory actions and updates based on ITU R studies, in order to accommodate digital technologies for commercial aviation safety-of-life applications in existing HF bands allocated to the aeronautical mobile (route) service and ensure coexistence of current HF systems alongside modernized HF systems, in accordance with Resolution 429 (WRC-19)

Submitted 2020-11-09



Submitted 2023-5-1

1.10 ​​to conduct studies on spectrum needs, coexistence with radiocommunication services and regulatory measures for possible new allocations for the aeronautical mobile service for the use of non-safety aeronautical mobile applications, in accordance with Resolution 430 (WRC-19)  

Submitted 2022-10-7

1.11 to consider possible regulatory actions to support the modernization of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System and the implementation of e navigation, in accordance with Resolution 361 (Rev.WRC-​19)

Submitted 2020-11-09



Submitted 2022-10-7

 Submitted 2023-5-1

1.12 to conduct, and complete in time for WRC-23, studies for a possible new secondary allocation to the Earth exploration-satellite (active) service for spaceborne radar sounders within the range of frequencies around 45 MHz, taking into account the protection of incumbent services, including in adjacent bands, in accordance with Resolution 656 (Rev.WRC-19)

Submitted 2021-10-25


1.13 to consider a possible upgrade of the allocation of the frequency band 14.8-15.35 GHz to the space research service, in accordance with Resolution 661 (WRC-​19)

Submitted 2020-11-09



Submitted 2023-5-1

1.14 to review and consider possible adjustments of the existing or possible new primary frequency allocations to EESS (passive) in the frequency range 231.5-252 GHz, to ensure alignment with more up-to-date remote-sensing observation requirements, in accordance with Resolution 662 (WRC-​19)

Submitted 2020-11-09


1.15 to harmonize the use of the frequency band 12.75-13.25 GHz (Earth-to-space) by earth stations on aircraft and vessels communicating with geostationary space stations in the fixed-satellite service globally, in accordance with Resolution 172 (WRC-​19)

Submitted 2020-11-09



Submitted 2023-5-1

1.16 to study and develop technical, operational and regulatory measures, as appropriate, to facilitate the use of the frequency bands 17.7-18.6 GHz and 18.8-19.3 GHz and 19.7-20.2 GHz (space-to-Earth) and 27.5-29.1 GHz and 29.5-30 GHz (Earth-to-space) by non-GSO FSS earth stations in motion, while ensuring due protection of existing services in those frequency bands, in accordance with Resolution 173 (WRC-​19)

Submitted 2020-11-09



Submitted 2023-5-1

Submitted 2023-8-8 

1.17 to determine and carry out, on the basis of the ITU R studies in accordance with Resolution 773 (WRC-19), the appropriate regulatory actions for the provision of inter-satellite links in specific frequency bands, or portions thereof, by adding an inter-satellite service allocation where appropriate

Submitted 2021-10-25


Submitted 2023-5-1

Submitted 2023-8-8

1.18 to consider studies relating to spectrum needs and potential new allocations to the mobile-satellite service for future development of narrowband mobile-satellite systems, in accordance with Resolution 248 (WRC-19)

Submitted 2021-03-17


Submitted 2022-03-23


1.19 to consider a new primary allocation to the fixed-satellite service in the space-to-Earth direction in the frequency band 17.3-17.7 GHz in Region 2, while protecting existing primary services in the band, in accordance with Resolution 174 (WRC-​19)

Submitted 2020-11-09



Submitted 2022-10-7

2 to examine the revised ITU R Recommendations incorporated by reference in the Radio Regulations communicated by the Radiocommunication Assembly, in accordance with further resolves of Resolution 27 (Rev.WRC-​19), and to decide whether or not to update the corresponding references in the Radio Regulations, in accordance with the principles contained in resolves of that Resolution    
3 to consider such consequential changes and amendments to the Radio Regulations as may be necessitated by the decisions of the conference    
4 in accordance with Resolution 95 (Rev.WRC-​19), to review the Resolutions and Recommendations of previous conferences with a view to their possible revision, replacement or abrogation  

Submitted 2022-10-7

Submitted 2023-5-1

5 to review, and take appropriate action on, the Report from the Radiocommunication Assembly submitted in accordance with Nos. 135 and 136 of the Convention    
6 to identify those items requiring urgent action by the radiocommunication study groups in preparation for the next world radiocommunication conference    
7 to consider possible changes, in response to Resolution 86 (Rev. Marrakesh, 2002) of the Plenipotentiary Conference, on advance publication, coordination, notification and recording procedures for frequency assignments pertaining to satellite networks, in accordance with Resolution 86 (Rev.WRC-​07), in order to facilitate the rational, efficient and economical use of radio frequencies and any associated orbits, including the geostationary-satellite orbit

Submitted 2021-10-25


Submitted 2022-10-7

Submitted 2023-5-1




Submitted 2023-8-8 

8 ​to consider and take appropriate action on requests from administrations to delete their country footnotes or to have their country name deleted from footnotes, if no longer required, taking into account Resolution 26 (Rev.WRC-19)    
9.1 Issue a In accordance with Resolution 657 (Rev.WRC-​19), review the results of studies relating to the technical and operational characteristics, spectrum requirements and appropriate radio service designations for space weather sensors with a view to describing appropriate recognition and protection in the Radio Regulations without placing additional constraints on incumbent services

Submitted 2021-10-25


Submitted 2023-5-1

9.1 Issue b ​​​​R​eview of the amateur service and the amateur-satellite service allocations in the frequency band 1 240 1 300 MHz to determine if additional measures are required to ensure protection of the radionavigation-satellite (space-to-Earth) service operating in the same band in accordance with Resolution 774 (WRC-19)

Submitted 2020-11-09



Submitted 2023-5-1

9.1 Issue c ​​Study the use of International Mobile Telecommunication system for fixed wireless broadband in the frequency bands allocated to the fixed services on primary basis, in accordance with Resolution 175 (WRC-​19)  

Submitted 2022-10-7

9.1 Issue d ​Protection of EESS (passive) in the frequency band 36-37 GHz from non-GSO FSS space stations

Submitted 2021-10-25


Submitted 2023-5-1

9.2 on any difficulties or inconsistencies encountered in the application of the Radio Regulations; and (This agenda sub-item is strictly limited to the Report of the Director on any difficulties or inconsistencies encountered in the application of the Radio Regulations and the comments from administrations. Administrations are invited to inform the Director of the Radiocommunication Bureau of any difficulties or inconsistencies encountered in the Radio Regulations.)​  

Submitted 2023-8-14



9.3 ​on action in response to Resolution 80 (Rev.WRC-​07)    
10 to recommend to the Council items for inclusion in the agenda for the next WRC, and items for the preliminary agenda of future conferences, in accordance with Article 7 of the Convention and Resolution 804 (Rev.WRC-​19)  

Submitted 2023-5-1


Submitted 2023-8-8


Submitted 2023-8-11

Submitted 2023-8-14


Submitted 2023-8-18 

Submitted 2023-8-28


Submitted 2023-8-29


Monday, November 9, 2020